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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 3 December 2020

                                 Wisconsin governor calls Trump lawsuit an 'assault'

            (AP) — President Donald  likely kill it. Or it could accept
            Trump's  attempt  to  over-  the case and issue a decision
            turn  Wisconsin's  election  later. It could also just render
            results  by  tossing  ballots  a decision based on the writ-
            only  from  the  state's  two  ten arguments, although that
            most  heavily  Democratic  would be unusual.
            counties is an “assault on
            democracy,” attorneys for  Attorneys  for  Evers,  as  well
            Democratic  Gov.  Tony  as lawyers from the state De-
            Evers  said  in  filings  with  partment  of  Justice  repre-
            the  Wisconsin  Supreme  senting  the  Wisconsin  Elec-
            Court.                       tions Commission, urged the
                                         court  not  to  accept  original
            The filings, made late Tues-  jurisdiction  of  the  case,  say-
            day, come as the state's high-  ing  it  must  start  in  lower
            est court is weighing Trump's  courts.
            request  to  disqualify  more
            than 221,000 ballots in Mil-  “President  Trump’s  (law-
            waukee  and  Dane  counties.  suit) seeks nothing less than
            Democrat Joe Biden defeated  to overturn the will of nearly
            Trump by a 2-to-1 margin in  3.3  million  Wisconsin  vot-
            those counties on his way to  ers,” Evers' attorneys said. “It
            a 20,682-vote win statewide.  is a shocking and outrageous
                                         assault on our democracy. ...
            Trump is not challenging any  He  is  simply  trying  to  seize
            ballots  in  the  state's  other  Wisconsin’s  electoral  votes,  on  the  envelope  the  ballots  velope  doubles  as  a  written  and ballots “surely” were cast
            70  counties,  the  majority  of  even though he lost the state-  were placed in.      request, something Trump is  in other counties.
            which  Trump  won.  Trump's  wide election."                                           contesting.
            legal  challenges  in  other                              None  of  the  ballots  Trump                             Attorneys  for  Evers  and  the
            states to overturn election re-  Trump’s   lawsuit   repeats  challenged  during  the  re-  Evers'  attorneys  say  Trump's  elections commission also ar-
            sults have failed.           many claims he made during  count  were  discounted  by  arguments related to the ac-  gued that it would be wrong
                                         a recount of votes in Milwau-  elections  officials  in  Dane  cepting  of  ballots  in  Madi-  to  throw  out  ballots  cast  by
            In  Wisconsin,  Trump  wants  kee  and  Dane  counties.  He  and  Milwaukee  counties.  son's parks and challenges to  people  who  relied  on  guid-
            to  skip  lower  courts,  saying  seeks  to  disqualify  170,140  Evers argues in his filings that  those  who  identified  as  “in-  ance from elections officials.
            in his lawsuit that there isn't  absentee  ballots  that  were  there is no legal basis for the  definitely  confined”  should
            time to go through the nor-  cast  early,  in-person,  saying  ballots not to be counted.  have  been  raised  before  the  “Widespread  disenfranchise-
            mal process due to the loom-  there  wasn't  a  proper  writ-                          election.                    ment for following the rules
            ing Dec. 14 date when elec-  ten request made for the bal-  For  example,  Evers  notes                             does  not  comport  with  due
            tors  will  gather  to  cast  the  lots;  28,395  absentee  ballots  that the Wisconsin Elections  The state Justice Department  process or a healthy democ-
            state's  10  Electoral  College  cast  by  those  who  claimed  Commission  agreed  more  also faulted Trump for seek-  racy,” Justice Department at-
            votes.                       “indefinitely  confined”  sta-  than four years ago to allow  ing to invalidate only ballots  torneys said.
                                         tus;  17,271  absentee  ballots  election clerks to fill in miss-  in two counties “presumably
            The  state  Supreme  Court  collected  by  poll  workers  at  ing information on envelopes  for  partisan  reasons,”  even  The  Democratic  National
            could  deny  Trump's  request  Madison  parks;  and  5,517  containing  absentee  ballots.  though each category of vote  Committee and Biden’s elec-
            to hear the case, forcing it to  absentee ballots where clerks  And the commission at least  they  are  trying  to  disqualify  tors are also attempting to in-
            lower  courts,  which  would  filled in missing information  since  2011  said  that  the  en-  relies  on  statewide  guidance  tervene in the lawsuit.

                            US probing potential bribery, lobbying scheme for pardon

            (AP)  —  The  Justice  De-   exchange  for  clemency,  ecutors are investigating and  don  investigation  is  Fake  sealed select portions of that
            partment  is  investigat-    according to a court docu-   whom  the  proposed  pardon  News!”                       document  while  redacting
            ing  whether  there  was  a  ment unsealed Tuesday.       might be intended for.                                    from  view  any  personally
            secret  scheme  to  lobby                                                              The  existence  of  the  inves-  identifiable information.
            White  House  officials  for  Most  of  the  information  in  But the document from Au-  tigation,  first  reported  by
            a  pardon  as  well  as  a  re-  the 18-page court order is re-  gust  does  reveal  that  certain  CNN,  was  revealed  in  a  As  part  of  the  investigation,
            lated plot to offer a hefty  dacted, including the identity  individuals  are  suspected  of  court  order  from  U.S.  Dis-  more than 50 devices, includ-
            political  contribution  in  of  the  people  whom  pros-  having acted to secretly lobby  trict  Judge  Beryl  Howell,  ing  laptops  and  iPads,  have
                                                                      White House officials to se-  the  chief  judge  of  Washing-  been seized, according to the
                                                                      cure  a  pardon  or  sentence  ton's federal court. In it, she  document.
                                                                      commutation  and  that,  in  a  granted  investigators  access
                                                                      related  scheme,  a  substan-  to certain email communica-  Pardons  are  common  at  the
                                                                      tial  political  contribution  tions connected to the alleged  end  of  a  president's  tenure
                                                                      was  floated  in  exchange  for  schemes that she said was not  and  are  occasionally  politi-
                                                                      a pardon or “reprieve of sen-  protected  by  attorney-client  cally  fraught  affairs  as  some
                                                                      tence.”                      privilege.  The  investigative  convicted  felons  look  to  le-
                                                                      A  Justice  Department  offi-  team will be able to use that  verage  connections  inside
                                                                      cial  said  Tuesday  night  that  material to confront any sub-  the  White  House  to  secure
                                                                      no  government  official  was  ject or target of the investiga-  clemency. Last week, Trump
                                                                      or is a subject or target of the  tion, the judge wrote.  announced  that  he  had  par-
                                                                      investigation.  The  official                             doned his first national secu-
                                                                      spoke  on  condition  of  ano-  The order was dated Aug. 28,  rity  adviser,  Michael  Flynn,
                                                                      nymity to discuss an ongoing  and  prosecutors  had  sought  even  as  a  federal  judge  was
                                                                      investigation.               to  keep  it  private  because  weighing  a  Justice  Depart-
                                                                                                   they said it identifies people  ment  request  to  dismiss  the
                                                                      President  Donald  Trump  not charged by a grand jury.  case.
                                                                      tweeted Tuesday night: “Par-  But on Tuesday, Howell un-
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