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             Wednesday 15 February 2023
            Latest downed objects could well be ‘benign,’ U.S. says

            Continued from Front                                                                                                a  bunch  of  junk  up  there.
                                                                                                                                So  you  got  to  figure  out
            First,  U.S.  fighter  jets  didn’t                                                                                 what’s  the  threat,  what’s
            shoot  down  what  officials                                                                                        not.  You  see  something,
            described  as  a  Chinese                                                                                           you shouldn’t always have
            spy balloon until after had                                                                                         to shoot it down,” Graham
            crossed much of the United                                                                                          said.  Biden  has  ordered
            States,  citing  safety  con-                                                                                       National  Security  Adviser
            cerns.  Then  the  military                                                                                         Jake Sullivan to form an in-
            deployed F-22 fighters with                                                                                         teragency  team  to  study
            heat-seeking   missiles   to                                                                                        the detection, analysis and
            quickly  shoot  down  what                                                                                          “disposition  of  unidentified
            likely  were  harmless  ob-                                                                                         aerial  objects”  that  could
            jects.                                                                                                              pose either safety or secu-
            Taken together, the actions                                                                                         rity risks. The recent objects
            raised  political  as  well  as                                                                                     have  also  drawn  the  at-
            security  questions,  about                                                                                         tention of world leaders in-
            whether  the  Biden  admin-                                                                                         cluding  in  Canada,  where
            istration  overreacted  after                                                                                       one was shot down on Sat-
            facing Republican criticism                                                                                         urday,  and  in  the  United
            for  reacting  too  slowly  to                                                                                      Kingdom, where the prime
            the big balloon.                                                                                                    minister  has  ordered  a  se-
            Even  as  more  information   National  Security  Council  spokesman  John  Kirby  speaks  during  a  press  briefing  at  the  White   curity review.
            about  the  three  objects   House, Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, in Washington.                                           Japan’s  Defense  Ministry
            emerges, questions remain                                                                          Associated Press   said  Tuesday  that  at  least
            about what they were, who  of Michigan on Lake Huron.  Kirby said. They do not ap-     for  a  classified  briefing  on  three flying objects spotted
            sent them and how the U.S.  So far, officials have no indi-  pear to have been operat-  the  shootdowns.  Lawmak-   in Japanese airspace since
            might respond to unidenti-   cation they were part of a  ed by the U.S. government.    ers  conveyed  concerns  2019  are  strongly  believed
            fied airborne objects in the  bigger  surveillance  opera-  Kirby  had  hinted  Mon-   from   their   constituents  to have been Chinese spy
            future. Still unaddressed are  tion along with the balloon  day that the three objects  about  a  need  to  keep  balloons.
            questions  about  the  origi-  that that was shot down off  were  different  in  substan-  them  informed  and  came  Meanwhile,  U.S.  officials
            nal balloon, including what  the  South  Carolina  coast  tive  ways  from  the  bal-  away  assured  the  objects  confirmed that a first missile
            spying  capabilities  it  had  on Feb. 4.                 loon, including in their size.  were  not  extraterrestrial  in  aimed  at  the  object  over
            and  whether  it  was  trans-  “We  don’t  see  anything  And his comments Tuesday  nature  but  wanting  many  Lake Huron landed instead
            mitting  signals  as  it  flew  that  points  right  now  to  marked  a  clear  effort  by  more details.           in the water, but that a sec-
            over  sensitive  military  sites  being  part  of  the  PRC  spy  the White House to draw a  Still, Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C.,  ond one hit the target.
            in the United States.        balloon  program,”  Kirby  line  between  the  balloon,  said  the  successful  recent  Gen.  Mark  Milley,  chair-
            Little  is  known  about  the  told  reporters,  referring  to  which officials believe was  interceptions  were  likely  man  of  the  Joint  Chiefs  of
            three  objects  shot  down  the  People’s  Republic  of  part  of  a  Chinese  military  to  have  a  “calming  influ-  Staff, said the military went
            over three successive days,  China. It’s also not likely the  program that has operated  ence”  and  make  future  to “great lengths” to make
            from  Friday  to  Sunday,  in  objects  were  “intelligence  over  five  continents,  and  shootdowns less likely.  sure none of the strikes put
            part  because  it’s  been  collection against the Unit-   objects that the administra-  Sen.  Lindsey  Graham,  R-  civilians  at  risk,  including
            challenging to recover de-   ed  States  of  any  kind  —  tion thinks could simply be  S.C., told reporters after the  identifying what the debris
            bris  from  remote  locations  that’s the indication now.”  part  of  some  research  or  briefing that he didn’t think  field  size  was  likely  to  be
            in  the  Canadian  Yukon,  No country or private com-     commercial effort.           the objects posed a threat.  and  the  maximum  effec-
            off  northern  Alaska  and  pany has come forward to  In  Washington,  Pentagon  “They’re  trying  to  figure  tive  range  of  the  missiles
            near  the  Upper  Peninsula  claim  any  of  the  objects,  officials  met  with  senators  out  —  you  know  there’s  used.q

                                                                      Open hearts, helping hands: Jill Biden’s

                                                                      valentine to U.S.

                                                                      lady  Jill  Biden  celebrates  the  executive  mansion  as  on Jan. 30. The 3- to 5-year-
                                                                      Valentine's Day.             a  corner  of  the  East  Wing  old children are enrolled at
                                                                      Three  large  hearts,  one  entrance is decorated with  Fort Drum South Riva Ridge
                                                                      with  the  message,  "Reach  three  more  large  hearts,  Child  Development  Cen-
                                                                      Out with Open Hearts and  all printed with "Love," and  ter.
                                                                      Helping  Hands  this  Valen-  replicas  of  the  dog  and  The  visit  was  part  of  her
                                                                      tine's Day," and two others  cat.  Hearts  bearing  the  Joining  Forces  initiative  to
                                                                      featuring handprints are on  children's  handprints  have  support  military  and  veter-
                                                                      display on the north lawn in  been  strung  together  and  an families and their care-
                                                                      view of television cameras  hung in a window for visitors  givers.
            Valentine's  Day  decorations  adorn  the  White  House  lawn,
            Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, in Washington.                    where  White  House  corre-  taking public tours to see.  Valentine's  Day  is  one  of
                                                     Associated Press   spondents  stand  for  their  The  first  lady  and  the  chil-  the first lady's favorite holi-
                                                                      live reports.                dren worked on the "heart"  days.  She  also  displayed
            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        dren  pressed  onto  paper  Cut-outs  of  dog  Com-       projects  when  she  visited  Valentine's  Day  messages
            Associated Press             hearts  are  decorating  a  mander and cat Willow are  the U.S. Army Garrison Fort  at the White House in 2021
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  corner  inside  the  White  also part of the display.        Drum,  New  York,  home  of  and 2022.q
            handprints  of  military  chil-  House and the lawn as first  The theme continues inside  the 10th Mountain Division,
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