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A30    world news
                   Diabierna 11 Maart 2022

                        Human trafficking case sparks government response in China

                                                                                                                                ter  rescue  and  providing  re-
                                                                      Activists have welcomed the  NPC delegates do not direct-  sources for mental health and
                                                                      response, though some ques-  ly  draft  legislation,  although  physical recovery, she said.
                                                                      tion  whether  the  focus  on  their proposals are passed on
                                                                      heavy  criminal  penalties  is  to the appropriate ministries.  Among  activists’  concerns  is
                                                                      the best approach to take.   The  body’s  Standing  Com-  whether  those  rescued  will
                                                                                                   mittee, aided by legal experts,  be able to register for public
                                                                      “I  personally  think  all  of  actually writes the laws.  services such as health insur-
                                                                      these  proposals  are  positive,                          ance  because  they  had  been
                                                                      and  they  are  meaningful,”  The chained woman’s plight  given new names and house-
                                                                      said  Feng  Yuan,  co-founder  ignited  a  public  demand  to  hold registrations in the plac-
                                                                      of  Beijing  Equality,  a  group  ensure a crackdown on traf-  es  to  which  they  had  been
                                                                      that focuses on gender-based  ficking. According to Zhang’s  trafficked.
                                                                      violence.                    2022  report,  the  number  of
                                                                                                   people charged annually with  “I hope these points can also
                                                                      “But  I  think  they  are  miss-  trafficking  women  and  chil-  attract attention,” Feng said.
                                                                      ing  some  important  angles,”  dren declined from 14,458 in
            (AP)  —  Sustained,  pal-    enforce” laws against abduc-  Feng  said,  because  the  pro-  2000 to just 1,135 people last  China’s  Cabinet  addressed
            pable anger in China over  tion and trafficking.          posals she saw have been too  year. However it’s unclear if  some  of  those  issues  in  an
            the  case  of  a  mother  of                              focused on the buyers’ crimi-  the  decline  in  the  number  April  2021  document,  in-
            eight  found  chained  in-   The  woman  found  on  the  nal penalties.                charged is due to less traffick-  cluding  verifying  marriage
            side a shed has prompted  outskirts of the eastern city of                             ing or due to looser enforce-  registrations  and  increasing
            an  unusually  strong  gov-  Xuzhou  had  been  trafficked  Under   current   Chinese  ment.                        anti-trafficking  education  in
            ernment  response  to  hu-   multiple times and had eight  criminal law, those who traf-                            remote areas. New measures
            man  trafficking  at  the  children by the man who ul-    fic  women  or  children  can  A  desire  to  quiet  and  divert  seek to give these initiatives a
            annual  session  of  China’s  timately purchased her.     be sentenced to between five  public anger while China was  boost.
            rubber-stamp legislature.                                 and  10  years  in  prison,  and  hosting the Winter Olympics
                                         State  media  reported  that  at  even  a  death  sentence.  Pur-  last month may have been a  Trafficking  is  fed  in  part  by
            The  issue  even  merited  a  least  half  a  dozen  proposed  chasers  can  be  sentenced  to  factor  in  the  government’s  a large gender imbalance re-
            brief  mention  by  China’s  legal  reforms  on  the  issue  no more than three years.  response.                   sulting from China’s former
            premier Li Keqiang in his an-  were brought by members of                                                           one-child policy.
            nual  report  on  government  the  National  People’s  Con-  Jiang’s proposal also included  “They don’t want this case to
            performance delivered Satur-  gress  and  its  consultative  the  prospect  of  a  follow-up  suck up all the air,” said Dali  “The logic of constructing a
            day. That marked part of a di-  body, which are holding their  mechanism  after  victims  are  Yang, a professor of political  family as being the most im-
            rect attempt by a government  annual sessions this week in  rescued  from  trafficking.  science  at  the  University  of  portant thing in a way over-
            not often given to responding  Beijing.                   Others  called  on  local  gov-  Chicago.  “So  there’s  clearly  rides  concern  about  where
            to public pressure to address                             ernments  to  correctly  iden-  an interest in, ideally, resolv-  someone  came  from,”  said
            the widespread outrage.      A proposal from delegate Ji-  tify  trafficking  victims  who  ing it in a way that it would  Johanna  Ransmeier,  a  pro-
                                         ang  Shengnan  would  raise  may have been registered un-  disappear.”                 fessor  at  the  University  of
            Local  governments  have  an-  criminal penalties in traffick-  der false names, create a na-                       Chicago who studied the his-
            nounced crackdowns on the  ing  cases  so  that  the  buyer  tionwide alert system for kid-  Yang  said  proposals  to  ad-  tory of human trafficking in
            practice  of  trafficking  vul-  would  face  the  same  penal-  napping  and  trafficking,  and  dress the issue appeared to be  China.
            nerable  women  in  the  vast  ties  as  the  seller,  according  increase criminal penalties.  politically  “within  the  realm
            country, while the Public Se-  to  state  newspaper  Beijing                           of acceptability.”           Ultimately,  such  underlying
            curity Ministry is pursuing a  Youth Daily.               Authorities  did  not  respond                            attitudes  need  to  change  for
            nationwide   anti-trafficking                             to  a  request  to  interview  Feng, the women’s rights ac-  a solution to be found, Rans-
            campaign aimed at solving a  “Appropriately increasing the  NPC  delegates,  including  tivist, urged the government  meier said.
            backlog of cases, to be carried  penalty  and  increasing  the  Jiang.  A  similar  request  for  to  look  at  reform  beyond
            out  by  all  levels.  On  Tues-  criminal  penalty  for  buying  members  of  the  advisory  criminal penalties. More ur-  “It’s distressing that this rem-
            day,  China’s  top  prosecutor,  will  play  a  certain  deterrent  body  the  Chinese  People’s  gent issues include verifying  edy  is  purely  about  punish-
            Zhang  Jun,  announced  his  effect,”  Jiang  was  quoted  as  Political  Consultative  Con-  a  victim’s  identity,  helping  ment,  and  not  about  social
            department  would  “strictly  saying by the paper.        ference was declined.        them  live  independently  af-  change,” she said.

                         Endurance: Explorer Shackleton’s ship found after a century

            (AP)  -  Researchers  have  pedition  Endurance22  an-    The  combination  of  deep,  of  breaking  through  3-foot  the ship was recorded to have
            discovered  the  remark-     nounced  the  discovery  on  dark  waters  —  no  sunlight  (1-meter)-thick ice.       sunk in 1915.
            ably well-preserved wreck  Wednesday.                     penetrates  to  10,000  feet  —
            of  polar  explorer  Ernest                               frigid  temperatures  and  sea  The  team,  which  included  The British explorer Shackle-
            Shackleton’s  ship,  En-     Images  and  video  of  the  ice  have  frustrated  past  ef-  more  than  100  research-  ton never achieved his ambi-
            durance,  in  10,000  feet  of  wreck  show  the  three-mast-  forts to find Endurance, but  ers  and  crew  members,  de-  tion to become the first per-
            icy  water,  a  century  after  ed  wooden  ship  in  pristine  also explain why the wreck is  ployed  underwater  drones  son to cross Antarctica via the
            it  was  swallowed  up  by  condition,  with  gold-leaf  in such good condition today.  that combed the seafloor for  South Pole. In fact, he never
            Antarctic ice during what  letters  reading  “Endurance”                               two weeks in the area where  set foot on the continent.
            proved  to  be  one  of  the  still  affixed  to  the  stern  and  The  bottom  of  the  Weddell
            most  heroic  expeditions  the ship’s lacquered wooden  Sea  is  “a  very  inhospitable
            in history.                  helm still standing upright, as  environment  for  just  about
                                         if  the  captain  may  return  to  everything   —   especially
            A  team  of  marine  archae-  steer it at any time.       the  kind  of  bacteria,  mites
            ologists, engineers and other                             and   wood-eating   worms
            scientists  used  an  icebreaker  The  discovery  is  “a  titantic  that  would  otherwise  enjoy
            ship  and  underwater  drones  find” in “one of the world’s  munching on a wooden ship-
            to locate the wreck at the bot-  most  challenging  environ-  wreck,” said Schwankert.
            tom of the Weddell Sea, near  ments,” said maritime histo-
            the Antarctica Peninsula.    rian Steven Schwankert, who  The    expedition   Endur-
                                         was not involved in the expe-  ance22 embarked from Cape
            The    Falklands   Maritime  dition.                      Town, South Africa, in early
            Heritage  Trust’s  search  ex-                            February  in  a  ship  capable
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