Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200430
P. 31

locAl           Thursday 30 april 2020

            How We Can Move On

            By  Carlos  Viana,  Board  last week, the United States  20% of the population. Ac-    many  working  in  the  tour-
            Certified  Clinical  Nutrition-  has a reported, so far, the  cording  to  preliminary  re-  ism  sector,  with  high  pos-
            ist (US)), Traditional Oriental  highest  of  any  country,  at  sults described by NY Gov.  sibility  of  exposure  to  the
            Medical Doctor (China)       18.8%2.                      Andrew  M.  Cuomo  on  23  novel  corona  virus!    If,  at
                                         Encouraging       reported  April 2020, it was suggested  conservative  figures,  20%
            ORANJESTAD — Most of us  news,  is  that  most  people  that the virus had spread far  percent  of  working  Aru-
            have done our social duty  who fall sick with COVID-19  more widely than known4.       bans  have  already  devel-
            by self-isolating, quarantin-  will  experience  mild  to                              oped  antibodies  to  CO-
            ing,  and  staying-at-home.  moderate  symptoms  and  Here in Aruba, the popula-       VID19,  we  could  test  and  can  Health  Organization.
            As  of  the  latest  figures  for  recover  without  special  tion today is 106,683.5   As-  send  those  15,000  workers  Understandable,  however,
            Aruba,  1,626  people  have  treatment3.  One  of  every  suming  the  "working  age"  back to work immediately!    laboratories  in  Aruba  al-
            been  tested  of  which  100  five New York City residents  population   is   between  The      recommendation  ready  have  sophisticated
            tested positive for COVID19  tested, showed positive for  15  and  64  years  old,  this  here  is  to  start  testing  em-  computerized   programs,
            and 1,526 tested negative.  antibodies  to  the  corona-  is  70.3%6.    That  would  be  ployed  individuals  for  CO-  with  private  data  portals,
            However,  most  probably  virus. One of five people is  close  to  74,998  people,  VID19  antibodies.  There  that could quickly and ac-
            they were tested for the ac-                                                           are  laboratories  here  in  curately forward the need-
            tive  infection  which  is  the   Citations                                            Aruba already prepared to  ed information to PAHO or
            Immunoglobulin  M  (IgM).     1.      start  testing  and  there  are  our  local  office  to  be  sent
            If they had been tested for       d&q=covid19+mortality+netherlands                    more  antibody  tests  that  on.  If, Health Information is
            Immunoglobulin G (IgG), it    2.       are  in  warehouses  wait-   human right, all vulnerable
            would indicate which peo-         dex.htm                                              ing  for  the  Aruban  Public  and  working  individuals  in
            ple had already developed     3.                   Health   bureaucracy    to  our  community  should  be
            COVID19 immunity.                 coronavirus#tab=tab_1                                permit  testing.  The  World  tested  as  quickly  as  pos-
                                          4.         Health Organization (WHO)  sible.  We have the right to
            Of  those  who  tested  posi-     coronavirus-antibodies-test-ny.html                  states  that  “health-related  have an antibody test that
            tive  and  got  COVID19  se-  5.      information”  is  a  human  could indicate many of us
            vere  symptoms,  two  died,       aruba-population/                                    right7.  We  heard  the  ‘rea-  are  safe  to  return  to  work.
            which is a mortality rate of   6.           son’ for the hold up on this  Thus,  urging  the  Aruban
            2%, one of the lowest world-  7.        testing,  is  that  it  must  be  public  Health  Department
            wide.  The  Netherlands  re-      tail/human-rights-and-health                         centralized  to  send  data  to make testing ability a pri-
            ported  11.7%1,  and,  as  of                                                          to  PAHO,  the  Pan-  Ameri-  ority. q

              Your favorite hotel staff

              ORANJESTAD — We are far away  to find this person and make sure
              but still connected through Aruba  she  or  he  will  get  this  message.
              Today! We know many of you as  Many of them may have lost their
              our loyal readers and friends and  job or do not know when they will
              we  know  you  just  love  Aruba’s  restart  their  work.  They  must  miss
              hospitality. The most striking is that  you and the daily interaction that
              all of you mention the great ser-  is why we would like to reach out
              vice and the bond with the waiter,  and make a connection.
              the  receptionist  or  other  staff  in  Send  your  text  and  picture  to:
              the hotel and restaurants.         You
                                                 may also send us a PM on Face-
              We have asked you to send us a  book  but  pictures  are  best  by
              picture  of  that  favorite  waiter  or  email.
              housekeeper  or  other  hotel  staff  Today we share a wonderful mes-                                    “My husband and I are wondering
              together with a personal message  sage from Paula Phillips who is a                                      how Edwin and his wonderful staff
              to them to publish this in our news-  fan of Costa Linda Beach Resort &                                  are doing. We are keeping them
              paper. We will also do our utmost  restaurant Water’s Edge.q                                             in our prayers and thoughts.”
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