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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 20 sepTember 2022
            Giles Maduro: The ‘bee whisperer’ of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  Around  the  world,                                                                          a  colony  in  somebody’s  house,
            bees  are in danger, and  Aruba is                                                                          that  has  already  made  wax,  he
            no  exception.  But  this  insect,  in-                                                                     takes the honey  and brings  some
            dispensable  for  vegetation  and                                                                           to the house’s owner. “We sell that
            nature  in  general  has  a  big  ally,                                                                     to raise funds for the foundation”,
            and his name is Giles Maduro (33)                                                                           Fundacion  Proteha  Abeha  Aruba
            of  the  Fundacion  Proteha  Abeha                                                                          – Protect Bees Aruba Foundation.
            Aruba, FPAA.
                                                                                                                        Generally,  bees  are  not  aggres-
            Giles is known for getting beehives                                                                         sive. A new queen going out with
            out of people’s homes and rescu-                                                                            her  swarm  is  very  calm,  because
            ing  these  animals  that  contribute                                                                       they are all well fed. When you see
            to  pollination  of  plants  including                                                                      a swarm of bees, mostly they are
            those  that  produce  food.  The  in-                                                                       searching for a home. In that case,
            terest  that  Giles  Maduro  has  for                                                                       you  can  approach  them  without
            bees began very early. He always                                                                            protection  on  your  body  or  face.
            liked  nature,  inspired  primarily  by                                                                     “But  there  are  people  who  panic
            his grandfather Sixto Maduro. Sixto,                                                                        seeing a swarm of bees arriving at
            a  fisherman,  would  regularly  take                                                                       their home. It’s a natural reaction.
            his grandson into the mondi – Aru-                                                                          That’s why we want to emphasize
            ba’s wilderness – to explore the lo-  more  inhabitants,  more  develop-  the house to get the bees out. But   that  when  a  swarm  of  bees  ap-
            cal nature. And from the moment     ment, there is less mondi available  nowadays I don’t do it (as much)   proaches  a  home,  just  stay  calm,
            when  Giles  lost  his  grandfather,   for these insects. And with the cli-  because I learned that smoke can   because  they  are  just  going  to
            through  the  passing  of  the  years,   mate becoming warmer and dry-  burn  their  wings  and  even  their   rest. However, when a beehive has
            he  felt  himself  called  to  become   er, more and more bees are seek-  eyes. So now that I work with bees,   existed for a while and they have
            a protector of bees, to ensure that   ing refuge in residential areas.   I know how to give them a better   made  wax  already,  you  have  a
            they  do  not  disappear  from  the   The result is that Giles is constantly  treatment.”                   colony  which  becomes  defen-
            nature on Aruba, and at the same    active  removing  bee  colonies  in                                     sive. Then you need to be careful
            time, to ensure that Aruba’s nature   order to put them in a special box  Giles  Maduro  has  two  boxes  of   to  not  make  a  lot  of  noise,  don’t
            is not lost. “My grandfather would   and bring them to a safe place.    bees for himself. He doesn’t have   walk around with perfume or spray
            take us into the mondi and teach                                        more  because  he  lives  in  a  resi-  insecticide. All that can trigger the
            us about herbs that people use as   Giles can be considered self-made.  dential  neighborhood  “and  you    bees and make them aggressive.”
            medicine”, he said.                 In any case, he finds all necessary  cannot  have  a  lot  of  boxes  in  a   Thus  it  is  recommended  to  re-
                                                information  online  and  learns  by  neighborhood,  and  sometimes     move all the wax, the queen and
            In 2007, even though Giles was very   himself. “I also took a course in Co-  bees go crazy”. Giles doesn’t get   the  bees  from  people’s  home.
            young,  he  decided  to  focus  on   lombia, to learn more about bees  honey from the bees, because he      And  how  does  Giles  recognize
            working with bees. Before that, his   and  their  life.  When  you  start  on  doesn’t want to interrupt the natu-  the  queen?  “The  bees  dance  in
            interest  was  in  art  and  photogra-  your  own,  you  don’t  know  much  ral process of the bees. “They need   a  circle.  The  bees  gather  around
            phy. But why bees? “I felt that I had   about new developments. For ex-  the wax to eat.” They make this for   the  queen,  and  the  others  begin
            to do something for these insects.   ample, in the past I used smoke in  the colony to survive. But if he finds   to walk around the ball of bees to
            From a young age I was searching                                                                            close it more narrowly. The queen
            for a purpose. If I do a job, I have to                                                                     emits a smell to call her bees, an-
            do it with love.” Some people feel                                                                          other smell to signal to attack, and
            themselves called to conservation,                                                                          for the bees to find food.”
            for example of rhinoceros. The fight
            of activists to try to save the various                                                                     Many local farmers – known as cu-
            species  of  rhinoceros  inspired  the                                                                      nukero  –  make  boxes  for  bees  to
            teenager,  who  began  educate                                                                              live on their land. Giles doesn’t just
            himself about the habitat, behav-                                                                           free the bees anywhere, because
            ior  and  needs  of  bees  in  Aruba.                                                                       the place needs to be green and
            “They are the main key for nature                                                                           fresh and removed from homes.
            around the world, and I take it very
            seriously.”                                                                                                 Bees  are  in  danger  because  rain
                                                                                                                        is  not  falling,  there  aren’t  a  lot  of
            When  our  reporter  met  with  Giles                                                                       plants with flowers, and the heat is
            Maduro,  he  had  just  removed  a                                                                          intense. “We are finding hives that
            bee colony from a house, to then                                                                            simply  suffocated  or  fell  into  de-
            bring to a local farm that belongs                                                                          pression and they die.”
            to an elderly farmer. There he had                                                                          These days it is extremely hot, which
            the opportunity to talk to the gen-                                                                         means more work, something that
            tleman,  who  wanted  to  tell  him                                                                         makes Giles happy. His ambition is
            about his own work. It was another                                                                          to  stabilize  the  bee  population  of
            opportunity for Giles to learn from                                                                         Aruba,  and  afterwards,  share  his
            his elders and appreciate the work                                                                          knowledge with the world.
            that goes into farming. And it is pre-
            cisely here where bees have a very                                                                          To  watch  our  video  about  bee-
            important role to play.                                                                                     keeping  in  Aruba,  visit  our  Face-
                                                                                                                        book  page,  https://www.face-
            He  taught  himself  from  very  early                                                            
            on  how  to  rescue  bee  colonies                                                                          eos/1138047229700004 or scan the
            which are under stress or have be-                                                                          QR code.
            gun invading houses in Aruba. With
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