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Thursday 21 april 2022 locAl

            Weekly COVID-19 update shows the recovery of 145 people

            OranjestaD - the agency  According  to  the  informa-     publishing is of 95 and the
            for  public  health  of  aruba  tion published in this week’s  amount  of  death  related
            publishes  weekly  updates  report,  145  people  who  to or caused by COVID-19
            in  order  to  inform  our  lo-  recovered  from  coronavi-  is of 212.
            cals and visitors in regards  rus, and a total of 156 new
            to the development of Co-    cases were registered. The  Data  illustrates  that  new
            vid-19 here on the Island.   amount of active cases of  cases of COVID-19 have a
                                         COVID-19  on  the  day  of  weekly average of 22 cases

                                                                                                   per  day,  and  an  average  ID-19, of which none are in
                                                                                                   of  weekly  ‘Positivity  Rate’  ICU, and all 3 in the general
                                                                                                   of 31 percent per day.       floor. In Colombia there are
                                                                                                                                currently 2 people hospital-
                                                                                                   Currently  in  Aruba  there  ized,  of  which  1  is  in  ICU
                                                                                                   are  3  people  hospitalized  and another in the general
                                                                                                   either with or due to COV-   floor.q

            Honoring of loyal visitors at renaissance Ocean suites

            eaGLe  BeaCH  -  recently,  way to say “Masha Danki”  ald ambassador”.
            aruba  tourism  authority  for  continuously  choosing
            representative   Marouska  aruba  as  a  favorite  vaca-  The  honorees  are:  Scott
            Heyliger  had  the  great  tion  destination.  the  titles  and  Tina  Myers  from  Mas-
            pleasure in honoring many  are as following: 10+ years  sachusetts, USA, who have
            loyal  aruba  visitors  with  “Distinguished  Visitor”,  20+  been honored as Goodwill
            their distinctive certificates.  years “Goodwill ambassa-  Ambassadors at their home
            These  certificates  are  a  dor” and 36+ years “emer-    away from home.

                                                                      This symbolic honorary title
                                                                      is  presented  on  behalf  of
                                                                      the  Minister  of  Tourism,  as
                                                                      a token of appreciation to
                                                                      the  guests  who  visit  Aruba
                                                                      between the 10-20-35 con-
                                                                      secutive year marks.

                                                                      The couple loves coming to
                                                                      the  island  for  its  wonderful
                                                                      people, great weather and
                                                                      safe Island.
                                                                                                   sented  the  certificates  to  ing  Aruba  as  their  favorite
                                                                      Heyliger  together  with  the  the honorees, handed over  vacation  destination  and
                                                                      representatives  of  Renais-  some  presents  and  also  as  their  home-away-from-
                                                                      sance  Ocean  Suite  pre-    thanked  them  for  choos-   home.q

            aruba to Me

            OranjestaD – We would like to portrait you! By  ory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best  without compensation.
            inviting  you  to  send  us  your  favorite  vacation  moments alive? Please do note: By submitting
            picture while enjoying our Happy Island. Com-   photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you  give  Last but not least: check out our website and
            plete the sentence: aruba to me is …….  send  permission  to  the  aruba  today  newspaper,  Facebook page! Thank you for supporting our
            your picture with that text (including your name  Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliat-  free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy
            and where you are from) to: news@arubatoday.    ed companies to use said materials, as well as  reader every day again.q
            com and we will publish your vacation mem-      names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes
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