Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
LOCAL Saturday 19 November 2022
Rain brings mosquitos, and mosquitos cause diseases
ORANJESTAD - Aruba has Rain water or any clean aches and can even be
been experiencing a very water that becomes stag- fatal.
active rain season which is nant can become a breed-
appreciated by many but ing place for these mosqui- Zika causes fever, rash,
also comes with unavoid- tos. Mosquitos breeding headache, joint pain, red
able issues for healthcare places are a nuisance for eyes, and muscle pain,
in Aruba, especially when the entire neighborhood while Chikungunya causes
rainwater becomes stag- and increase the chance fever, joint pain, muscle
nant in containers. of these diseases spread- pain, or rash.
Aedes Aegypti, the white- The team of the Yellow Fe- their home and in their pots, flower vases, pet wa-
legged mosquito, can Dengue can cause severe ver and Mosquito Control neighborhood. GKMB is ter bowls, old tires, or any
spread diseases like Den- symptoms like high fever, GKMB of the Department also doing its duties by visit- open container in and
gue, Zika, or Chikungunya. headache, and body of Public Health DVG is ing the areas to clear pub- around the house.
going around in neighbor- lic areas and dispose of
hoods every day and visit- stagnant water that can The GKMB will only spray
ing each home to create become breeding areas. in areas with Dengue out-
awareness breaks, but this is effective
The origin of the mosquito against adult mosquitos
about the issue and help problem is mosquito breed- and not against the larvas.
homeowners identify pos- ing places. Breeding spots One can only break the
sible breeding areas for mean more mosquitos and mosquito breeding cycle
these mosquitos. mosquito-related diseases. when it runs out of breed-
ing spots. Involvement if
This way, each citizen can The community is responsi- the community is essen-
help themselves and re- ble for actively help reduce tial to eliminate breeding
duce the amount of white- breeding areas by starting grounds during the mosqui-
legged mosquitos near at home. Make sure there is to season.q
no stagnant water in plant
Palapa and Gazebo project at Mangel Halto beach will start next week
ORANJESTAD – On No- renovation, as this beach is conservation and man-
vember 17, 2022, the Min- under the management of agement in Aruba. FPNA
ister of Tourism and Public the FPNA. They will build 11 will collaborate with ATA in
Health, Dangui Oduber, new gazebos and refurbish the design of the palapas
announced another beau- three palapas. and Gazebos. The aim is to
tification project, starting make them blend in with
soon. Mangel Halto is a beach the area landscape and
loved by many beachgo- nature to create a balance
This project entails palapas ers and tourists and is worth between conservation ef-
restoration and construc- the facelift. Work will start forts and leisure of the lo-
tion of Gazebos at the next week, and the Mangel cals and visitors.
Mangel Halto beach in Pos Halto beach will soon shine benefits nature conserva- over $150,000. These tourists
Chiquito. The palapas de- again. ATA and the FPNA Mangel Halto is a natu- tion for future generations. have certain expectations,
teriorated and were van- will finance this project. ral area protected by the and it is crucial to enhance
dalized. The Ministry of Tour- "Marine Protected Area" The ministry of Tourism the Aruba product con-
ism and the Aruba Tourism The Arikok National Park (MPA) Mangel Halto Park. works according to its vi- tinuously to cater to them.
Authority, decided to up- Foundation (FPNA) is an It is essential to protect and sion and policy focused on Aruba is known as a quality
grade this beach and ap- independent foundation preserve this area to com- niche tourism. It entails low- destination, and constant
proached the Aruba Na- responsible for protected ply with the ambition of volume high-value tourists investment is required to
tional Park (FPNA) for the land and marine areas sustainable tourism, which with an annual income of keep this expectation.q