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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 12 July 2024
            U.S. sanctions a Venezuela gang for spreading criminal activity

            across Latin America

            By JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                   on the gang's expansion.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    "It has now become a fran-
            MIAMI  (AP)  —  The  Biden                                                                                          chise name for Venezuelan
            administration  on  Thursday                                                                                        criminal  structures  operat-
            sanctioned  a  Venezuelan                                                                                           ing in the region, with weak-
            gang  allegedly  behind  a                                                                                          ening coherence now that
            spree  of  kidnappings,  ex-                                                                                        its  home  prison  base  is  no
            tortion  and  other  violent                                                                                        more," McDermott said,
            crimes tied to migrants that                                                                                        The group is led by Hector
            have  spread  across  Latin                                                                                         Guerrero,  who  was  jailed
            America  and  the  United                                                                                           years  ago  for  killing  a  po-
            States.                                                                                                             lice  officer,  according  to
            The U.S. also offered a $12                                                                                         InSight  Crime.  Guerrero,
            million reward for the arrest                                                                                       better  known  by  his  alias
            of three leaders of Tren de                                                                                         El  Nino,  or  Spanish  for  the
            Aragua,  which  now  joins                                                                                          "boy,"  later  escaped  and
            the MS-13 gang from El Sal-                                                                                         then  was  recaptured  in
            vador and the Mafia-styled                                                                                          2013, returning to the prison
            Camorra from Italy on a list                                                                                        in Aragua where the crimi-
            of transnational criminal or-                                                                                       nal  enterprise  was  then
            ganizations  banned  from                                                                                           headquartered.
            doing business in the U.S.                                                                                          He  fled  prison  again  more
            "Tren  de  Aragua  poses                                                                                            recently,  as  Venezuelan
            a  deadly  criminal  threat   Soldiers raid the Tocorón Penitentiary Center, in Tocorón, Venezuela, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023.   authorities  tried  to  reassert
            across the region," the U.S.   The Tren de Aragua gang originated at the prison.                   Associated Press  control over its prison popu-
            Treasury  Department  said                                                                                          lation.
            in a statement, adding that  as  millions  of  desperate  smuggling  of  contraband  sanctioned by the U.S.         His  current  whereabouts
            it often preys on vulnerable  Venezuelans fled President  goods to and from Venezu-    Earlier this year, prosecutors  are  unknown  but  the  U.S.
            populations  such  as  mi-   Nicolás  Maduro's  rule  and  ela.                        in Chile blamed the gang,  State  Department,  which
            grant  women  and  girls  for  migrated  to  other  parts  of  But  as  the  Venezuelan  di-  whose name means "train"  has  offered  up  to  $12  mil-
            sex trafficking.             Latin America or the U.S.    aspora  has  settled  more  in Spanish, for the killing of  lion  for  his  arrest  and  that
            "When  victims  seek  to  es-  Authorities   in   countries  permanently abroad, it has  a Venezuelan army official  of two other gang leaders,
            cape this exploitation, Tren  such  as  Colombia,  Peru  joined  —  and  sometimes  who  had  sought  refuge  in  said  it  believes  Guerrero
            de Aragua members often  and Ecuador — with large  clashed  —  with  home-             that  country  after  partak-  and  Giovanny  San  Vicen-
            kill them and publicize their  populations of Venezuelan  grown  criminal  syndicates  ing in a failed plot to over-  te,  another  target  of  the
            deaths  as  a  threat  to  oth-  migrants — have accused  engaged  in  drug  traffick-  throw Maduro.               U.S. bounty, are believed to
            ers," the statement added.   the group of being behind  ing, extortion of local busi-  "The  Tren  de  Aragua  is  be living in Colombia.
            The Tren de Aragua traces  a spree of violent crimes in  nesses and murders for hire.  not  a  vertically  integrat-  Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida
            its origins to more than a de-  a region that has long had  Among  the  groups  the  ed  criminal  structure,  but  Republican  who  co-chairs
            cade ago, to an infamously  some of the highest murder  Treasury  Department  said  rather  a  federation  of  dif-  the  Senate  Select  Com-
            lawless prison in the central  rates in the world.        the  gang  has  teamed  up  ferent gangs," said Jeremy  mittee     on   Intelligence,
            state  of  Aragua  where  a  Initially its focus was exploit-  with  is  Primeiro  Comando  McDermott,  the  Colom-  has  warned  that  if  left  un-
            number of hardened crimi-    ing  Venezuelan  migrants  da Capital, a notorious or-    bia-based  co-director  of  checked, the Tren de Ara-
            nals  were  held.  But  it  has  through  loan  sharking,  hu-  ganized  crime  group  out  InSight  Crime,  which  this  gua could also start terror-
            expanded  in  recent  years  man  trafficking  and  the  of Brazil that has also been  month  published  a  report  izing American cities.q

            New York’s top court allows ‘equal

            rights’ amendment to appear on

            November ballot

            By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE         Democrats are hoping the  passing the amendment.
            Associated Press             ballot question will drive turn-  The state's Constitution cur-
            A proposed amendment to  out in their favor this fall as  rently  bans  discrimination
            New York's constitution to bar  the party frames the "equal  based on race, color, creed
            discrimination over "gender  rights" amendment as a way  or  religion.  The  proposed
            identity"  and  "pregnancy  to protect abortion rights.   amendment would add eth-     The New York Capitol is seen, June 30, 2022, in Albany, N.Y.
            outcomes"  will  appear  on  Republicans also have be-    nicity, national origin, age,                                         Associated Press
            the  ballot  this  November,  gun to strategize around the  disability, sex, sexual orien-
            the state's high court ruled  proposed amendment, mov-    tation, gender identity, gen-  sidered  very  safe.  Instead,  key House races in New York
            Thursday.                    ing to animate voters against  der expression, pregnancy,  the proposed amendment  on  abortion  access,  warn-
            The decision from the Court  the protections it might offer  pregnancy  outcomes  and  would stop a person from be-  ing voters that Republicans
            of  Appeals  affirms  a  lower  to transgender people.    reproductive  health  care  ing discriminated against for  would try to curtail access to
            court ruling from June, dis-  A  Republican  state  law-  and autonomy.                having an abortion.          the procedure and betting
            missing an appeal "upon the  maker had sued to block the  It  would  not  explicitly  pro-  The ballot question has been  that Democrats would cast
            ground  that  no  substantial  ballot question, arguing that  tect abortion rights in New  a crucial part of Democrats'  ballots  to  protect  abortion
            constitutional question is di-  Democrats in the Legislature  York,  where  access  to  the  election strategy in New York.  rights  after  the  overturning
            rectly involved."            made a technical error when  procedure  is  already  con-  The party has tried to center  of Roe v. Wade. q
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