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A28    u.s. news
                 Diahuebs 3 December 2020

                        Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary

                                                                                                                                Backers  of  Emanuel  say  his
                                                                                                                                efforts  to  revamp  the  Chi-
                                                                                                                                cago  Transit  Authority’s  “L”
                                                                                                                                system,  including  significant
                                                                                                                                swaths of the city’s predomi-
                                                                                                                                nantly Black neighborhoods,
                                                                                                                                as well as adding more than
                                                                                                                                100 miles (161 kilometers) of
                                                                                                                                protected  bike  lanes,  should
                                                                                                                                make him a leading candidate
                                                                                                                                for the post.

                                                                                                                                During  his  time  as  mayor,
                                                                                                                                Chicago  saw  $11  billion  in
                                                                                                                                airfield,  terminal  and  infra-
                                                                                                                                structure  investments  at  the
                                                                                                                                city's  airports.  His  admin-
                                                                                                                                istration  also  secured  more
                                                                                                                                than  $4.6  billion  in  federal
                                                                                                                                funding  for  Chicago  transit,
                                                                                                                                including  the  moderniza-
                                                                                                                                tion of the city’s iconic train
                                                                                                                                system. His allies noted that
                                                                                                                                Emanuel’s  push  to  rehab
                                                                                                                                transit included hiring more
                                                                                                                                than 1,000 nonviolent ex-of-
                                                                                                                                fenders to work on projects.

                                                                                                                                “I  can’t  debate  some  of  the
                                                                                                                                opinions  or  assertions  about
                                                                                                                                him,” said Michael Scott Jr.,
                                                                                                                                a Chicago alderman who rep-
                                                                                                                                resents  a  ward  on  the  city’s
            (AP)  —  President-elect  He turned reviving Chicago’s                                 Chicago  mayor,  citing  a  de-  west  side  that  has  benefited
            Joe  Biden  is  considering  ragged  public  transportation  Rep.  Mike  Quigley,  a  Chi-  sire  to  step  away  from  the  from the modernization un-
            former  Chicago  Mayor  system  and  overhauling  the  cago Democrat who replaced  hectic life of elected office.   der Emanuel’s watch. “What
            Rahm  Emanuel,  a  sub-      city’s two busy, worn airports  Emanuel  in  Congress  when                            I  am  concerned  about  are
            stantial  and  somewhat  into  a  top  issue  during  his  he  left  to  work  for  Obama,  The decision came as he saw  things  that  will  be  impacted
            divisive  figure  in  Demo-  eight  years  as  mayor.  He  is  said  Emanuel’s  “tough,  no  his  popularity  erode  in  the  in  neighborhoods  like  the
            cratic  Party  politics,  to  also credited with N        nonsense”  posture  could  city’s large African American  one I serve. I know the ability
            serve as his transportation                               make him an effective mem-   community  following  the  of him to get the work done
            secretary.                   But selecting Emanuel could  ber of the new Cabinet as the  McDonald police shooting.  if he’s put in that spot.”
                                         be  a  tough  sell  to  some  in  Biden  administration  will
            Biden’s selection of his nom-  the  progressive  wing  of  the  immediately face major chal-  The  death  of  McDonald,  Still, some progressive House
            inee  to  lead  the  Transporta-  Democratic  Party  who  are  lenges  with  the  pandemic  who  was  shot  16  times,  be-  Democrats have already made
            tion  Department  is  not  be-  critical of his handling of the  and the economy.      came  a  touchstone  moment  clear they are vigorously op-
            lieved  to  be  imminent,  and  high-profile  police  shooting                         in the ongoing national con-  posed to seeing Emanuel in a
            Emanuel  is  among  multiple  death of Laquan McDonald,  “There  is  no  honeymoon  versation  about  racial  injus-  Biden White House.
            candidates in the running for  a  Black  teenager  killed  by  a  period,”  Quigley  said.  “The  tice. Emanuel said he did not
            the Cabinet position, accord-  white officer, during his time  administration  needs  people  see  the  grisly  video  until  it  “What  is  so  hard  to  under-
            ing  to  people  familiar  with  as Chicago’s mayor.      like Rahm who know how to  was set to be made public in  stand  about  this?  Rahm
            the matter who spoke on the                               get things done.”            November 2015.               Emanuel helped cover up the
            condition  of  anonymity  to  Whether  Emanuel  is  ulti-                                                           murder  of  Laquan  McDon-
            discuss  the  private  delibera-  mately  picked  could  also  be  Some of the city’s Black elect-  Still,  he  faced  rebuke  from  ald.  Covering  up  a  murder
            tions.                       affected  by  other  factors  as  ed officials are also vouching  some Black leaders in the city  is  disqualifying  for  public
            But  his  candidacy  threatens  Biden has placed a premium  for him.                   who accused him and his ad-  leadership,”  Ocasio-Cortez
            to pull at the divisions among  on  building  out  a  Cabinet                          ministration  of  covering  up  tweeted  last  week.  “This  is
            Democrats  that  Biden  has  and  team  of  senior  advisers  “Here’s  a  guy  who  under-  the shooting. The city agreed  not about the ‘visibility’ of a
            largely  managed  to  avoid  as  from  a  diverse  set  of  back-  stands  government  at  all  to pay a $5 million settlement  post. It is shameful and con-
            he  begins  to  fill  out  his  ad-  grounds, according to people  levels,”  said  Michelle  Har-  to McDonald’s family before  cerning that he is even being
            ministration.   Progressive  familiar with the matter.    ris, a Chicago alderman who  they could file suit. The for-  considered.”
            leaders,  including  Rep.  Al-                            represents  a  predominantly  mer officer, Jason Van Dyke,  Cori  Bush,  an  incoming
            exandria  Ocasio-Cortez  of  The  Biden  transition  team  Black  ward  on  Chicago’s  was convicted in 2018 of sec-  Democratic  congresswoman
            New  York,  have  been  espe-  did  not  respond  to  requests  south  side  that  benefited  ond-degree  murder  and  16  from  Missouri,  added  that
            cially vocal in criticizing the  for comment.             from  Emanuel’s  push  for  counts  of  aggravated  battery  “the thing about covering up
            prospect of Emanuel joining                               Chicago  Transit  Author-    with a firearm and sentenced  the  murder  of  Laquan  Mc-
            the Cabinet.                 Allies  of  Emanuel  in  the  Il-  ity modernization. “He’s the  to six years and nine months  Donald is that it disqualifies
            Emanuel,  a  former  three-  linois  congressional  delega-  perfect candidate for the job.  in prison.             you from holding any type of
            term    congressman    who  tion  have  made  the  case  to  You  don’t  get  many  candi-                          public office. Forever.”
            served  as  Barack  Obama’s  Biden  transition  officials  dates  that  have  more  expe-  Emanuel  denied  the  cover-
            first  White  House  chief  of  that  Emanuel’s  knowledge  rience  on  how  government  up  allegations.  He  also  em-  As  members  of  the  House,
            staff and was a senior adviser  of  Congress  and  breadth  of  works. He can start running  braced a series of reforms in  neither  Ocasio-Cortez  nor
            in Bill Clinton’s administra-  experience on big transporta-  day one. He’s not going to be  the city’s police department,  Bush  has  a  vote  in  a  Senate
            tion,  has  been  a  significant  tion projects during his eight  crawling or walking. He’s go-  including  a  federally  court-  confirmation,  though  their
            force  in  Democratic  Party  years as mayor of the nation’s  ing to be running.”      monitored consent decree to  voices  hold  weight  with
            politics for much of the last  third-largest city would make  Emanuel announced in Sep-  ensure that changes were car-  a  segment  of  voters  who
            three decades.               him an effective leader at the  tember  2018  that  he  would  ried out.               helped  Biden  beat  President
                                         Transportation Department.   not  run  for  a  third  term  as                         Donald Trump.
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