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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 21 april 2022

            Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino

            Circle of Excellence and Summit Award Winners, 2021

            Palm Beach – Hilton Aruba  years.  Leading  the  Com-     tomized and caring service  ized,  wedding  day.  From
            is excited to announce that  mercial  team,  including  to each individual. With ex-   a guest's perspective, des-
            four  key-team  members  Sales  &  Marketing,  Reve-      cellent  follow-up  through  tination  weddings  can  be
            of its Commercial Services  nue, Reservations and Ca-     their  reservation  booking-  very  stressful  and  difficult
            team are the proud recipi-   tering  departments,  Jen-   journey to the arrival at the  to manage, but Lisa makes
            ents  of  the  highest  com-  nifer  has  played  a  pivotal  resort,  she  leverages  her  sure  worries  fade  away.
            mendations  awarded  by  role  in  the  successful  and  personal  touch  and  rap-    She answers every question
            Hilton Worldwide – Circle of  speedy recovery of the re-  port  with  each  travel  pro-  in  detail  and  has  as  many
            Excellence and the Summit  sort through the highs and  fessional  to  maximize  ser-   conference calls as a bride
            Award.                       lows of demand, post pan-    vice,  thus  building  loyalty  or  groom  may  need.  She
                                         demic.                       and  trust  throughout  the  provides  all  possible  op-
            Circle of Excellence repre-                               customer experience.         tions  to  ensure  the  couple
            sents the pinnacle of sales  She  is  a  big  contributor  to                          is  happy  and  confident.
            achievement  across  Hil-    the  measurable  commer-     As a nominee in the Sales,  Despite  being  miles  away,
            ton’s  network.  Winners  are  cial  success  of  the  prop-  Catering and Events Crite-  on  Aruba,  Lisa  makes  her
            selected  annually  based  erty,    deploying   innova-   ria,  Jeanine  outperformed  guests,  overseas,  feel  that
            on  individual  performance  tive  solutions,  and  leading  the set goals of annualized  she  is  right  at  their  side  to  and  has  built  long  lasting
            against  the  award  criteria  game-changing strategies,  booking  goals  and  was  guide them at every step.       trust  and  stability  by  iden-
            and his/her goals. The Com-  to  benefit  both  custom-   evaluated  along  with  her                               tifying solutions rather than
            mercial  Services  Summit  ers  and  the  organization,  strengths  in  the  areas  of  As  a  Circle  of  Excellence  problems,  and  ensuring
            Awards represent the apex  while     empowering     her  her  portfolio,  such  as  new  winner,  Lisa  was  selected  the mutual growth of client
            of achievement across Hil-   team,  sharing  her  knowl-  account growth, customer  based on individual perfor-     businesses  and her organi-
            ton’s  Commercial  Services  edge,  and  grooming  the  relationship skills, and more.  mance  against  the  award  zation. She is a timely com-
            organization.  The  winners  next  generation  of  lead-                               criteria  and  her  individual  municator  both  internal
            of  this  award  excel  in  cre-  ers, so they can grow and  Lisa Dammerman: Individu-  goals. She excelled in cre-  and  external.  The  success
            ating  value  for  customers  thrive in their roles. Jennifer  al Sales Excellence     ating  value  for  resort  cus-  of  Hilton  Aruba  this  year
            and  are  representative  of  re-envisioned  executional  Landing  the  pinnacle  of  tomers,  and  elevated  her  was  strongly  impacted  by
            the Hilton’s ONE TEAM cul-   and operational strategies,  sales  achievement  across  performance, while driving  Margo’s  contributions  and
            ture,  contributing  to  the  post pandemic, that drove  the  Hilton  network,  Lisa  dominant  market  share,  in  here ability to activate ac-
            commercial success of the  efficiency  and  effective-    demonstrated her strength  her respective areas.          counts.
            organization as a whole.     ness of activities to optimal  as  the  Hilton’s  Award  Win-
                                         highs.                       ning  Bridal  Specialist  for  Margo  Esposito:  Individual  As a nominee in the Sales,
            Winners  include:  Jennifer                               13  years  before  she  was  Sales Excellence             Catering  and  Events  Gen-
            Bolstad,  awarded  Com-      Jeanine Gilchrist: Individual  promoted  to  Resort  Expe-  Margo represents the Hilton  eral  Criteria,  Margo  also
            mercial Director of the Year  Sales Excellence            rience  Manager,  in  2022.  values  while  contributing  outperformed  her  annual
            2021, Jeanine Gilchrist, Lisa  Jeanine   expanded   her  When  it  comes  to  wed-     to the commercial success  set  goals  significantly,  and
            Dammerman,  and  Margo  strategies  in  2021,  driving  dings,  Lisa  is  the  Queen.  of her resorts. With over 20  was  evaluated  for  her
            Esposito, awarded with the  and  developing  the  lucra-  Her  name  and  reputation  years  of  experience,  she  strengths in relevant areas,
            Circle of Excellence Individ-  tive  and  important  travel  in the wedding market are  pushed strong industry and  similar to Gilchrist.
            ual Sales Excellence award  agent  direct  business.  She  exceptional,  earning  her  travel  account  relations
            2021.                        put  on  the  first  trip  for  lux-  the  WeddingWire  Couples  as  she  consistently  stayed  General  Manager  Vasco
                                         ury  agents  since  the  pan-  Choice  Award  for  three  on  top  of  Hilton  partner-  Baselli reports it is an honor
            Jennifer  Bolstad:  Commer-  demic  began  and  agents  consecutive  years.  Guests  ships.  Margo  is  an  expert  to  be  working  with  such  a
            cial  Director  of  the  year,  were  elated  to  be  out  in  inquire  about  weddings,  at  filling  occupancy  gaps  decorated  team,  making
            2021                         the world, experiencing ho-  based on Lisa’s reputation,  by  activating  her  account  up a group of fantastic col-
            Jennifer outshined all other  tels and destinations, once  service delivery, and atten-  portfolio  to  deliver  volume  leagues,  dedicated  and
            nominees  in  the  Commer-   again. With over 20 years of  tion to detail.             throughout  need-periods,  determined  to  do  what  it
            cial  Director  of  the  Year  experience,  Jeanine  is  an                            securing key market oppor-   takes  to  work  on  behalf
            category  and  has  been  expert at building personal  Lisa  shows  an  extraordi-     tunities.                    of  One  Happy  Island,  and
            driving  the  commercial  relationships  with  a  highly  nary  commitment  to  help-                               the Grande Dame of Palm
            strategy of the resort, year  demanding  clientele,  pro-  ing  couples  achieve  a  Margo  is  in  frequent  con-  Beach, a bastion of excep-
            after year for the past five  viding  personalized,  cus-  perfect,  highly  personal-  tact  with  her  accounts  tional hospitality.q
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