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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 20 aPriL 2021

                         GOP targets ballot drop boxes in Georgia, Florida, elsewhere

            (AP)  —  Atlanta-area  vot-                                                                                         to  offer  drop  boxes.  Their
            ers looking to return their                                                                                         goal  is  one  for  every  20,000
            ballots using a drop box in                                                                                         registered  voters  in  most
            next  year’s  gubernatorial                                                                                         counties  by  the  2022  mid-
            election  will  have  to  do                                                                                        term  elections.  For  counties
            some searching.                                                                                                     with  fewer  than  20,000  reg-
                                                                                                                                istered  voters,  a  minimum
            Just eight boxes will be spread                                                                                     of  one  drop  box  would  be
            across Fulton County’s near-                                                                                        required.
            ly  529  square  miles  —  or                                                                                       In Georgia, drop boxes were
            about one for every 100,000                                                                                         permitted last year under an
            registered   voters.   That’s                                                                                       emergency rule prompted by
            down from the 38 drop boxes                                                                                         the  coronavirus  pandemic.
            that  were  available  to  voters                                                                                   State  Republicans  have  de-
            last  fall.  It’s  the  result  of  a                                                                               fended the new law as mak-
            broad  new  law  pushed  by                                                                                         ing drop boxes a permanent
            Georgia  Republicans  in  re-                                                                                       option for voters and requir-
            sponse  to  former  President                                                                                       ing  all  counties  to  have  at
            Donald Trump’s false claims                                                                                         least one. But critics say the
            of a stolen election.                                                                                               new  limits  mean  there  will
            Georgia  is  one  of  several                                                                                       be fewer drop boxes available
            states  controlled  politically                                                                                     in the state’s most populous
            by Republicans that are seek-                                                                                       communities.
            ing additional restrictions on                                                                                      “There  weren’t  any  issues
            voting,  citing  security  con-                                                                                     with  the  drop  boxes,  and
            cerns. A favorite target is bal-                                                                                    that’s the point,” said Georgia
            lot  drop  boxes,  which  have                                                                                      Sen. Jen Jordan, a Democrat
            been used for years in states                                                                                       whose district includes parts
            with  expansive  mail  voting                                                                                       of Fulton County. “It’s defi-
            and  which  millions  of  vot-                                                                                      nitely going to impact voters
            ers used last year as a way to                                                                                      and their ability to access the
            avoid  polling  places  during                                                                                      ballot and cast their vote.”
            the pandemic.                                                                                                       In fast-growing Cobb Coun-
            Democrats  say  the  boxes                                                                                          ty  north  of  Atlanta,  officials
            are  more  secure  than  regu-                                                                                      had  16  drop  boxes  available
            lar  mailboxes,  and  their  use                                                                                    in  November  but  will  be
            was  largely  trouble-free  last                                                                                    permitted  about  five  under
            fall. Even Georgia Gov. Bri-                                                                                        the  new  law.  Janine  Eveler,
            an Kemp, a Republican who                                                                                           the county’s elections direc-
            signed the restrictive bill into                                                                                    tor, said 60% of all returned
            law,  posted  a  video  on  his  Institute. “It’s a false choice.”  according to Florida Supervi-  tion, when early voting is no  absentee ballots last fall came
            Twitter account that showed  Drop  boxes  have  been  used  sors of Elections, a statewide  longer  available  and  voters  through a drop box.
            him using a drop box to cast  for years in states such as Col-  group  of  local  election  offi-  are worried about relying on  For the entire metro Atlanta
            his ballot last year, flashing a  orado, Oregon and Washing-  cials. Even so, a bill pending  the U.S. Postal Service to de-  area,  Democrats  estimate
            thumbs up sign afterward.    ton, where ballots are mailed  in  the  Florida  Senate  would  liver their ballots on time.  the  number  of  drop  boxes
            “They  loved  ballot  drop  to all registered voters ahead  limit their use to hours when  Republican  lawmakers  in  will fall from 94 last year to
            boxes  until  Trump  and  the  of every election.         in-person  early  voting  is  of-  other states, including Mich-  no  more  than  23  for  future
            Republicans  started  losing,”  Placement can vary widely. In  fered.  An  earlier  version  igan and Wisconsin, also have  elections  based  on  the  new
            said state Rep. Erica Thomas,  some  places,  they’re  located  would have eliminated them  proposed new limits, though  formula of one drop box per
            a Democrat  from  metro  At-  inside public buildings, avail-  entirely, but that was revised  the chances of many of them  100,000 registered voters.
            lanta.                       able only during office hours.  after election supervisors op-  becoming  law  are  slim  be-  Republican Sen. Brian Strick-
            For election officials and vot-  Elsewhere,  they  are  outside  posed it.             cause Democrats control the  land, whose district sits south
            ers  across  the  country,  drop  and  accessible  at  any  hour,  The  bill’s  sponsor,  Republi-  governor’s offices.  of  Atlanta,  said  lawmakers
            boxes  seemed  like  an  ideal  typically  with  video  surveil-  can  Sen.  Dennis  Baxley,  ac-  As  part  of  a  broad  GOP-led  were focused on making sure
            solution to two major prob-  lance or someone monitoring  knowledged during a legisla-  election overhaul in Iowa this  drop boxes were written into
            lems  in  2020:  a  coronavirus  in-person.               tive hearing that he was not  year,  lawmakers  approved  the  law,  available  for  future
            pandemic  that  raised  fears  “I’m  just  so  glad  we  had  aware  of  any  problems  with  legislation to limit drop boxes  elections with strong security
            about crowded polling places  that  option,”  said  Cynthia  drop  boxes  in  Florida  last  in future elections to just one  measures in place.
            and  reports  of  mail  delays  Vaughn,  a  retired  financial  year.  Nevertheless,  he  said  per  county.  Previously,  state  “If  the  provision  we  have  is
            that  threatened  on-time  de-  manager  from  Atlanta  who  they introduced security gaps  law  did  not  say  how  many  not  workable  —  this  is  the
            livery of ballots.           used  a  drop  box  at  her  lo-  into  the  state’s  mail  voting  drop  boxes  counties  could  first  time  we  have  tried  this
            The  boxes  were  targeted  a  cal library in November and  process that must be closed.  operate.  Lawmakers  in  Tex-  — I’m sure you will see us go
            few times by vandals, but few  again  for  the  state’s  January  “I don’t think we should sit  as, where the GOP is in full  back and amend that to allow
            other problems were report-  Senate runoff.               on  our  laurels  or  congratu-  control,  also  are  debating  additional drop boxes if more
            ed  across  the  country.  Even  She  said  slashing  access  to  late ourselves on a successful  how voters can return ballots.  are needed,” he said.
            so, Republicans say they want  them will be especially hard  election,”  Baxley  said.  “Our  Election experts say outdoor
            to ensure the boxes will be a  on  those  who  don’t  have  time is better spent learning  drop boxes are arguably more
            secure way to cast a ballot.  ready  access  to  a  vehicle  or  lessons  from  problems  in  secure  than  a  regular  U.S.
            “It’s  a  continued  narrative  public transit: “Driving extra  other states to make sure we  Postal  Service  mailbox  sit-
            where  you  try  to  pit  secu-  miles  to  get  somewhere  to  are prepared for 2022 and be-  ting on a sidewalk, especially
            rity  against  accessibility,  and  drop off a ballot doesn’t ad-  yond.”              when  video  surveillance  is
            you  have  to  choose  one  or  here to the whole point that  No  state  reported  any  sig-  used. They are typically large,
            the other,” said Hillary Hall,  it should be easy and accom-  nificant  problems  with  drop  heavy  and  anchored  to  the
            a  former  county  elections  modating  for  everyone  to  boxes last year.            ground.
            clerk  in  Colorado  who  now  vote.”                     Democrats  complained  the  Democrats  in  Congress,  as
            works  with  election  officials  They  were  so  popular  in  bill  would  preclude  voters  part  of  their  proposal  to  es-
            across  the  country  through  Florida  last  year  that  nearly  from dropping off ballots in  tablish national election stan-
            the  National  Vote  at  Home  1.5 million voters used them,  the days just before an elec-  dards, want to require states
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