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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 20 sepTember 2022
Plenipotentiary minister of Aruba in the Netherlands present at
farewell reception for Henk Brons
THE HAGUE – At Pulchri Stu- Henk Brons started 43 years
dio take place a farewell ago as a political commen-
reception for Henk Brons, tator for the newspaper Het
who is retiring as General Vrije Volk (The Free People).
Director of Kingdom Rela- His career as a civil servant
tions at the Dutch ministry began as a director of in-
of Internal Affairs and King- formation for the ministry of
dom Relations (BZK). Education, and then went
to RVD, the bureau of infor-
Among those present was mation of the government
also the interim Plenipoten- of the Netherlands.
tiary minister of Aruba, Mr.
Ady Thijsen. On this occa- Since 2015, Henk Brons
sion, Mr. Thijsen thanked Mr. served in the function of
Brons – in the name of the representative of the Neth-
government of Aruba – for erlands to Curaçao, Aruba
the cooperationg received and Sint Maarten. Three
while he was director at years later he was appoint-
BZK. ed as General Director for
Kingdom Relations at the
The program consisted of BZK ministry.q
the presentation of the
book ‘Ongemak’ written by Photos by photoghrapher
Gert Oostindie and Wouter a discussion with participa- Bosman, Francio Guade- and Glenn Thode. Nico van der Ven.
Veenendaal, followed by tion of Ank Bijleveld, Andre loupe, Valika Smeulders
Prime minister attends Opening of General Assembly of the United
Nations at New York
ORANJESTAD – This week, order to analyze the new sacrifice of women of past cussed, together with the These are some of the
prime minister of Aruba, Ev- challenges on the field of generations. refinery of Aruba and other meetings and gatherings
elyn Wever-Croes together education in general in the important topics. that are taking place this
with other ministers of the development of countries International Relations Finally, the prime minister week in New York. During
Kingdom of the Netherlands after Covid. The Prime min- Another meeting that the was also invited by the Clin- the week, the prime minis-
have travelled to New York ister will speak during this prime minister will attend ton Foundation, which is ter will continue extensively
for the opening of the Gen- summit and tell how Aruba is with the State Depart- the foundation of ex-pres- informing on each meet-
eral Assembly of the United is dealing with these chal- ment, which deals with in- ident of the United States, ing and the achievements
Nations. During the week lenges. ternational relations. During Bill Clinton with Hillary and for Aruba during these
there will be various meet- this meeting the subject Chelsea Clinton, who meetings.q
ings programmed, particu- Gender equality of Venezuela will be dis- spoke about resilience.
larly with General Secretary The prime minister will also
Mr. Antonio Guterres where meet with UN Women, an
there will be opportunities agency of the United Na-
for each island to bring for- tions that is helping Aruba
ward their concerns. with gender policy, which
is the policy of women’s
For Aruba, these meetings rights in Aruba.
are extremely important For this topic, there will be
because our island is in the some conferences orga-
recovery phase after Co- nized in which the prime
vid. The United Nations is minister will speak and will
in favor of giving a remis- try to find funds to help Aru-
sion or subsidy to countries ba approach this subject
who had to take on huge more efficiently.
loans during the pandem-
ic, and this point will also be Everyone was affected
brought forward during the during the Covid pandem-
meeting. ic, but children, the elder
and women are those who
Education were affected the most.
The prime minister was also For this reason it is impor-
invited to attend, in the tant to reflect on the role of
name of the Kingdom of women in society in order
the Netherlands, the sum- to avoid the risk that they
mit on education. This is are going to be left even
a United Nations meeting further behind in develop-
with various countries in ment, losing the battle and