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                    Saturday 19 May 2018

            Caribbean Aviation Meetup - the different and unique airlift conference

            BAHAMAS - On June 12-14 the 3rd  tunities  and  realistically  improving  those who hold a pilot license, the  tablish business relations in the re-
            annual  Caribbean  Aviation  Meet-  the  way  the  Caribbean  air  trans-  total of their flight hours goes in the  gion for Canadian companies and
            up conference will be held at the  portation functions and to related  hundreds of thousands. The value  create partnerships with the Carib-
            Atlantis  Resort  on  the  Bahamas.  tourism  matters.  Five  presentation  of the conference is about profes-  bean and there may be a special
            The event is hosted by the Ministry  examples from the program:         sionals  bringing  their  knowledge  focus on airport development and
            of Tourism and Aviation of the Ba-                                      and their active experience to the  improvement  as  well  as  establish-
            hamas.                              “Competitiveness    through    Im-  conference  from  which  partici-   ing    government-to-government
                                                proved Air Connectivity”            pants  can  learn  and  take  action  relationships.
            The  conference  concept  is  differ-  “Airlift;  The  Caribbean’s  Interstate  when  they  return  home.    Coming
            ent  and  unique.  Last  year  it  was  Highway System”                 up with realistic suggestions for air-  The  Caribbean  Aviation  Meetup
            named  “one  of  the  best  aviation  “Can Caribbean Carriers Stop Los-  lift  improvements  throughout  the  is  a  conference  with  a  vison.  It  is
            forums in this part of the world” and  ing Ground?”                     Caribbean region are a high prior-  evolving from a pioneer startup to
            already has proven to be most sig-  “Sustainable  Tourism  and  Airport  ity;  presenting  statistics  or  making  the full-fledged convention of the
            nificant  conference  of  its  kind  in  Development are the two Sides of  forecasts are of low importance.  future,  an  extraordinary  and  out-
            the  Caribbean.  The  emphasis  of  the Same Coin”                                                          standing event on the international
            this  results  and  solutions-oriented  “Nevis island; case study on mak-  The Bahamas is an excellent con-  conference calendar. Rather than
            communication platform is on air-   ing better decisions about market-  ference  location.  Many  multina-  having  many  small  conferences
            lift. Airlift does not just refer to stake-  ing spending, maximizing return of  tional  companies  have  their  rep-  by different industry segments, this
            holders in the aviation industry but  investment, and growing efficient-  resentation for the Caribbean and  platform  envisions  to  bring  all  air-
            also to those in the tourism industry  ly”                              Latin America ‘next door’ in South-  lift  stakeholders  together  to  make
            as  well  as  to  government  agen-  In total there will be thirty presenta-  ern  Florida.  The  nearby  Miami  air-  their  attendance  more  effective
            cies. The Caribbean islands are up  tions by speakers from 13 different  port is often an ideal international  and efficient.
            to 85% depending on tourism rev-    countries and territories.          hub to fly to the Bahamas for the  It also avoids isolation of the various
            enue. Airlift is crucial for the region.                                conference and on the return trip  stakeholders  and  interest  groups,
            Flying matters are complicated in  The  speakers  are  selected  mainly  the  US  pre-clearance  in  Nassau  is  and instead furthers the Interaction
            the region with its 20 plus territories  for  their  expertise,  not  particularly  an  advantage.  A  growing  num-  and communication of profession-
            and an extensive number of differ-  for their title or position in their or-  ber of companies in the USA and  als  of  various  industry  segments,
            ent jurisdictions, and yet there is no  ganization. Together these profes-  Canada do have a serious interest  who otherwise rarely have an op-
            ‘Open-Sky’.                         sionals  have  hundreds  of  years  of  to reach out to the Caribbean. For  portunity  meet  and  understand
                                                practical  in  the  aviation  industry  instance, this year, agencies of the  each  other  dilemmas  as  well  as
            The presentation topics are chosen  be  it  at  airports,  airlines,  or  other  Canadian  government  provide  the  opportunities  and  benefits  of
            for the purpose of creating oppor-  aviation  service  providers.  As  for  support  around  the  event  to  es-  cooperation. q
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