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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 11 Maart 2022

                           House approves ban on Russian oil to US, bolstering Biden

            (AP)  —  The  House  over-   Russia and help Ukraine has                                                            objections, Democratic lead-
            whelmingly approved leg-     acted as an accelerant on the                                                          ers  in  Congress  shelved  the
            islation  Wednesday  night  White House’s own strategy,                                                             emerging  bill  rather  than
            that  would  ban  Russian  pushing  the  Biden  adminis-                                                            forcing a confrontation with
            oil imports to the United  tration to move more quickly                                                             their party’s president.
            States, an effort to put into  than it would have — a rare
            law  the  restrictions  an-  example  of  the  legislative                                                          Instead,  the  new  legislation
            nounced by President Joe  branch muscling its way into                                                              approved by the House stops
            Biden  in  response  to  the  foreign policy.                                                                       short of suspending Russia’s
            escalating war in Ukraine.                                                                                          normal  trade  status.  Rather,
                                         Just days ago, the Biden ad-                                                           it  calls  for  a  review  of  Rus-
            Going  further  than  Biden’s  ministration  was  reluctant                                                         sia’s status at the World Trade
            import  ban  on  Russian  to  ban  Russian  oil  imports,                                                           Organization.  The  House
            oil,  the  bill  making  its  way  worried  about  reducing  the                                                    bill also says the Global Mag-
            through Congress would also  global  energy  supply  and                                                            nitsky  Human  Rights  Ac-
            encourage  a  review  of  Rus-  causing spikes in gas prices at                                                     countability  Act  should  be
            sia’s status in the World Trade  a time when U.S. households  House  GOP  leader  Kevin  tality  of  the  war  intensifies.  bolstered to allow the presi-
            Organization and signal U.S.  already  face  record-setting  McCarthy   said   Republi-  More than 2 million Ukrai-  dent  to  impose  sanctions
            support  for  sanctions  on  inflation.                   cans would have preferred a  nians have fled the country in  on  any  foreign  person  who
            Russian officials over human                              tougher bill on Russia, along-  the  most  rapid  exodus  since  has  “directly  or  indirectly
            rights violations, as the U.S.  “We’ve  been  talking  about  side efforts to allow more en-  World War II.         engaged  in  serious  human
            works to economically isolate  doing  the  Russian  (energy)  ergy  production  in  the  U.S.                       rights abuse.”
            the regime.                  ban  for  a  while,  and  we’re  Nevertheless, they wanted to  The legislation in many ways
                                         so  pleased  the  president  has  send a show of support.  is symbolic, since Biden has  The Democrats in Congress
            Lawmakers  in  both  parties  done  that,”  House  Speaker                             already  announced  the  Rus-  are  toggling  between  push-
            have been eager to act, will-  Nancy  Pelosi  said  ahead  of  “Our   conference   over-  sian oil ban. But the legisla-  ing their priorities and allow-
            ing  to  risk  higher  gas  prices  the vote.             whelmingly  does  not  want  tive  push  sets  up  the  next  ing the Biden administration
            at home in order to support                               Russian oil; we want Ameri-  showdown  over  Russia’s  leeway as it works with allies
            Ukraine with a show of U.S.  While  Russian  oil  makes  can oil,” McCarthy said.      trade  status  as  Congress  in Europe and beyond to stop
            bipartisanship.  The  legisla-  up only a small part of U.S.                           presses  for  restrictions  on  Putin’s war.
            tion  was  approved  Wednes-  imports,  it  carries  a  high  The  GOP  leader  distanced  other  imports  from  Russia
            day, 414-17, and now goes to  price for lawmakers in Con-  himself  from  former  Presi-  that the administration has so  Senators,  though,  remain
            the Senate.                  gress who viewed the ban as  dent  Donald  Trump’s  views  far resisted.               eager  to  curb  Russian  trade
                                         a  moral  test  in  blocking  an  that  Putin  is  a  “genius”  for                    with  restrictions  on  imports
            Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas,  economic lifeline for Putin’s  his Ukraine strategy.     The White House intervened  to the U.S., and Republican
            who helped draft the bill, ac-  regime. Lawmakers appeared                             over the weekend as key law-  senators  may  try  to  amend
            knowledged it may cost more  especially moved by Ukraini-  “I  do  not  think  anything  makers from both the House  the bill once it comes up for
            to  fill  up  tanks  at  home  to  an  President  Volodymr  Zel-  savvy or genius about Putin.  and  Senate  prepared  a  more  a Senate debate, likely in the
            stop Russian President Vladi-  enskyy’s “desperate plea” for  I  think  Putin  is  evil.  He’s  a  punitive  bill  that  would  be-  week  ahead.  The  bipartisan
            mir Putin’s tanks abroad.    help during a weekend video  dictator,” McCarthy said.    gin to strip Russia of its per-  bill as initially drafted would
                                         call with lawmakers.                                      manent normal trade relation  have suspended normal trade
            “It is one way to demonstrate                             The  action  comes  as  Con-  status — a move that would  relations with Russia as well
            our  solidarity,”  Doggett  said  “We  stand  with  the  people  gress  is  on  track  to  approve  have opened the door to tar-  as  Belarus,  the  neighboring
            during the debate.           of  Ukraine,  Democrats  and  nearly  $14  billion  in  mili-  iffs  on  other  goods  coming  Russian  ally  that  has  been
                                         Republicans alike,” said Rep.  tary and humanitarian aid for  from Russia to the U.S.  used  as  a  launch  point  for
            The  remarkable  bipartisan  Lloyd Smucker, R-Pa.         Ukraine,  a  package  that  has                           incursions  into  northern
            resolve in Congress to deter                              swelled  in  size  as  the  bru-  Amid  the  administration’s  Ukraine.

                      Americans in Japanese prison in Ghosn escape seek to go home

            (AP) — Two Americans im-     The U.S. Justice Department  roles  in  helping  Ghosn  es-  months  in  detention.  They  Another  American,  former
            prisoned  in  Japan  for  help-  in  October  requested  the  cape  Japan  for  Lebanon,  the  were kept in solitary confine-  senior Nissan Motor Co. ex-
            ing former Nissan Chairman  Taylors, who were convicted  country of his ancestry. Leba-  ment in Japan while awaiting  ecutive  Greg  Kelly,  recently
            Carlos Ghosn avoid trial and  in  the  same  trial,  be  trans-  non has no extradition treaty  their  verdict.  That  is  fairly  returned  home  to  the  U.S.
            escape to Lebanon are hoping  ferred to a U.S. prison.    with Japan.                  standard in Japan for suspects  after  being  cleared  of  nearly
            to serve the rest of their time                                                        not given bail. But they were  all charges related to Ghosn’s
            in the U.S.                  Japan’s Justice Ministry must  Taylor, 61, was sentenced to  not given credit for the time  compensation.  Kelly  says  he
                                         agree  for  the  transfer  to  be  two  years  in  prison.  Peter  spent  before  they  were  sen-  is innocent and is appealing.
            The  Boston-based  attorney  carried out. The ministry had  Taylor, 29, was accused of ar-  tenced.                 He is not required to stay in
            for  Michael  Taylor  and  his  no immediate comment.     ranging  the  escape  and  sen-                           Japan while the Tokyo High
            son  Peter  Taylor,  Paul  Kelly,                         tenced to 20 months in pris-  The Taylors’ family members  Court hears an appeal.
            said Thursday that the elder  Ghosn  fled  to  Lebanon  in  on.  Since  he  is  athletic  and  have not been able to visit or
            man was suffering from seri-  late 2019, hiding in a music  younger, he is in better shape  telephone  them.  They  have  Tokyo  prosecutors,  who  de-
            ous back pain and frostbite.  instrument box aboard a pri-  than his father, Kelly said.  only been able to meet with  manded  two  years  in  prison
                                         vate jet.                                                 their attorneys and U.S. Em-  for  Kelly,  also  are  consider-
                                                                      In  their  trial,  they  said  they  bassy officials.     ing an appeal, spokesman and
                                         Japanese  prisons  lack  West-  had been misled and wanted                             Deputy  Chief  Prosecutor
                                         ern-style  heating,  air-condi-  to  save  Ghosn  from  an  un-  Ghosn  was  arrested  in  No-  Hiroshi Morimoto said.
                                         tioning or beds. Inmates get  fair system, believing Ghosn  vember  2018  and  charged
                                         a  mattress  that’s  rolled  out  could  not  expect  a  fair  trial.  with  under-reporting  his  Ghosn  was  a  superstar  for
                                         at night. Japanese authorities  Japan’s  justice  system  has  compensation and of breach  two decades at Nissan’s helm.
                                         say  their  prisons  meet  hu-  been  long  criticized  by  hu-  of  trust  in  misusing  Nissan  Kelly’s  trial  has  highlighted
                                         manitarian standards.        man rights advocates.        money  for  personal  gain,  discontent at the Japanese au-
                                                                                                   such as fancy homes, a yacht  tomaker  over  what  was  per-
                                         Michael  and  Peter  Taylor  The  Taylors  were  extradited  and lavish parties. He says he  ceived as its lesser position in
                                         were convicted in Tokyo Dis-  from  the  U.S.  in  February  is innocent.              the alliance with French part-
                                         trict  Court  in  July  for  their  2021,  after  spending  nine                       ner Renault.
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