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Wednesday 23 OctOber 2024
Place names in San Nicolas and their origins
(Oranjestad)--If you’re by the famous Red Anchor to “Saint Nicolas”, leading
ever taking a tour of Aru- at what was once the en- many to believe that this
ba, San Nicolas would trance to the Colony resi- district was named after a
definitely be on your itiner- dential community and be Spanish saint. Though one
ary. From relaxing on the greeted with red soiled hills account does support this
white, sandy beaches of by the coast. This is Sero with the theory that the dis-
Baby and Roger’s Beach, Colorado. Named after trict was named after the
to exploring the prehistoric the 30-meter, deep red, saint by Spanish colonizers,
caves of Quadirikiri and limestone hill, “Sero Colora- the other account is much
Fontein, you are taking do” translates to “Colored less divine, but does refer to
in a full view of what San Hill”. Sero Colorado has and beloved for his kind- an influential figure in the
Nicolas has to offer. But deep historical ties with the Vader Piet ness and good treatment area.
did you know that you are once-thriving phosphate Another well visited area, of his employees, and was
also passing through areas industry in the area. Matter Vader Piet is located in the therefore also called Va- Nicolaas van der Biest was
whose names have histori- of fact, there are still under- Arikok National Park. Rec- der Piet (Father Piet). How- a successful landowner
cal origins? Here are a few ground shafts and passag- ognizable sites within this ever, he was tragically mur- during the time of the phos-
place names in San Nico- es deep in Sero Colorado area includes the Wind Mills dered—some speculate at phate boom in late 19th
las and their origin story. from the time of phosphate and the Quadirikiri Cave. the hands of a slave. For his century Aruba. Back then,
mining. In 1958, the refinery The origin of this name is work and good heart, the landowners (most, if not all
Sero Colorado at the time, Lago, adopted part historical and specula- area was named after him. of them men) were referred
On your way to Baby or this name for the residential tion, as there are slight de- to as “Shon” by their subor-
Roger’s Beach, you’ll pass section of its employees. viations from what actually San Nicolas dinates. So, the district was
happened. Of course we can’t forget originally named after Shon
San Nicolas itself. Much Nicolaas. Over time, the
In 1829, Pieter Lampe was a like Vader Piet, the origin name evolved into what is
planter and the person re- of the name San Nicolas now San Nicolas.q
sponsible for governing this has so far two different ac-
remote area. As the story counts. In the literal sense, Source: “Aruba: Short History”
goes, Pieter was well known “San Nicolas” translates by Dr. J. Hartog.
Lessons from our elders:
Plants and fruits for medicinal use
(Oranjestad)—Though west- boil a bit of water and add
ern medicine is now widely one tablespoon of arrowroot
used for common illnesses powder and stir continuous-
and to keep our bodies ly until you reach porridge
healthy and happy, it is consistency. If you make a
still very common in every shalup with milk, add a pinch
household in Aruba (and of salt. Raw arrowroot pow-
around the world) to have der can be used to powder
staple home remedies that is babies.
passed on through genera-
tions. Here are some tips that Eggplant/Aubergine
our elders have passed on Eggplants, or aubergines,
to us over the years. However, breastfeeding are easy to find in supermar-
women who cannot pro- kets around the world and
Pineapple duce much milk are advised can be grown all year round
Pineapple has more uses not to consume too pineap- on the island. Related to po-
than topping it on your ple, and people with acid tato and tomato, eggplants
Christmas ham. According reflux are recommended to are good to calm nerves. It
to elders, the skin of a pine- not consume any pineapple can also be used to lower
apple is great to use to re- at all. blood pressure, by steep-
fresh your body. Clean the ing its leaves in boiled water
skin thoroughly and make Arrowroot and drinking it. You can also
tea or warapa* with it. It is Arrowroot is native to tropical make eggplant juice to help
said that this tea can also America and can be sold as purify your blood. However,
be drank after an operation a powder or whole. It is said do make sure to drink slowly;
on the ovaries or uterus. This that you can take arrowroot let it mix with your spit and
gets rid of irritation and in- powder and make a “sha- then swallow.
flammation. lup” (porridge) for stomach
pain or when you’re feeling Eggplant kataplan* can also be
used to treat skin tumors, ab-
When the fruit is unripe and weak. You can make it with scesses and hemorrhoids. Egg-
green, this can be used to milk too, but it is advised to plant kataplan can also be used
stimulate menstruation flow best use just water. You can externally to treat arthritis.
in women. This also stimulates also add prunes for a bit of *warapa: term referring to a water
the passing kidney stones. sweetness. Arrowroot shalup and sugar solution, a.k.a simple
When ripe, the fruit can be is also good to treat an un- syrup.
used for poisoning in the gut healthy gut or for diarrhea. *kataplan: porridge-like mixture
used externally for wounds or
and can help treat rheumat- parts of the body that are painful
ic diseases, like arthritis. To make arrowroot shalup, or swollen.