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                        Friday 12 July 2024
            Wildfire risk rises as Western states dry out amid protracted heat wave

                                         ately threatened but some  or  greater.  The  tempera-    ing cold water, bus passes  2-year-old  and  a  baby  in
            Continued from Front         residents  were  told  to  pre-  ture hit 115 shortly before 1  and  rides  to  cooling  sta-  separate  incidents,  and  in
                                         pare  for  possible  evacu-  p.m. at Harry Reid Interna-  tions  to  homeless  people  Nebraska,  Omaha  police
            "Our winds and the recent  ations.  The  40  mph  (64  tional  Airport,  and  it  could  and anyone else in need.   say a boy died after being
            heat  wave  have  exacer-    kph)  wind  speeds  were  get  hotter  still  before  the  In California, officials in the  left in an SUV.
            bated the issue, consuming  a  concern  for  firefight-   sun  goes  down.  It  extends  Silicon  Valley  county  of  The  U.S.  heat  wave  came
            thousands of acres. So we  ers,  Maui  Fire  Department  a newly broken record set  Santa Clara are investigat-     as  the  global  tempera-
            need to be extra cautious."                                                                                         ture  in  June  was  a  record
            California  crews  working                                                                                          warm  for  the  13th  straight
            in  scorching  temperatures                                                                                         month  and  marked  the
            and    single-digit   humid-                                                                                        12th  straight  month  that
            ity were battling numerous                                                                                          the world was 1.5 degrees
            wildfires  Thursday,  includ-                                                                                       Celsius  (2.7  degrees  Fahr-
            ing  a  stubborn  53-square-                                                                                        enheit) warmer than pre-in-
            mile (137-square-kilometer)                                                                                         dustrial times, the European
            blaze that prompted evac-                                                                                           climate  service  Coperni-
            uation orders for about 200                                                                                         cus said. Most of this heat,
            homes  in  the  mountains                                                                                           trapped by human-caused
            of  Santa  Barbara  County                                                                                          climate  change,  is  from
            northwest of Los Angeles. It                                                                                        long-term  warming  from
            was 16% contained.                                                                                                  greenhouse gases emitted
            California's  fires  began  in                                                                                      by  the  burning  of  coal,  oil
            earnest  in  early  June,  fol-                                                                                     and  natural  gas,  scientists
            lowing  back-to-back  wet                                                                                           say.
            winters  that  pulled  the                                                                                          "Climate  change  is  real,"
            state  out  of  drought  but                                                                                        California Gov. Gavin New-
            spawned  abundant  grass-                                                                                           som said at a news confer-
            es  that  have  since  dried                                                                                        ence  Wednesday.  "Those
            out.  A  June  blitz  of  light-                                                                                    extremes  are  here  present
            ning  ignited  some  of  the                                                                                        every day in the great state
            fires, a risk that may return                                                                                       of California."
            with thunderstorms in the Si-                                                                                       Newsom said the state was
            erra Nevada this weekend,                                                                                           prepared to fight the con-
            forecasters said.                                                                                                   flagrations.
            Fire  crews  in  Oregon  con-                                                                                       Cal Fire uses 1,100 cameras
            tinued Thursday to fight the                                                                                        and  artificial  intelligence
            Larch Creek Fire, which has                                                                                         to  spot  fires.  The  agency
            grown to 16.6 square miles                                                                                          also has the largest fire sup-
            (43  square  kilometers)  of                                                                                        pression aircraft fleet in the
            grassy  areas  since  Tues-  Mark Paulson, a Public Response and Code Enforcement officer, checks on Deb Billet, 66, before   world,  according  to  New-
                                         calling an ambulance to take her to a hospital for heat-related symptoms Wednesday, July 10,
            day.  Lower  temperatures    2024, in Henderson, Nev.                                                               som. This year, the state will
            and  calming  winds  were                                                                          Associated Press  add  24  privately  owned
            helping  their  efforts  but                                                                                        planes to its force and will
            the  local  fire  danger  level                                                                                     begin  using  seven  ex-mil-
            remained  extreme.  One                                                                                             itary  planes  provided  by
            firefighter  was  treated  for  spokesperson  Chris  Stankis  Wednesday  when  Las  Ve-  ing 19 potential heat-relat-  the  federal  government.
            heat-related injuries.       said. "The winds are a little  gas reached 118 F (47.8 C),  ed deaths, including three  The state has added 3,000
            Officials  in  Oregon  and  stronger  than  our  typical  toppling  the  old  record  of  homeless  individuals,  the  firefighters  since  2018  and
            Washington    state   have  tradewinds," he said.         four consecutive days set in  county's Medical Examiner-  is  committed  to  hiring  an
            imposed  burn  bans  and  More than 63 million people  July 2005, according to the  Coroner's  Office  said  in  a  additional 2,400 in the next
            other  restrictions  to  avoid  around  the  U.S.  remained  National Weather Service.  statement Thursday.         five years.
            sparks.  Campfires,  operat-  under heat alerts Thursday,  Forecasters called it an un-  The  Oregon  state  medical  In  southern  New  Mexico,
            ing  chainsaws  and  target  a significant reduction from  precedented  heat  wave,  examiner  reported  Thurs-     heavy rain produced flash
            shooting  are  prohibited  in  earlier this week.         even for desert standards.   day  four  new  potentially  flooding  on  top  of  wildfire
            most  areas.  Central  Ore-  The National Weather Serv-   Meteorologist      Morgan  heat-related deaths, bring-    burn  scars  for  the  second
            gon limits use of chainsaws  ice said the combination of  Stessman  said  the  Las  Ve-  ing to 14 the total number  day  in  a  row  Wednesday,
            and  grass  mowing  to  cer-  power  outages  from  Hurri-  gas  area  has  been  under  of  deaths  since  the  heat  forcing an estimated 1,000
            tain  hours,  followed  by  a  cane Beryl and heat indices  an  excessive  heat  warn-  wave  began.  Two  were  residents to flee their homes
            one-hour fire watch.         up to 106 degrees Fahren-    ing  on  three  separate  oc-  from  Washington  County,  in  Ruidoso,  city  spokesper-
            In  Hawaii,  Haleakala  Na-  heit  (41  Celsius)  prompted  casions  this  year,  totaling  including the second wom-  son Kerry Gladden said.
            tional  Park  on  Maui  was  heat advisories across parts  about  12  days  of  danger-  an, and the other two were  She  said  emergency  re-
            closed  as  firefighters  bat-  of southeast Texas. In West-  ous  heat  with  little  relief  from  Jackson  and  Linn  sponders  had  conducted
            tled  a  blaze  on  the  slopes  ern states, where dozens of  even  after  the  sun  goes  counties.                more  than  30  water  res-
            of  a  mountain.  Visitors  in  locations tied or broke heat  down. The city also has bro-  Heat  was  also  blamed  for  cues but there were no im-
            more than 150 vehicles that  records  since  the  week-   ken  18  heat  records  since  a  motorcyclist's  death  last  mediate  reports  of  deaths
            had  gone  up  Wednesday  end, torrid conditions were  June 1, well before the offi-   weekend  in  Death  Valley  or  serious  injuries.  She  said
            for the famous sunset views  expected  through  Friday  cial start of summer, includ-  National Park and the Na-    most  bridges  over  rivers
            were not able to descend  before some cooling.            ing an all-time high of 120 F  tional Park Service is inves-  and  streams  were  closed,
            until  around  4  a.m.  Thurs-  Las Vegas on Thursday sim-  (48.8 C) set on Sunday.    tigating  the  third  death  of  as  was  U.S.  Highway  70  —
            day  because  the  narrow  mered  into  a  record  sixth  In  Henderson,  Nevada,  of-  a  Grand  Canyon  hiker  in  one  of  the  main  arteries
            roads were blocked by fire  consecutive  day  of  tem-    ficers  from  the  Office  of  recent weeks.              into town — while crews re-
            crews.                       peratures  at  115  degrees  Public   Response    drove  Arizona  authorities  are  in-  moved debris.q
            No  homes  were  immedi-     Fahrenheit  (46.1  Celsius)  around  Wednesday  offer-    vestigating  deaths  of  a
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