Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16
LOCAL Tuesday 6 June 2023
Know the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke
ORANJESTAD – Aruba is Excessive heat is the num- emergency, include head-
currently experiencing a ber one weather killer. Peo- ache; confusion or deliri-
heat wave, and the heat ple should be prepared for um; loss of consciousness;
advisory is in place for to- the dangers excessive heat no sweating/ dry skin; hot,
day, Tuesday 6 of June. poses. Young children, el- red skin; nausea or vomit-
derly people and those ing; rapid heart rate; body
High temperatures today with illnesses or heart con- temperature above 104F.
should range from 34 to 36 ditions are at the most risk.
degrees Celsius with hu- In case a person is suffer-
midity in the low to high 80’s Know the difference be- ing heat exhaustion, you
and 90’s. This will make for tween heat exhaustion and can hydrate with water or
heat index values (appar- heat stroke sports drink, and avoid al-
ent temperatures) around The symptoms for heat cohol. Move to a cooler,
40 to 45 degrees each day. exhaustion include head- air-conditioned place. Lie
The heat and humidity will ache; dizziness or fainting; down. If fully conscious, sip
not subside much at night heavy sweating; cold, pale water. Take a cold shower
with temperatures only and clammy skin; nausea or use cold compresses. If
dropping into the high 20’s, or vomiting; fast, weak vomiting continues, seek If suffering from heat stroke, fluids.
at 27 to 28 degrees Celsius. pulse; weakness or muscle medical attention. Remove call 911 immediately, as this
This will add to the danger cramps; and excessive tight fitting clothing or extra is a medical emergency. If you are suffering from a
for people who cannot find thirst. layers. Act quickly, as un- Move the person to a cool- medical emergency during
a way to adequately cool treated heat exhaustion er place. Use cold com- your stay in Aruba, please
down. The symptoms for heat can lead to heat stroke. presses to reduce body call 911. q
stroke, which is a medical temperature. Do not give
Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations
(Oranjestad)—The Ayo and of our culture and of our close to the Natural Bridge. to contain prehistoric mark- view when you climb up
Casibari Rock Formations ancestors. The Ayo is a fenced terrain ings of our indigenous an- the top of the round, flat
are known locally as one that consists of several giant cestors. The Ayo Rock for- bolder. For this position, you
of the crucial sites to have Ayo boulders, resting neatly on mation contains stairs that can see the majority of the
in your “off-road” trip itiner- The Ayo Rock Formation top of or side by side each lead you to the top of the island and the ocean in the
ary. These naturally formed is located in the northern other, adding gorgeous highest boulder, offering a south. Right in front of the
rock formations as just one part of the island, right on natural architecture to the breath-taking view of the entrance, there is the Casi-
of the few places on the is- the road that leads you to surrounding “mondi”*. This Aruban backyard. The Ayo bari Café and Grill, a great
land that hold a rich history the Black Stone Beach, and is also one of the few sites is usually quiet, as it is situ- place to get refreshments
ated farther away from the and snack before continu-
busier parts of the island. ing your off-road adven-
However, this is just anoth- ture!
er charm of the site: the
quiet area and the refresh- Both sites are open free to
ing breeze offer a sense of the public, 24 hours a day.
comfort and peace. However, unless you are
taking a trip with a profes-
Casibari sional tour guide, there are
Probably the busier rock no guides at the sites to
formation site, the Casi- help you climb the rock.
bari is situated more in the So, do be careful when
center of the island, much trudging on the boulders,
closer—and more acces- and make sure to befriend
sible—to the general pub- any roaming goats you see
lic. Just like Ayo, Casibari along the way!
is a fenced area contain-
ing several boulders that *Mondi: what we call
lay on top or lean on each our Aruban wilderness.
other. The best aspect of We don’t have forests, or
the Casibari Rock Forma- deserts, but we do have
tion is the accompanying mondi!q