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world news Diabierna 11 Maart 2022
US VP Harris embraces call for war crimes probe of Russia
(AP) — U.S. Vice Presi- consulting the U.S. Just as Court prosecutor announced
dent Kamala Harris on Harris arrived in Warsaw last week he was launching
Thursday embraced calls late Wednesday, the Penta- an investigation that could
for an international war gon definitively rejected the target senior officials believed
crimes investigation of idea, saying it would run the responsible for war crimes,
Russia over its invasion of risk of escalating the Russia- crimes against humanity or
Ukraine, citing the “atroc- Ukraine war. genocide amid a rising civil-
ities” of bombing civilians, ian death toll and widespread
including a maternity hos- At Thursday’s news confer- destruction of property dur-
pital. ence, both Harris and Duda ing Russia’s invasion of
sought to brush aside differ- Ukraine.
Speaking alongside Polish ences on the fighter jets issue.
President Andrzej Duda at a But investigations at the ICC
press conference in Warsaw, “I want to be very clear, the take many years, and rela-
where she is demonstrating United States and Poland are tively few convictions have
U.S. support for NATO’s united in what we have done ever been won. The ICC
eastern flank allies, Harris and are prepared to do to help was set up in 2002 to pros- lies. leader has been in Europe in
expressed outrage over the Ukraine and the people of ecute war crimes, crimes recent days meeting with al-
bombing Wednesday of the Ukraine, full stop,” she said. against humanity and geno- Harris also met Thursday lies about Ukraine. Trudeau
maternity hospital and scenes Duda for his part sidestepped cide. The crime of aggres- with seven refugees who have credited the Biden adminis-
of bloodied pregnant women questions about why Po- sion, which can’t be inves- fled from Ukraine to Poland tration for rallying Europe’s
being evacuated, as well as land announced its proposal tigated in Ukraine because since the Russian invasion largely unified response.
other attacks on civilians. She without first consulting the neither Russia nor Ukraine began. She praised the refu-
stopped short of directly ac- United States. He stressed is a member of the court, was gees for their “courage” and “Vladimir Putin totally un-
cusing Russia of having com- his government’s intention added later. said the conversation would derestimated the strength
mitted war crimes. was driven by a desire for help inform U.S. assistance and resolve of the Ukrai-
“NATO as a whole to make White House press secretary efforts. The group included a nian people,” Trudeau said.
“Absolutely there should a common decision” on the Jen Psaki called the hospital Ukrainian advocate for peo- “But he also underestimated
be an investigation, and we matter. bombing “horrific” and said ple with disabilities, a Moroc- the strength and resolve of
should all be watching,” the U.S. is going through a can university student, a pro- democracies to stand up in
said Harris, noting that the Harris’ embrace for an inves- “legal review process” to de- fessional film producer from support of Ukraine, (and) in
United Nations has already tigation of war crimes came termine whether to label the Odessa, a Senegalese com- support of those values, and
started a process to review al- after the Biden administra- bombing a war crime. munity leader and teacher, a principles that underlie ev-
legations. “I have no question tion on Wednesday warned LGBTQIA+ rights activist erything we do.”
the eyes of the world are on that Russia might seek to Duda said “it is obvious to us from Kyiv, and a Ukrainian
this war and what Russia has use chemical or biological that in Ukraine Russians are energy expert and her young Harris’ whirlwind visit to
done in terms of this aggres- weapons in Ukraine as the committing war crimes.” He adult daughter. Poland and Romania was
sion and these atrocities.” White House rejected Rus- added that in his view the in- billed by the White House as
sian claims of illegal chemical vasion was “bearing the fea- “We are here to support you, a chance for the vice presi-
Harris’ visit to Poland came weapons development in the tures of a genocide — it aims and you are not alone,” Har- dent to consult with two of
amid a kerfuffle between country it has invaded. at eliminating and destroying ris told the group. “And I the leaders from eastern flank
Warsaw and Washington over a nation.” know there’s so much about NATO nations about the
a Polish proposal to send its The White House raised the the experience that you’ve growing humanitarian crisis
Soviet-made fighter jets to a notion after Russian Foreign Harris praised the Polish had that has made you feel caused by the Russian inva-
U.S. and NATO base in Ger- Ministry spokeswoman Ma- people for their generosity alone. You are not alone. We sion of Ukraine.
many so they could then go ria Zakharova — without for taking in nearly 1.5 mil- around the world are watch-
to Ukraine. Poland, in turn, evidence — accused Ukraine lion refugees since Russia in- ing.” Already, more than 2 million
would receive American F- of running chemical and bi- vaded Ukraine last month. refugees have fled Ukraine
16s. ological weapons labs with The vice president also met — with more than half com-
U.S. support. The legislation includes $6.8 with Canadian Prime Min- ing to Poland — and even
Poland had publicly floated billion to care for refugees ister Justin Trudeau while more expected to arrive in
the proposal without first The International Criminal and other economic aid to al- in Warsaw. The Canadian the days ahead.
Taiwan minister
China war a disaster regardless of outcome
(AP) — A conflict with China, which threatens to invade Taiwan, would be “If you really went to war, Taiwan support.
a disaster for all sides re- it would be disastrous for
gardless of the outcome, all,” Chiu said. He said Tai- Col. Wu Qian blamed Tai-
the island’s defense minis- wan’s defense establishment wan’s ruling pro-indepen-
ter said Thursday. “watches and listens but we dence Democratic Progres-
keep our mouths shut. We sive Party, adding that, “The
China has largely backed are following developments more the United States and
Russia in invading Ukraine, and preparing ourselves but Japan make waves on the Tai-
a conflict that has echoes in we don’t openly discuss or wan question, the tougher
Beijing’s approach to Taiwan, debate.” actions we will take to safe-
the self-governing island de- guard national sovereignty
mocracy that it claims as Chi- At the annual meetings of and territorial integrity.”
nese territory, to be annexed China’s rubber-stamp legis-
by force if necessary. lature, the National People’s Wu also defended a defense
Congress, and its advisory budget increase, saying China
“Nobody wants a war,” Tai- body this week in Beijing, has “maintained reasonable
wanese Defense Minister delegates criticized what they and steady growth to tackle
Chiu Kuo-cheng told report- called foreign influence and complex security challenges
ers. “It really has to be thor- separatism in Taiwan while and fulfill China’s responsi-
oughly thought over.” increasing China’s legal and bility as a major country.”
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