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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 10 august 2020
            Nagasaki urges nuke ban on 75th anniversary of US A-bombing

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                   a  wide  gap  between  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    two  sides  on  nuclear  dis-
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  The  Japa-                                                                                          armament."  He  also  noted
            nese  city  of  Nagasaki  on                                                                                        Japan faces threats of de-
            Sunday marked its 75th an-                                                                                          velopment and moderniza-
            niversary of the U.S. atomic                                                                                        tion  of  nuclear  weapons
            bombing,  with  the  mayor                                                                                          from  "neighboring  coun-
            and dwindling survivors urg-                                                                                        tries in the region."
            ing world leaders including                                                                                         Taue,  who  spoke  before
            their own to do more for a                                                                                          Abe,  disagreed,  saying:
            nuclear weapons ban.                                                                                                "Among the nuclear-weap-
            At 11:02 a.m., the moment                                                                                           on states and countries un-
            the  B-29  bomber  Bocks-                                                                                           der  the  nuclear  umbrella,
            car  dropped  a  4.5-ton                                                                                            there  have  been  voices
            (10,000-pound)  plutonium                                                                                           stating  that  it  is  too  early
            bomb  dubbed  "Fat  Man,"                                                                                           for such a treaty. That is not
            Nagasaki survivors and oth-                                                                                         so. Nuclear arms reductions
            er  participants  stood  in  a                                                                                      are far too late in coming."
            minute  of  silence  to  honor                                                                                      While  Tokyo  renounces  its
            more than 70,000 dead.                                                                                              own  possession,  produc-
            The Aug. 9, 1945, bombing                                                                                           tion  or  hosting  of  nuclear
            came three days after the                                                                                           weapons, as a U.S. ally Ja-
            United  States  dropped  its                                                                                        pan hosts 50,000 American
            first  atomic  bomb  on  Hiro-  Doves  fly  over  the  Statue  of  Peace  during  a  ceremony  at  Nagasaki  Peace  Park  in  Nagasaki,   troops and is protected by
                                         southern Japan Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020, to mark the 75th anniversary of the world's second atomic
            shima, the world's first ever   bomb attack.                                                                        the  U.S.  nuclear  umbrella.
            nuclear  attack  that  killed                                                                      Associated Press   The  post-WWII  security  ar-
            140,000. On Aug. 15, Japan                                                                                          rangement     complicates
            surrendered,  ending  World  nuclear  weapons  being  He also urged Japan's gov-       "I must say the treaty is dif-  the  push  to  get  Japan  to
            War II.                      used is increasingly becom-  ernment and lawmakers to  ferent  from  Japan's  posi-    sign  the  treaty  as  it  beefs
            At  the  event  at  Nagasaki  ing real," Taue said. Noting  quickly sign the 2017 Treaty  tion  and  approach"  even  up  its  own  military  to  deal
            Peace  Park,  scaled  down  that  the  Nuclear  Prolifera-  on the Prohibition of Nucle-  though  they  share  the  with threats from North Ko-
            because of the coronavirus  tion  Treaty  entered  into  ar Weapons.                   same  goal  of  abolishing  rea and China, among oth-
            pandemic, Mayor Tomihisa  force  50  years  ago,  Taue  After  taking  part  in  the  nuclear weapons, he said.     ers.
            Taue  read  a  peace  dec-   urged  the  U.S.  and  Russia  ceremony,  Prime  Minister  Abe  has  repeatedly  re-   An aging group of survivors
            laration in which he raised  to  show  a  (asterisk)work-  Shinzo  Abe  criticized  the  fused to sign the treaty. He  have expressed a growing
            concern     that   nuclear  able  way(asterisk)  towards  treaty  for  not  being  real-  reiterated that Japan's ap-  sense of urgency to tell their
            states  had  in  recent  years  their  nuclear  disarmament  istic.  None  of  the  nuclear  proach is not to take sides  stories,  in  hopes  of  reach-
            retreated  from  disarma-    at  the  NPT  review  process  states  has  joined,  and  it  is  but  to  serve  as  a  bridge  ing younger generations to
            ment efforts.                next year.                   not widely supported even  between nuclear and non-       continue their effort toward
            Instead,  they  are  upgrad-  He  said  that  "the  true  hor-  by  non-nuclear  states,  he  nuclear  states  to  encour-  establishing  a  nuclear-free
            ing and miniaturizing nucle-  ror of nuclear weapons has  said.                        age dialogue to achieve a  world.
            ar weapons for easier use,  not  yet  been  adequately  "The  Treaty  on  the  Prohibi-  total nuclear ban.         "There is not much time left
            he  said.  Taue  singled  out  conveyed  to  the  world  at  tion  of  Nuclear  Weapons  Survivors   and   pacifist  for  us  survivors,"  said  Shi-
            the  U.S.  and  Russia  for  in-  large" despite struggle and  was  adopted  without  tak-  groups  say  Japan  is  virtu-  gemi  Fukabori,  89.  He  was
            creasing risks by scrapping  efforts  by  hibakusha,  or  ing  into  consideration  the  ally siding with the U.S. and  a  14-year-old  student  mo-
            the    Intermediate-Range  atomic  bombing  survivors,  reality of the harsh national  other nuclear states.        bilized  to  work  at  a  ship-
            Nuclear Forces Treaty.       to make Nagasaki the last  security environment," Abe  Abe cited "severe national  yard  when  Nagasaki  was
            "As  a  result,  the  threat  of  place of the tragedy.   said at a news conference.  security  environment  and  bombed. q

            U.K. names ‘Channel threat commander’ as boat crossings surge

            LONDON (AP) — The British  make this route unviable."     impractical and potentially
            government  has  appoint-    Britain's  Conservative  gov-  dangerous.
            ed  a  former  Royal  Marine  ernment  has  talked  tough  On  Saturday  the  Ministry
            commando  to  try  to  stop  amid  a  surge  in  the  num-  of  Defense  said  it  had  re-
            people  crossing  the  Eng-  ber  of  migrants  crossing  ceived  a  government  re-
            lish Channel from France in  the Channel during recent  quest  to  "support  U.K.  Bor-
            small boats.                 warm summer weather. On  der  Force  operations"  and
            The  government  said  Sun-  Thursday, 235 people were  was  looking  into  how  it
            day  that  Dan  O'Mahoney,  brought  ashore,  a  record  could best help.
            who  currently  heads  the  number  for  a  single  day.  Migrants  have  long  used
            U.K.'s  Joint  Maritime  Se-  More than 650 have arrived  northern   France   as   a
            curity  Center,  has  been  so  far  in  August,  including  launching  point  to  reach   A Border Force vessel brings a group of people thought to be
            named "clandestine Chan-     babies  and  unaccompa-      Britain,  either  in  trucks   migrants into the port city of Dover, England, from small boats,
            nel threat commander."       nied children.               through  the  Channel  tun-  Saturday Aug. 8, 2020.                  Associated Press
            Home  Secretary  Priti  Pa-  Patel  has  said  the  Royal  nel or on ferries.
            tel  said  O'Mahoney  would  Navy  could  be  called  in  Some have turned to small  on  ferries  and  trucks.  Fine  busiest  shipping  lanes  —
            work with French authorities  to  prevent  boats  reaching  boats  organized  by  smug-  summer  weather  is  also  about  20  miles  (32  kilome-
            on  stronger  enforcement  U.K.  waters,  though  other  glers  because  coronavirus  prompting  more  people  ters)  at  its  narrowest  point
            measures,  including  inter-  senior  officials  and  politi-  lockdowns  have  reduced  to  make  the  risky  journey  — in vessels as small as din-
            cepting  boats  at  sea,  "to  cians  say  that  would  be  opportunities to stow away  across  one  of  the  world's  ghies and kayaks q
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