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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 15 February 2023

            Pence to fight special counsel subpoena on 2020 election

            By JILL COLVIN and           probe  focused  on  Trump's   as  the  technical  presid-
            ERIC TUCKER                  actions.                     ing  officer  of  the  Senate,
            Associated Press             The decision to try to fight   making  the  officeholder  in
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For-    the  subpoena,  which  was   some  respects  a  member
            mer  Vice  President  Mike  first  reported  by  Politico,   of the chamber.
            Pence  is  planning  to  fight  marks a change in posture   But he said that not every-
            a  subpoena  by  the  spe-   from  Pence,  who  has  co-  thing  a  member  does  is
            cial  counsel  overseeing  operated  with  the  Justice   protected  by  the  speech-
            investigations  into  efforts  Department  as  it  investi-  or-debate  clause  and  it
            by  former  President  Don-  gates how documents with     is  debatable  whether  the
            ald  Trump and  his  allies  to  classified  markings  ended   vice president's role in cer-
            overturn  the  results  of  the  up at his Indiana home af-  tifying  the  election,  which
            2020  election,  according  ter  the  end  of  the  Trump   involves  a  mix  of  constitu-
            to  people  familiar  with  his  administration.  He  permit-  tional  and  senatorial  func-
            thinking.                    ted  the  FBI  to  search  the   tions, would be protected.
            Pence  and  his  attorneys  property last week.           In any event, Pence's argu-  Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks during an interview
            are  planning  to  cite  con-  Even  if  his  objection  is  ulti-  ment  would  likely  serve  to   with The Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2022, in New York.
            stitutional  grounds  as  they  mately  rebuffed  from  the   limit  the  scope  of  his  testi-                                Associated Press
            prepare  to  resist  special  courts,   an   antagonistic   mony rather than to block
            counsel Jack Smith's efforts  posture could allow Pence   it altogether, he said.      said.                        Pence  was  presiding  over
            to  compel  his  testimony  to  argue  that  he  tried  to   "I don't think the speech or  Trump  supporters,  driven  the  certification  of  Biden's
            before  a  grand  jury.  They  fight  the  Justice  Depart-  debate clause would be a  by  the  lie  that  the  elec-  victory.  The  vice  president
            argue that because Pence  ment — a potentially useful     basis for quashing the sub-  tion  was  stolen,  brutally  was  steered  to  safety  with
            was  serving  in  his  role  as  position in a GOP primary,   poena altogether. It would  pushed  past  the  police  his staff and family as some
            president of the Senate on  as many in the Republican     be a basis for objecting to  and  smashed  through  the  in the mob chanted, "Hang
            Jan. 6, 2021 as he presided  base  have  grown  distrust-  particular  questions,"  he  windows  and  doors  while  Mike Pence!"q
            over a joint session of Con-  ful of federal law enforce-
            gress to certify the election  ment, in part due to Trump's
            results, he is protected from  drumbeat of criticism. And
            being forced to address his  it  could  delay  the  spe-
            actions under the Constitu-  cial  counsel  probe,  which
            tion's  "speech-or-debate"  Smith  is  working  to  rapidly
            clause  that  shields  mem-  advance.
            bers of Congress.            Pence  has  spoken  ex-
            "I think he views it as essen-  tensively  about  Trump's
            tial  protection  of  his  Con-  pressure  campaign  urg-
            stitutional  role,"  said  Marc  ing  him  to  reject  President
            Short,  a  close  adviser  to  Joe  Biden's  victory  in  the
            Pence  who  served  as  his  days leading up to Jan. 6,
            White House chief of staff.  including  in  his  book,  "So
            Short  compared  Pence's  Help  Me  God."  Pence,  as
            position to the one he took  vice president, had a cere-
            on Jan. 6 when he refused  monial role overseeing the
            to  go  along  with  Trump's  counting  of  the  Electoral
            unconstitutional scheme to  College  vote,  but  did  not
            try to overturn the results of  have the power to impact
            the  2020  election,  as  well  the results.
            as  Pence's  rejection  of  us-  Pence's  decision  to  resist
            ing  the  25th  Amendment  the  subpoena  also  came
            to  remove  Trump  from  of-  after  extensive  back-and-
            fice in the aftermath.       forth  between  his  lawyers
            "The  vice  president  of  the  and  the  special  counsel's
            United  State  is  the  presi-  office, according to a per-
            dent of the Senate and the  son familiar with the discus-
            fact is the functions of Jan.  sions who spoke on condi-
            6 were specific to that role,"  tion of anonymity to discuss
            he said of Pence, who has  the  closed-door  negotia-
            been  laying  the  ground-   tions.
            work for a likely presidential  The  Justice  Department
            campaign  that  would  put  declined to comment Tues-
            him  in  direct  competition  day on Pence's plans.
            against his former boss.     Pence  is  expected  to  ad-
            Whether    Pence's   argu-   dress the issue in more de-
            ments will succeed in limit-  tail  during  a  visit  to  Iowa
            ing  or  altogether  avoiding  Wednesday  as  he  inches
            grand  jury  testimony  is  un-  closer  to  a  likely  presiden-
            clear,  but  the  Justice  De-  tial run.
            partment  is  expected  to  Richard  Levy,  a  constitu-
            oppose  those  efforts  and  tional  law  professor  at  the
            to make the case that the  University of Kansas, said it
            former vice president's co-  is  true  that  the  vice  presi-
            operation  is  essential  for  a  dent is in a unique position
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