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Tuesday 20 sepTember 2022
Some of Peru’s Best Flavors are Firing up Palm Beach,
Thanks to New Pop-Up Restaurant Blu Bar
Blu Aruba, Blu Bar is open daily
As for libations, the beverage from 5PM to 11PM.
team built an equal innovative
menu with a detailed selection Unwind with local prices and a
of stunning wines and signature singing angel
cocktails to pair with each dish. Blu Bar offers a nice selection
of wines and each Wednesday
The next hot spot in Palm Beach you will only pay in Florins. The
The pop-up is the only spot for Dollar to Florin deals – 44% dis-
Peruvian dining in Palm Beach count – on wine bottles start from
and offers both indoor dining 5PM every Wednesday. Now it
with panoramic floor to ceiling gets even better because from
windows, and outdoor seating 7PM you can enjoy the amazing
with a picturesque view of the voice of local singer Amy Sorinio.
resort’s luxurious pool and lush The all-round performer has a
gardens. The upscale atmo- unique voice and a great ener-
sphere, rich in original architec- gy. She easily connects with her
tural details absolute perfect public and enchants you with
location for dining with loved jazz, easy listening, pop, soul,
PALM BEACH, ARUBA – Radisson Blu Aruba, located in Palm Beach, ones, clients, and business asso- Latin… name a style and she
celebrated the soft opening of its new Peruvian pop-up restaurant last ciates. At night, the restaurant’s can do it. Her passion led her
week. The unique and stylish Blu Bar: A Peruvian-inspired restaurant chic bar is a lively place to gath- travelling all around the world
that offers everything that you love about Peruvian fusion cuisine, but er with friends for cocktails and and you will feel her experience
with a modern twist. cozy vibes. and genuine love for music.
Diners can expect to find many seafood-centric dishes including pop- One thing must be said: the ho- Reservations are not required,
ular Peruvian eats such as Ceviches and Tiraditos. Some of the high- tel’s staff makes a difference. and walk-ins are welcome. Go
lights from the dinner menu include mouthwatering dishes such as the Real smiles, real attention and and find out why Blu Bar is the
team's favorite: cowboy pork glazed with blackberries jam served with real enthusiasm is what you en- next hotspot for a bite, a drink or
‘fufu’, local fish on a sugar snap peas puree, NY strip with Peruvian chi- counter. Here we are experienc- more.q
michurri, and 8 hours slow-cooked beef brisket; all dishes enhanced by ing something new, and a new
a modern twist on flavors and presentation. The Executive chef and his place has new vibes, for you to Radisson Blu Aruba
team are clearly dedicated to making you come back presenting you discover. Radisson Blu Aruba in- J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 97-A
tasty appetizers or full entrée offerings. vites locals and visitors alike to Palm Beach, Aruba
enjoy a Peruvian culinary experi- Tel.: +297 526 5000
ence they will never forget. Lo- Email:
cated in the heart of Radisson