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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 20 aPriL 2021

                          Alex Smith retires after comeback from gruesome leg injury

            ( AP ) - Alex Smith retired                                                                                         leg?'  I  don’t  want  to  be  the
            Monday  after  making  an                                                                                           guy  that  put  him  back  on
            improbable       comeback                                                                                           the field to let him get hurt
            from  a  gruesome  broken                                                                                           again."
            leg,  saying  he's  ready
            to  leave  the  NFL  but                                                                                            Washington  released  Smith
            believing he's still able to                                                                                        in March and signed veteran
            play quarterback.                                                                                                   quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick.
                                                                                                                                Smith  initially  expressed  his
            Smith       made        the                                                                                         intent  to  keep  playing  but
            announcement on Instagram                                                                                           went  unsigned  more  than  a
            a few weeks shy of his 37th                                                                                         month into free agency.
            birthday,  hoping  to  enjoy
            more time with his family.                                                                                          "I’m going to take a little time
                                                                                                                                to enjoy a few of those walks
            “I  want  to  say  thank  you                                                                                       with  my  wife,  and  my  kids
            for  believing  in  me,  and                                                                                        have  no  idea  what’s  coming
            thank  you  for  helping  me                                                                                        for them in the backyard," he
            believe  in  myself  —  and  in                                                                                     said.
            the  impossible,”  Smith  said.
            “Because  even  though  I’ve                                                                                        A self-professed “skinny, no-
            got plenty of snaps left in me,                                                                                     name recruit,” Smith was the
            after  16  years  of  giving  this                                                                                  No.  1  overall  pick  in  2005
            game  everything  I’ve  got,  I                                                                                     and  played  14  seasons  for
            can’t wait to see what else is                                                                                      San  Francisco,  Kansas  City
            possible.”                                                                                                          and  Washington.  He  threw
                                                                                                                                for  35,650  yards  and  199
            Smith earned AP Comeback                                                                                            touchdowns  in  174  regular-
            Player of the Year honors for  almost a month and survived  a  victory  at  Philadelphia  in  GQ article this year that the  season  games  and  played  in
            getting back on the field last  a  life-threatening  infection  Week  17  on  a  strained  right  organization didn't think he'd  seven playoff games.
            season,  two  years  removed  in addition to the operations.  calf  that  clinched  the  NFC  play again.
            from an injury that required  Smith spent the next year and  East title for Washington.                             “Football  wouldn’t  let  me
            17 operations. After breaking  a half rehabbing and was back                           “The  biggest  thing  he  and  I  give up because, no, this isn’t
            his  right  tibia  and  fibula  at practice when Washington  The   injury   prevented  talked about, really, was that  just a game,” Smith said. “It’s
            in  a  game  Nov.  18,  2018,  assembled for training camp  Smith  from  playing  against  there was really no roadmap  about  how  hard  and  how
            against  Houston,  he  said  he  last summer.             Tampa  Bay  in  the  wild-card  to get us to where we were,”  far  you  can  push  yourself.
            wondered  if  he'd  be  able  to                          round the next week, which  Rivera  said  last  month.  “He  It’s about the bond between
            take  walks  with  his  wife  or  Smith's  first  game  action  Taylor  Heinicke  started  and  worked  his  butt  off  to  put  those  53  guys  in  the  locker
            play with his kids in the yard  since the injury came Oct. 11  impressed  enough  to  earn  himself in a position to come  room  and  everybody  else  in
            — let alone play in the NFL  when Kyle Allen was injured,  another contract.           back and play. ... It was always  the  organization.  It’s  about
            again.                       and he made his first start at                            in the back of my head: ‘What  fully committing yourself to
                                         Detroit on Nov. 15. He went  Coach  Ron  Rivera  agreed  if he gets hurt again? What if  something bigger.”
            He  was  hospitalized  for  5-1  as  the  starter,  including  with Smith's comments in a  he hurts that leg, that specific

                                 Quotes from soccer players about the Super League

            (AP) — Quotes from cur-      the  people  created,  which  is  football, and the wider foot-  League clubs Arsenal and In-  we  can  solve  this  unpleas-
            rent  and  former  players  nothing other than the most  ball community only to serve  ter Milan.                   ant  situation.”  —  Zenit  St.
            about the plan to create a  beautiful  sport  on  the  plan-  self-interested  owners,  who                         Petersburg  defender  De-
            breakaway  Super  League  et.”  —  Paris  Saint-Germain  stopped  caring  about  their  “Nobody  is  thinking  about  jan  Lovren,  who  previously
            in European soccer:          midfielder Ander Herrera.    fans  long  ago,  and  complete  the  bigger  picture,  only  the  played  for  proposed  Super
                                                                      disregard for sporting merit.  financial  side.  I  still  believe  League club Liverpool.
            "I  believe  in  an  improved  “This  greedy  and  callous  Tragic.”  —  Former  Portugal
            Champions     League,   but  move would spell disaster for  forward Luis Figo, who pre-
            not in the rich stealing what  our  grassroots,  for  women’s  viously  played  for  proposed   Belgian Olympians get
                                                                      Super  League  clubs  Barce-
                                                                      lona,  Real  Madrid  and  Inter
                                                                      Milan.                          priority vaccines ahead of

                                                                      “Kids  grow  up  dreaming  to               Tokyo Games
                                                                      win  the World  Cup  and the
                                                                      Champions  League  —  not
                                                                      any Super League." — Fener-    (AP)  —  Belgian  Olym-    adult  population  of  their
                                                                      bahce midfielder Mesut Özil,   pians traveling to Japan  age must still wait.
                                                                      who  previously  played  for   for  the  Tokyo  Games  The  Olympics  are  set  to
                                                                      proposed Super League club     were  promised  prior-     open on July 23.
                                                                      Arsenal.                       ity  treatment  for  COV-
                                                                                                     ID-19 vaccines on Mon-     “Because  of  the  small
                                                                      “This  project  is  disgusting,   day.                    group  of  athletes,  the  de-
                                                                      not fair and I’m disappointed                             cision will have as good as
                                                                      to see clubs I represented in-  The   Belgian   Olympic  no  impact  on  the  overall
                                                                      volved.  Fight  against  this!”   Committee  said  its  177  vaccination campaign,” the
                                                                      —  Antalyaspor  forward  Lu-   Olympic  and  55  Paralym-  committee  said  in  a  state-
                                                                      kas Podolski, who previously   pic athletes will get vaccine  ment.
                                                                      played  for  proposed  Super   shots  while  most  of  the
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