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Wednesday 23 OctOber 2024 LOCAL

             Moths and native beliefs                                                                             Episode CCLXXVI - 276

              Etnia  Nativa  offers—in  situ—a  unique  native  experi-  transformation.  The  word  transform  is
              ence opportunity that fuses education and entertain-      metamorphoses in Greek, from which
              ment, challenging you to interact with our exclusive      we get the English term metamorpho-
              team while accessing an interesting private property      sis.  It  describes  the  period  of  change
              made with repurposed materials sorted by our con-         that a larva undergoes to get its wings
              cept developer. Meet our top columnist, avocational       to fly. This process is comparable to or
              archaeologist, and island`s cultural expert. Choose to    describes how a human being can be
              dive at the core of your destination through the navel    reborn in its mental state or become a
              of Aruba!                                                 spirit in the afterlife.

              In  this  episode,  Etnia  Nativa  shares  a  bit  regarding   Many  ancient  cultures  believed  it  to
              Aruba’s black witch moth and the beliefs of our na-       be the essence of personal transcen-
              tive people concerning bad omens and superstitions.       dence.  The  Greeks  usually  portray
                                                                        Psyche, their goddess of the soul, with
              Our  black  moth  is  a  fantastic  animal  that  flaps  its   wings. Through the years, the meaning   about  the  black  moth  of  death,  and
              wings,  just  like  some  bats  do.  As  they  have  a  wing   of the moth and the butterfly became   they tell us that if a person is sick and
              span of circa 18 cm, they are mostly nocturnal crea-      varied,  depending  on  their  colors.  In   the black moth fly’s into his house, this
              tures,  and  consequently,  people  mistakenly  associ-   the  Philippines,  China,  and  Central    sick  person  will  die.  Also,  if  one  sticks
              ate them with bats.                                       America,  varieties  of  dark  moths  and   at  you,  it  means  that  you  are  next.
                                                                        butterflies  are  associated  with  death.   Thats  why  most  of  the  time  people
              For many cultures around the world, moths and but-        Filipino  culture  has  many  superstitious   try to scare them away and get rid of
              terflies symbolize hope, transformation, and new be-      beliefs, or “pamahiin,” and among the      the  black  moths  bad  omen,  since  if
              ginnings.  However,  when  a  black  moth  lands  on  a   most enduring of these is the belief that   you cross paths with one of them, you
              person, it causes a lot of panic caused by the popular    the sudden appearance of an animal         should prepare for a negative turn of
              stories and beliefs associated with them; however, it is   is a sign of a dead relative making their   events.  Although  this  common  super-
              a completely harmless animal.                             presence felt.                             stition in particular has been around for
                                                                                                                   many years, finding its origins in Ameri-
              An  encounter  with  a  black  moth  can  indicate  that   In some cultures, black moths symbol-     can  continent  native  beliefs  and  folk
              the person is about to be reborn or renewed in some       ize the restless soul of a deceased per-   stories.  Whoever  butterflies  symbolize
              way associated with the dead, thus a darkness be-         son  unable  to  move  on.  Meanwhile,     transformation  and  rebirth  regardless
              fore the dawn, and also in some cultures, symbolizing     white  butterflies  portray  the  soul  of  a   of  color.  But  black  moths  or  butter-
              longevity.                                                deceased child.                            flies  also  represent  mystery,  intuition,
                                                                                                                   and  hidden  wisdom.  Some  see  them
              Moths  and  butterflies  are  recognized  as  symbols  of   The  native  Aruba’s  folk  stories  tell  us   as harbingers of death and bad luck,
                                                                                                                   while  others  view  them  as  symbols  of
                                                                                                                   good fortune and protection.

                                                                                                                   The truth is that the fluttering of its frag-
                                                                                                                   ile  wings  should  make  us  take  note
                                                                                                                   of  what  is  happening  around  us  and
                                                                                                                   that  they  are  heralds  and  also  vic-
                                                                                                                   tims of overdevelopment and climate
                                                                                                                   change, while many and most super-
                                                                                                                   stitions have to do with ignorance and
                                                                                                                   fear of the unknown.

                                                                                                                   If you liked our native stories and are
                                                                                                                   interested in diving deeper into learn-
                                                                                                                   ing  the  true  identity  of  Aruba,  a  visit
                                                                                                                   to  Etnia  Nativa  would  be  a  fantastic
                                                                                                                   choice. We have been a trendsetting
                                                                                                                   entity  since  1994,  as  a  co-founder  of
                                                                                                                   projects such as Arikok National Park,
                                                                                                                   the Archaeological Museum, and the
                                                                                                                   Artisan Foundation, among others. Ev-
                                                                                                                   ery  week,  this  newspaper  shares  our
                                                                                                                   valuable  knowledge.  Don’t  miss  the
                                                                                                                   opportunity  to  feel  the  island’s  spirit
                                                                                                                   through our real stories that are not just
                                                                                                                   remembered;  they  resonate,  they’re
                                                                                                                   felt,  and  they  stir  souls  to  the  bone.
                                                                                                                   Book  your  visit:  WhatsApp  +297  592
                                                                                                                   2702 etnianativa03@gmail.comq
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