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A28    u.s. news
                      Diamars 20 aPriL 2021

                                 A look at high-profile cases over killings by us police

                                                                                                                                nesota police officer during a
                                                                                                                                2016 traffic stop after castile
                                                                                                                                informed  the  officer  he  was
                                                                                                                                armed. The shooting  gained
                                                                                                                                widespread  attention  after
                                                                                                                                castile’s girlfriend, who was in
                                                                                                                                the car with her then-4-year-
                                                                                                                                old daughter, livestreamed its
                                                                                                                                gruesome aftermath on face-
                                                                                                                                book. Officer jeronimo yanez
                                                                                                                                testified that castile was pull-
                                                                                                                                ing his gun out of his pocket
                                                                                                                                despite  commands  to  do  so.
                                                                                                                                The officer was acquitted of
                                                                                                                                manslaughter at trial.
                                                                                                                                Justine ruszczyk damond
                                                                                                                                Justine  ruszczyk  damond,
                                                                                                                                an unarmed white dual citi-
                                                                                                                                zen of the u.s. And australia,
                                                                                                                                was fatally shot in july 2017
                                                                                                                                by  minneapolis  police  of-
                                                                                                                                ficer  mohamed  noor  when
                                                                                                                                she approached his squad car
                                                                                                                                in the alley behind her home
                                                                                                                                minutes  after  calling  911  to
                                                                                                                                report a possible rape. Noor
                                                                                                                                testified  at  trial  that  a  loud
                                                                                                                                bang on the squad car startled
                                                                                                                                him and his partner and that
                                                                                                                                he  fired  to  protect  his  part-
                                                                                                                                ner’s  life.  He  was  convicted
                                                                                                                                of  third-degree  murder  and
                                                                                                                                second-degree  manslaughter
                                                                                                                                and sentenced in 2019 to 12
                                                                                                                                1/2 years in prison.

            (ap)  —  former  minneap-    grand jury declined to indict  Van  dyke  was  found  guilty  jury  deadlocked  over  a  ver-  Jordan edwards
            olis  police  officer  derek  officer daniel pantaleo in de-  of  second-degree  murder  in  dict  in  slager's  murder  trial.  Roy oliver, a white texas po-
            chauvin  i  s  charged  with  cember that year. The justice  2018 and sentenced to nearly  The next year, slager pleaded  lice officer, fired at a car full
            murder and manslaughter  department said in 2019 that  seven years in prison.          guilty in federal court to vio-  of teenagers as it drove away
            in george floyd's death af-  it  wouldn't  file  civil  rights                         lating  scott’s  civil  rights  and  from  a  large  house  party  in
            ter pressing his knee into  charges  after  a  yearslong  in-  Tamir rice              as part of a plea deal, prose-  april  2017,  fatally  shooting
            floyd's  neck  as  he  cried  vestigation.                Tamir  rice,  12,  was  fatally  cutors dropped state murder  15-year-old  jordan  edwards,
            out: “i can't breathe.”                                   shot by a white cleveland po-  charges. Slager was sentenced  who was sitting in the front
                                         Michael brown                lice officer in november 2014  to  20  years  in  prison.  He  is  passenger seat. Police initially
            The  defense  argued  that  Michael  brown,  18,  was  fa-  after  officers  responded  to  a  now  appealing  his  punish-  said the vehicle backed up to-
            chauvin, a white 19-year vet-  tally shot by a white officer,  911  call  from  a  man  drink-  ment, saying his lawyer never  ward officers “in an aggressive
            eran,  used  reasonable  force  darren wilson, in august 2014  ing beer and waiting for a bus  told  him  about  a  plea  offer  manner,”  but  later  admitted
            and  that  floyd  died  because  in ferguson, missouri, touch-  who said a “guy” was point-  from  prosecutors  that  could  that  bodycam  video  showed
            of  his  illegal  drug  use  and  ing off weeks of sometimes-  ing  a  gun  at  people.  Tamir,  have  cut  years  off  his  sen-  the  vehicle  was  moving  for-
            underlying health problems.  violent  protests.  A  st.  Louis  who  was  black,  had  a  pellet  tence.            ward as officers approached.
                                         county  grand  jury  declined  gun tucked in his waistband                             Oliver was convicted of mur-
            It has been rare to charge po-  in  november  2014  to  indict  and  was  shot  after  the  offi-  Freddie gray     der in 2018 and sentenced to
            lice with crimes in the death  wilson in the unarmed black  cers’ cruiser skidded to a stop  Freddie  gray,  a  25-year-old  15 years in prison.
            of  civilians,  and  winning  a  teen's death, and the u.s. De-  just  feet  away.  A  grand  jury  black man, died after he suf-
            conviction  is  harder  in  part  partment of justice later also  in  december  2015  declined  fered  a  spinal  injury  while  Breonna taylor
            because  juries  are  often  re-  declined to charge him. Wes-  to  indict  patrolman  timothy  handcuffed and shackled in a  Breonna taylor, a 26-year-old
            luctant  to  second  guess  an  ley bell, the current st. Louis  loehmann, who fired the fa-  baltimore  police  van,  spark-  louisville  emergency  medi-
            officer’s  split-second  deci-  county  prosecuting  attorney,  tal  shot,  and  training  officer  ing  weeks  of  unrest  across  cal  worker  studying  to  be-
            sions.  But  chauvin's  knee  conducted  a  five-month  re-  frank garmback. The u.s. Jus-  the city. Three officers were  come a nurse, was shot sev-
            was on floyd's neck for 9 1/2  view  of  witness  statements,  tice  department  announced  acquitted  and  prosecutors  eral times in her hallway after
            minutes,  prosecutors  say,  as  forensic  reports  and  other  last  year  that  it  would  not  dropped  the  remaining  state  three  plainclothes  narcotics
            bystanders shouted at the of-  evidence  and  announced  in  bring federal criminal charg-  cases  in  july  2016.  The  u.s.  detectives  busted  down  the
            ficer to get off floyd.      july that he would not charge  es, saying the quality of video  Department  of  justice  an-  door of her apartment in the
                                         wilson.                      of the shooting was too poor  nounced  in  2017  that  it  middle of the night in march
            Here's a  look  at  other  high-                          for  prosecutors  to  conclu-  wouldn't bring federal charg-  2020.  A  grand  jury  brought
            profile killings by police and  Laquan mcdonald           sively establish what had hap-  es against the six officers in-  no charges against officers in
            the outcome of the case:     Chicago  police  officer  ja-  pened.                     volved in the arrest, saying it  her death, although one was
                                         son  van  dyke  shot  16  times                           did not find enough evidence  indicted  for  shooting  into  a
            Eric garner                  at  laquan  mcdonald,  killing  Walter scott              to prove the officers willfully  neighboring  home  that  had
            Eric  garner,  43,  died  in  july  the  black  17-year-old  as  he  Michael slager, a white south  violated gray's civil rights.  people  inside.  Prosecutors
            2014 in new york city after a  walked  away  from  officers  carolina  police  officer,  shot                       said two officers who fired at
            white officer placed him in a  in  october  2014.  Van  dyke  walter scott in the back as the  Philando castile     taylor were justified in using
            chokehold  when  garner  re-  was charged with first-degree  unarmed  50-year-old  black  Philando  castile,  a  32-year-  force  to  protect  themselves
            fused to be handcuffed for al-  murder the same day the city  man  fled  following  a  2015  old  elementary  school  caf-  after they faced gunfire from
            legedly selling loose, untaxed  released  the  shocking  dash-  traffic  stop.  In  2016,  a  mis-  eteria  worker,  was  shot  five  her boyfriend.
            cigarettes.  A  staten  island  cam  video  of  the  shooting.  trial  was  declared  after  the  times by a st. Anthony, min-
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