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                                                                                                                           Monday 19 February 2018

              Golf & Fun Linked Together

                                                                                                   Armour. “You can find everything you need here
                                                                                                   including  golf  shoes  and  clothing,  head  wear,  eye
                                                                                                   wear, golf balls and more. If you would prefer to rent
                                                                                                   your equipment, that’s an option too. We are open 7
                                                                                                   days a week from 6:45 AM to 7 PM.”
                                                                                                   Weekly tournaments
                                                                                                   Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 PM, Divi Links hosts
                                                                                                   exciting  golf  tournaments.  “For  $  75  you  get  rental
                                                                                                   clubs, shoes, a sleeve of balls, two drinks and prizes,
              There is something special about golf courses. The greens, the peace, the elegance   and  each  tournament  day  has  a  different  format”,
              and the environment make you feel relaxed and absorbed by nature. The Links at       says Yanel. You can plan a terrific day here, starting off
              Divi Aruba, located at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort, is a challenging 9-hole     with a breakfast or lunch at Mulligan’s Golf Café, Bar &
              course featuring different tee-boxes for the front 9 and back 9, with a gorgeous     Restaurant. The course is located at Eagle Beach, a
              ocean view backdrop, beautifully landscaped greens and sparkling lagoons. The        convenient  spot  for  cruise  tourists  coming  from  the
              Links at Divi Aruba is open to the public and offers preferred rates and tee times to   harbor in Oranjestad as well as hotel guests coming
              guests at Divi Resorts. The course isn’t the only thing that’s green at The Links at Divi   from the low- rise and high- rise areas.
              Aruba, the company’s green vision can be seen in the solar paneled golf carts and
              the use of recycled water to irrigate the greens.                                    Donald Ross ‘feel golf’ school
                                                                                                   To improve your golf skills or learn how to play, Donald
              9 or 18-hole                                                                         Ross is your go-to guy. This Golf-Pro will make you ‘feel
              Yanel Olivero, Pro Shop Manager, explains why you should not miss out on playing     golf’ either on the putting green, the encaged driving
              here. “You can play this course in half a day, which is perfect if you want to enjoy   range or directly on the course, depending your skill
              the rest of the day at the beach or shopping. The course itself is really fun; we have   level. “We have complimentary storage for clubs for
              a lot of water elements that make it challenging. There are 2 par 5s, 2 par 3s, and   the duration of stay. And you can book your tee times
              the rest are par- 4s.” By the way, Yanel explains that 18-holes is a possibility too as   online at,” Yanel mentions.
              than you can play the 9-hole course two times, teeing off from different angles.
              Plus your shopping can be done in one of the best pro shops in the Caribbean.        The Links at Divi Aruba
              “We have it all, before it comes out on the market. Customers are always surprised   J.E. Irausquin Blvd 93,
              by what they see, from typical items to unique finds in a variety of price ranges. All   Oranjestad, Aruba
              of the clothing we sell has our club logo. I emphasize also on the personal touch    T: (297) 581 4653
              with customers.” The shop offers well-established brands like Nike, Polo, Puma,      W:
              FootJoy, Cutter & Buck, Greg Norman and Under

            Central Bank of Aruba Urges Jewelers and Car Dealers to

            Comply with AML/CFT Legislation in Information Sessions

              ORANJESTAD - On 5 Feb-    concerns the jewelers.     capacity  as  supervisor,
              ruary  2018,  the  Central  During  the  informational  will continue to demand
              Bank of Aruba (CBA), in  sessions,  the  obligations  ongoing  attention  for
              collaboration  with  the  were discussed that ap-    compliance with the ap-
              “Financial   Intelligence  ply  to  aforementioned  plicable    requirements,
              Unit  Aruba”  (FIU-Aruba),  groups,  as  far  as  it  con-  for example by conduct-
              organized    information  cerns  the  prevention  of  ing  on-site  examinations
              sessions  for  both  jewel-  money  laundering  and  at  the  institutions  that
              ers and car dealers with  combating  terrorist  fi-  fall  under  the  scope  of
              regard  to  the  AML/CFT  nancing, such as the re-   the  LWTF.  In  the  event
              State  Ordinance  (LWTF).  quirements    regarding  of  non-compliance  or
              The  attendance  among  "Know  Your  Customer"  serious  deficiencies,  the
              the  car  dealers  was  and the reporting of un-     CBA  will  take  enforce-
              above expectations, but  usual transactions to the  ment measures in accor-
              disappointing as far as it  FIU-Aruba. The CBA, in its  dance with the law.q
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