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                    Monday 10 august 2020
            Azar leads highest-level US delegation to Taiwan in decades

            By JOHNSON LAI                                                                                                      its remaining diplomatic al-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lies  and  excluding  it  from
            TAIPEI,  Taiwan  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                      international   gatherings
            Health  and  Human  Servic-                                                                                         including the World Health
            es  Secretary  Alex  Azar  ar-                                                                                      Assembly. That, in turn, has
            rived in Taiwan on Sunday                                                                                           increased  already  consid-
            in  the  highest-level  visit  by                                                                                   erable  bipartisan  sympa-
            an  American  Cabinet  offi-                                                                                        thy for Taipei in Washington
            cial  since  the  break  in  for-                                                                                   and  prompted  new  mea-
            mal  diplomatic  relations                                                                                          sures to strengthen govern-
            between  Washington  and                                                                                            mental and military ties.
            Taipei in 1979.                                                                                                     Also  Sunday,  Taiwanese
            Beijing has already protest-                                                                                        Foreign Minister Joseph Wu
            ed Azar's visit as a betrayal                                                                                       met with the first represen-
            of U.S. commitments not to                                                                                          tative of Somaliland to the
            have  official  contact  with                                                                                       island ahead of the territo-
            the  island.  China  claims                                                                                         ry's opening of a represen-
            Taiwan  as  its  own  territory,                                                                                    tative office in Taipei.
            to  be  brought  under  its                                                                                         Wu  earlier  tweeted  that
            control  by  military  force  if                                                                                    Mohamed Omar Hagi Mo-
            necessary.    Azar  is  due  to                                                                                     hamoud had "braved Chi-
            meet with the island's inde-                                                                                        nese  pressure"  —  a  refer-
            pendence-leaning      Presi-                                                                                        ence to reports that China
            dent  Tsai  Ing-wen  along   U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, center, talks with Taiwanese Deputy Foreign   had  sought  to  block  rela-
            with  health  officials  during   Minister Tien Chung-kwang as he arrives at Taipei Songshan Airport in Taipei, Taiwan, Sunday,   tions between Taiwan and
                                         Aug. 9, 2020.
            a  three-day  visit  aimed                                                                         Associated Press   the  region  on  the  Horn  of
            at  highlighting  coopera-                                                                                          Africa  that  broke  from  the
            tion in the fight against the  over  trade,  technology,  then-Environmental Protec-   to send higher-level officials  rest  of  Somalia  but  is  not
            coronavirus.  Taiwan's gov-  the  South  China  Sea  and  tion  Agency  administrator  to  Taiwan  after  decades  recognized  by  the  United
            ernment-run  health  care  China's  response  to  the  vi-  Gina  McCarthy  visited  Tai-  during which such contacts  Nations as an independent
            system  has  been  credited  rus pandemic.                wan, sparking protests from  were  rare  and  freighted  country.
            with keeping the number of  The U.S. maintains only un-   Beijing.    Azar's  office  said  with  safeguards  to  avoid  "The  fact  'sovereignty  &
            coronavirus cases to under  official  ties  with  Taiwan  in  he  will  hold  discussions  on  roiling ties with Beijing.   friendship  aren't  for  sale'
            500 with just seven deaths,  deference to Beijing, but is  COVID-19,  global  health  China  has  cut  contacts  deserves  international  rec-
            despite  its  close  proximity  the island's most important  and Taiwan's role as a sup-  with Tsai over her refusal to  ognition," Wu tweeted.
            to  China  where  the  virus  ally  and  provider  of  de-  plier of medical equipment  recognize China's claim to  On  his  arrival,  Maham-
            originated.                  fense equipment.             and technology.              the island and has brought  oud tweeted that "We are
            China sees Taiwan as a key  Azar  is  the  first  health  sec-  Azar's  visit  was  facilitated  increasing diplomatic, eco-  ready  to  establish  good
            irritant  in  its  troubled  rela-  retary  to  visit  Taiwan  and  by the 2018 passage of the  nomic and military pressure  relations  with  all  countries
            tionship  with  Washington,  the  first  Cabinet  member  Taiwan  Travel  Act,  which  against  her,  including  by  - those we share values of
            with whom it is also at odds  to visit in six years. In 2014,  encouraged   Washington  poaching  away  several  of  democracy are special."q

            6 Gulf Arab countries back extending U.N. arms embargo on Iran

                                                                      kept  Iran  from  purchasing  to lift the restrictions on con-  Iran's  2015  nuclear  deal
                                                                      foreign-made weapons like  ventional  weapons'  move-     saw the U.N. agree to sun-
                                                                      fighter jets, tanks and war-  ment to and from Iran until  set  the  arms  embargo  this
                                                                      ships.                       it abandons its destabilizing  October. President Donald
                                                                      The  GCC  —  comprised  of  activities in the region and  Trump unilaterally withdrew
                                                                      Bahrain,  Kuwait,  Oman,  ceases  to  provide  weap-      America  from  the  deal  in
                                                                      Qatar,  Saudi  Arabia  and  ons to terrorist and sectari-  2018,  part  of  a  maximum
                                                                      the  United  Arab  Emirates  an organizations," the GCC  pressure  campaign  that's
                                                                      —  alleged  Iran  had  "not  said.  Iran's  foreign  ministry  hurt  Iran's  already-ailing
                                                                      ceased  or  desisted  from  spokesman Abbas Mousavi  economy and led to a se-
                                                                      armed     interventions   in  condemned  the  GCC  let-   ries  of  escalating  incidents
                                                                      neighboring  countries,  di-  ter  and  called  it  an  "irre-  in the Mideast.
                                                                      rectly  and  through  orga-  sponsible"  statement  that  That  the  GCC  offered  a
                                                                      nizations  and  movements  serves U.S. interests, Iranian  unified  statement  on  Iran
                                                                      armed and trained by Iran."  state TV reported.           comes  as  it  remains  torn
            In this Dec. 5, 2017 file photo, a man looks at his mobile phone in   A  Saudi-led  coalition  con-  The U.N. banned Iran from  by  the  ongoing  Qatar  cri-
            front of the flag of the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, in Kuwait   tinues  to  battle  Yemen's  buying major foreign weap-  sis,  which  saw  Bahrain,
            City.                                                     Houthi  rebels,  whom  the  on  systems  in  2010  amid  Egypt,  Saudi  Arabia  and
                                                     Associated Press  U.N.,  the  U.S.  and  arma-  tensions  over  its  nuclear  the Emirates cut diplomatic
            By JON GAMBRELL              arms embargo on Iran, just  ment  experts  have  ac-      program. That blocked Iran  ties  and  launch  a  boycott
            Associated Press             two months before it is set  cused  of  receiving  arms  from  replacing  its  aging  of  the  nation  beginning  in
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  to expire.                   from  Iran.  Tehran  denies  equipment, much of which  2017. Kuwait has sought to
            ates  (AP)  —  A  six-nation  The   Gulf   Cooperation  arming  the  Houthis,  even  had  been  purchased  by  mediate  the  crisis,  though
            bloc  of  Gulf  Arab  nations  Council said it sent a letter  as  Iranian  armaments  and  the shah before the 1979 Is-  its  91-year-old  emir  now  is
            torn apart by internal strife  to  the  U.N.  Security  Coun-  components  have  repeat-  lamic Revolution. An earlier  hospitalized  in  the  U.S.  suf-
            endorsed on Sunday an ex-    cil  backing  an  extension  edly turned up in Yemen.     embargo  targeted  Iranian  fering from an undisclosed
            tension of a United Nations  of an arms embargo that's  "As such, it is inappropriate  arms exports.                ailment.q
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