Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
local Saturday 19 November 2022
Errol de Freitas, president of San Nicolas Business Association:
“We want calculated and structured development”
ORANJESTAD – San Nico- out that they are receiving
las Business Association for attention, but the realiza-
a few years has been en- tion is still missing. However,
gaged in efforts for the de- there is a will. “There is not
velopment of the district of a single instance when we
San Nicolas, and recently knock on the government’s
a change in directive were door and they are not
announced. The new board ready to receive us, that is
consists of 9 members for something that is very posi-
the period of 2022-204, with tive.”
Errol de Freitas elected as
new president. He also touched on the sit-
uation of the Secrets Baby
In an interview with our re- Beach hotel. De Freitas said
porter, De Freitas expressed that this needs to be clari-
that the vision that he now fied at this moment one
has as president is a liv- way or another. SNBA is not
ing document, with an or- directly involved, but the
ganization that has been construction is continuing,
around for over 50 years. he said.
He said that the circum- “And they need to contin-
stances around the district ue because they need to
change, but the vision for open their doors, otherwise
progress and commerce it’s not convenient either. I
remains intact, not only think general willingness is
for San Nicolas but for the the process of governing, community. We cannot that is music, art, culture a necessity and we need
entire area denominated De Freitas said that SNBA do it on our own, and we and food, and authentic development, but the dif-
‘pariba di brug’ (over the was the only organization don’t want to do it like that part of the island”, he said. ference is that we want a
bridge). that brought a manifesto either.” In his opinion, the district of calculated and structured
to the government, with 20 San Nicolas still lacks, for development where the
During the pandemic they points. Some of these have On the 6th of December example, an area like Lin- tourist can enjoy, but the
assumed the challenge to already been achieved, there will be a Council of ear Park or where people people of San Nicolas and
also be involved with the namely Medial Institute San Ministers in this area, to- can exercise, walk or ride the Aruban community
community. Currently, be- Nicolas (IMSan), which be- gether with seven com- their bicycles. A lot of plac- also, and that is important.”
cause San Nicolas is in ev- came an independent in- panies that are ready to es in Colony don’t have
eryone’s view recently be- stitute. Around 42 percent launch. He said they are in- lights, and he said that a Finalizing, he said that this
cause it is the last frontier for of the population lives ‘pa- terested in developing the few months ago an ac- coming December, Christ-
development, the associa- riba di brug’. Main Street, searching for cident took place where mas will be inaugurated in
tion needs to be aware of buildings and opportunities sadly three people passed San Nicolas with a fair with
how it will be developed to De Freitas said that they in San Nicolas. away. “This is the moment everything that is from pa-
insure that the community have been holding various that they need to allow de- riba. He called on interest-
is involved, as they are the meetings with the govern- “Tourists don’t come to San velopment to take place”, ed parties to participate in
ones who need to develop ment, pending with proj- Nicolas for our perfection, he said. this, like vendors, to contact
and enjoy. This is the short- ects in Sero Colorado, the they come for our imper- the association through
term vision, he explained. completion of the Main fection, and if you realize Regarding the govern- their Facebook page.q
Street, among others. They it you will see everything ment, De Freitas pointed
Currently they are busy with also are giving support re-
the formation of the new garding the ‘red zone’ and
directive which will take gave support to the Aruba
place in the next few days, Art Fair. “This means that
after which they will call there are more ways for us
on the press to inform the to help. Currently we are
community of the cardi- in conversation with the
nal points that they will be Chamber of Commerce,
standing for during the next because the idea is that
two years. we need to start preparing
our people for what’s com-
The National Transforma- ing”, he said.
tion Map that was pre-
sented during a political With the construction of
forum in EPB San Nicolas, three hotels in this area,
according to De Freitas De Freitas says that they
was to involve the voters of need to make sure that the
the ‘pariba di brug’ area to beaches are ample, clean
become aware and hear and organized in a nice
from the politicians what way. “All that we are doing
their plans are for develop- are the things that we can-
ment. not do if the community is
not involved. It is a relation-
When the government is in ship between us and the