Page 19 - AHATA
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Tuesday 6 June 2023 locAl

            Hammerheads Hang in the Balance: Why These Sharks Deserve a

            Helping Hand

            (Hammerhead) sharks play  apex       predators,   which
            an  important  role  in  main-  means that they are at the
            taining  healthy  oceans,  top  of  its  food  web  and
            which  is  important  for  the  haveno   natural   preda-
            fisheries and the economy  tors. Sharks help keep their
            of  the  Caribbean  islands.  prey  population  healthy
            Later  this  year,  the  Dutch  by  eating  the  sick  and
            and  French  governments  injured,while  also  affect-
            will  officially  propose  that  ing their prey’s distribution.
            three  species  of  hammer-  In  healthy  oceans,  sharks
            head  sharks  are  added  help to maintain stable fish
            to  the  SPAW  Protocol  An-  stocks  and  healthy  coral
            nex  II  list  during  the  next  reefs  and  seagrass  beds,
            Conference  of  the  parties  which  is  important  for  the
            for  the  Cartagena  Con-    fisheries and the economy

            vention  (COPS)  on  Aruba.  (tourism)  of  the  islands.
            This  increased  protection  (Hammerhead)         sharks
            will  give  the  Dutch  Carib-  are  vulnerable  to  human
            bean  the  tools  they  need  threats.  Overfishing,  pollu-
            to further protect these vital  tion,  and  climate  change
            sharks moving forward.       are  all  factors  that  can
                                         have a negative impact on               Photo: Hammerhead shark. Photo credit: Ben Phillips (all rights reserved)
            Hammerhead  sharks,  Ge-     these animals.
            nus  Sphyrna,  are  found  all                            committed  to  the  protec-  Annex  III  list  of  the  SPAW  The  Dutch  Caribbean  Na-
            around the world. Three of  Protection                    tion and sustainable use of  Protocol,  but  this  has  not  ture  Alliance  (DCNA)  sup-
            nine  world’s  species  can  There  are  many  organi-    coastal  and  marine  biodi-  resulted  in  the  desired  re-  ports science communica-
            be  found  in  the  Carib-   zations   and    individuals  versity within the Wider Ca-  covery of their populations.  tion  and  outreach  in  the

            bean,  including  the  scal-  working  to  protect  ham-  ribbean Region. Within this  Therefore,  the  Kingdom  of  Dutch  Caribbean  region
            loped  hammerhead,  the  merhead  sharks  and  their  agreement,  species  have  the Netherlands along with  by  making  nature-related
            smooth hammerhead, and  habitats  in  the  Caribbean.  been divided into three lists  the Republic of France plan  scientific  information  more
            the  great  hammerhead.  A significant milestone was  of varying levels of protec-     to submit a proposal during  widely  available  through
            These species have a simi-   the  establishment  of  pro-  tion, named Annex I, II and  the next conference of the  amongst  others  the  Dutch
            lar  overall  appearance,  tected  areas  such  as  the  III.Annexes I and II include a  parties  for  the  Cartagena  Caribbean  Biodiversity  Da-
            which  makes  identifying  Yarari Marine Mammal and  list of species which require  Convention  (COPS)  to  up-     tabase, DCNA’s news plat-
            these sharks at the species  Shark  Sanctuary  between  the highest level of protec-   grade  these  sharks  to  the  form BioNews and the press.
            level complicated.  This has  the  BES  islands.    However,  tion.  For these species the  Annex  II  list.  This  will  allow  This  article  contains  the
            resulted  in  varying  success  additional  efforts  are  cru-  possession,  trade  or  even  for these species to receive  results  from  several  scien-
            for management and con-      cial to create more marine  disturbance  of  these  spe-  additional protection mov-   tific  studies  but  the  studies
            servation  actions,  allowing  protected  areas,  reduce  cies  is  forbidden.  Annex  III  ing forward, ensuring these  themselves  are  not  DCNA
            loopholes  for  unwanted  pollution in the ocean, and  includes a list of species of  sharks  are  free  to  roam  studies.  No  rights  can  be
            hammerhead  shark  mor-      promote sustainable fishing  which  the  exploitation  is  the Caribbean waters and  derived  from  the  content.
            talities to continue.        practices.                   authorized, but highly regu-  contribute to healthy eco-  DCNA  is  not  liable  for  the
                                         The  SPAW  Protocol  is  a  re-  lated.                   systems for years to come.   content  and  the  in(direct)
            Importance                   gional  agreement  where  In      2017,   hammerhead                                   impacts resulting from pub-
            (Hammerhead)  sharks  are  member  counties  have  sharks  were  added  to  the  DCNA                               lishing this article.q

            Can I have a …, please?

                                                                                                          ORANJESTAD — Want to taste something different
                                                                                                          for  a  change??  How  about  a  different  breakfast
                                                                                                          from what you are used to at your hotel. Hop in
                                                                                                          your car, drive around and anywhere around the
                                                                                                          island you will come across a local snack shop.

                                                                                                          Here you will find all types of snacks loved by the lo-
                                                                                                          cals. Try a pastechi, a Caribbean pastry filled with
                                                                                                          cheese or meat and fried up deliciously. Or per-
                                                                                                          haps you might want to try a croquette, a crusty
                                                                                                          little meat ball. A dedito is also a good option, it’s
                                                                                                          a stick made out of cheese or hotdog. If you want
                                                                                                          to  try  something  more  familiar  go  for  a  home-
                                                                                                          made hamburger or a ham and cheese toast, but
                                                                                                          with a local touch. All these snacks are ridiculously
                                                                                                          addictive. Freshen up with a delicious fruit shake
                                                                                                          (batido) made out of watermelon, strawberry, ba-
                                                                                                          nana, papaya or just mix any fruit together. What
                                                                                                          makes these little snack shops more attractive is
                                                                                                          the warmth of its people and with the smile you
                                                                                                          are being served.q
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