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                        Friday 12 July 2024
            Election officials push back against draft federal rule for reporting

            potential cyberattacks

            By CHRISTINA A. CASSIDY                                                                                             agency held multiple sessions
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to gather feedback. “We’re
            SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)                                                                                          taking all the comments on
            — A group of state election                                                                                         board. We will integrate them
            officials is urging the nation’s                                                                                    into the final rule.”
            cybersecurity agency to re-                                                                                         Utah Lt Gov. Deidre Hender-
            vise a draft rule that would                                                                                        son, who oversees elections
            require  election  offices  to                                                                                      in the state, said she was con-
            disclose suspected cyberat-                                                                                         cerned about federal intru-
            tacks to the federal govern-                                                                                        sion into state responsibilities.
            ment, casting the mandate                                                                                           She said states must operate
            as too burdensome on over-                                                                                          independently of the federal
            worked local officials.                                                                                             government in administering
            The new rule is the result of                                                                                       elections. “It’s one thing to
            a 2022 federal law that di-                                                                                         regulate. They’re regulators;
            rected the U.S. Cybersecurity                                                                                       we are operators,” she said.
            and  Infrastructure  Security                                                                                       “We  actually  have  to  per-
            Agency  to  develop  regu-                                                                                          form  these  functions.  And
            lations  that  require  certain                                                                                     that  rule  is  an  overreach.”
            entities  to  report  potential                                                                                     West  Virginia  Secretary  of
            cybersecurity  breaches  or                                                                                         State Mac Warner agreed,
            ransomware attacks to the                                                                                           saying CISA had gone too
            agency.  Election  offices                                                                                          far in drafting the rule.
            fall  under  the  requirement   Jen Easterly, director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure   “Let’s work together in solving
                                         Security Agency, speaks at a meeting, Feb. 16, 2023, in Washington.
            because  their  systems  are                                                                       Associated Press  this, but don’t come out with
            considered critical infrastruc-                                                                                     edicts and say you must do
            ture, along with the nation’s  define what types of cyber  have been discussing their  would consider the feedback  this, you must report,” War-
            banks, nuclear power plants  incidents would trigger a re-  concerns directly with CISA  and adjust as necessary.The  ner said.
            and dams.                    port. The proposed rule says  Director  Jen  Easterly,  who  rule  is  not  expected  to  be  Minnesota Secretary of State
            In  a  letter,  the  executive  state and local election of-  is  attending.  Easterly  said  finalized until sometime next  Steve Simon said he would
            board of the National Asso-  fices must report suspected  in an interview Wednesday  year.                          encourage agency officials
            ciation of Secretaries of State  breaches within 72 hours.  that  she  has  been  review-  “CISA was stood up to largely  to  take  a  measured  ap-
            asked CISA to consider mak-  The  association  is  holding  ing the group’s letter along  be a voluntary agency, and  proach,  saying  he  under-
            ing  the  rule  voluntary,  limit  its summer conference this  with comments submitted in-  it’s our magic. It is how we’ve  stood why it was important
            the types of information re-  week  in  Puerto  Rico,  and  dividually by state election  been able to build success,”  for CISA to collect the infor-
            quested  and  more  clearly  some state election officials  officials. She said her agency  Easterly  said,  noting  the  mation. q

            Mexico’s most dangerous city for police suffers simultaneous

            attacks that kill 2 more officers

            By MARK STEVENSON            Santa  Rosa  de  Lima  gang  tel and gang turf wars.      were  setting  up  a  check-  attacks, indicating one set
            Associated Press             appears to have been be-     An    employee    of   the  point to check vehicle reg-   of  gunmen  attacked  the
            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  Two  hind the attacks.             300-member  Celaya  po-      istrations.                  traffic officers on a street in
            police  officers  were  shot  Celaya  is  located  in  the  lice force who was not au-  The employee said two offi-  broad daylight. Soon after,
            to death in the embattled  north-central state of Gua-    thorized  to  speak  publicly  cers died in the attack and  gunmen hit another police
            Mexican  city  of  Celaya  najuato,  which  has  the  about the matter said that  a  third  was  wounded  and  patrol  car  with  bullets,  but
            amid  a  wave  of  targeted  highest  number  of  homi-   gunmen  opened  fire  on  in stable condition at a lo-    apparently  caused  no  in-
            attacks that authorities said  cides of any state in Mexi-  three  unarmed  municipal  cal hospital.                juries,  and  then  sprayed  a
            Thursday were likely carried  co, largely due to drug car-  traffic  officers  while  they  López Obrador said the at-  local  police  building  with
            out by a drug cartel.                                                                  tacks have become brutal  gunfire, also with no appar-
            A total of 18 Celaya police                                                            and  indiscriminate,  and  ent injuries.
            officers have been shot to                                                             blamed  lenient  or  corrupt  But police also came under
            death so far this year, mak-                                                           judges.  “Why  bother  the  attack later Wednesday in
            ing the city of a half million                                                         traffic cops?” López Obra-   the  nearby  town  of  Villa-
            inhabitants  probably  the                                                             dor  said.  “Moreover,  they  gran,  12  miles  (20  kilome-
            most dangerous city in the                                                             were not carrying guns.”     ters) west of Celaya, report-
            hemisphere for police.                                                                 The  president  said  the  at-  edly  wounding  an  officer
            “This is something that wor-                                                           tacks  may  have  been  re-  seriously.
            ries us a lot, and more than                                                           lated to a judge’s decision  The  Celaya  police  em-
            that it hurts,” President An-                                                          in  June  to  grant  a  form  of  ployee  said  members  of
            drés  Manuel  López  Obra-                                                             bail  release  to  the  son  of  the  force  feel  they  have
            dor said of the attacks.                                                               the  imprisoned  founder  of  not  been  given  adequate
            Authorities  confirmed  that                                                           the  Santa  Rosa  gang.  The  support by the federal and
            gunmen  opened  fire  on                                                               son  had  been  arrested  in  state  governments,  and
            police in at least four differ-                                                        January on charges of ille-  left the relatively small local
            ent locations in and around                                                            gal possession of weapons  police  contingent  to  deal
            Celaya on Wednesday. Po-     Municipal  police  officers  patrol  a  neighborhood  in  Celaya,   and drugs.         with the vicious Santa Rosa
            lice sources and the federal   Guanajuato state, Mexico, Feb. 28, 2024.  Associated Press  López Obrador on Thursday  gang mostly alone.q
            government said the brutal                                                             displayed  a  report  of  the
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