Page 38 - ARUBA BANK
P. 38

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 19 February 2018

            Aruba Welcomed 91,471‘Stay-Over’ Visitors First Month Of 2018

            -Revenue per available room (revpar) increased with 15.7% compared to January 2017.

            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  wel-   (+  1.007  tourists/total  7.253                                                       tral  Bank  the  ‘Tourism  Re-
            comed  a  total  of  91.471  tourists)  compared  to  the                                                           ceipts’ for the first 6 months
            ‘stay-over’  visitors  in  the  same month last year.                                                               of  2017  can  be  set  for  a
            first month of this year, this  Latin  America  shows  a                                                            contribution of AWG 1585.6
            means  an  increase  of  2.5  decline  of  18.1  %  (-  3.290                                                       million  to  our  economy,
            %  (+  2.202  tourists)  com-  tourists/total  14.917  tour-                                                        meaning an increase of 4.8
            pared  to  the  same  month  ists)  with  Venezuela  show-                                                          %  compared  to  the  same
            last year. If the Venezuelan  ing  a  decrease  of  48.9  %                                                         period in 2016.
            tourists  are  excluded,  an  (-  4.333  tourists/total  4.536
            increase of 8.1 % (+ 6.535)  tourists),  compared  to  the                                                          Hotels / AHATA
            tourists  is  shown  and  the  same  month  in  2017.  Bra-                                                         According  toAruba  Hotel
            total visitors come down to  zil  has  grown  with  30.7  %                                                         and  Tourism  Association,
            86.935.  The  numbers  show  (+  365  tourists/total  1.553                                                         the  ‘Average  Daily  rate
            an  increase  of  the  key  tourists)   and   Argentina                                                             (ADR)  for  January  2018  in-
            markets  for  Aruba;  United  shows  a  growth  of  33.7  %  (+21  tourists/total  300  tour-  20.7 % (+ 18.564 cruise tour-  creased  with  10  %  com-
            States,  Canada,  the  Neth-  (+  1.153  tourists/total  4.573  ists),  although  Germany  ists). January 2017 brought  pared  to  last  year  Janu-
            erlands and Argentina.       tourists).  The  continent  of  dropped with 23.5 % (- 133  89.734  cruise  tourists  with  ary:  US$  301.69in2017,  US$
                                         Latin  America  covers  16.3  tourists/total  433  tourists).  44  cruise  ships  to  Aruba.  It  331.94in2018.  The  RevPAR-
            Tourism ‘stay-over’          % of the total tourism in the  Europe  represents  8  %  of  is important to mention that  grew  with  15.7%  from  US$
            Compared  to  last  year  month of January 2018.          the tourism in the month of  January and February were     256.42inJanuary2017toUS$
            January,  the  tourism  com-  For  Europe  an  increase  of  January 2018.             busier  than  usual,  due  to  296.77inJanuary2018.   The
            ing from North America has  6.2 % in tourism (+427 tour-                               the ‘aftermath’ of the hur-  occupation    rate   (ORN)
            grown  with  8.3  %  (+  5.098  ists/total  7.284  tourists)  is  CruiseTourism        ricanes  in  the  last  quarter  per  room  increased  with
            tourists/total  66.727  tour-  shown  compared  to  the  During     January    2018,  of 2017 that affected other  5.4% forJanuary2018. AHAT-
            ists) covering 72.9 % of the  same month last year. The  108.298  cruise  passengers  cruise  destinations  in  the  Anumbers  are  based  on
            total  incoming  tourism.  In  Netherlands  brought  13.3  visited  our  island  with  a  Caribbean.                14  properties  inclusive  the
            January,  United  States  in-  % more tourists to Aruba (+  total  of  53  different  cruise                        majority  of  the  hotels  with
            creased with 7.4 % (+ 4.091  428 tourists/total 3.655 tour-  ships.  Compared  to  the  Tourism  Receipts  /  Central  the  exception  of  Hilton
            tourists/total 59.474 tourists)  ists)  and  the  United  King-  month of January 2017, the  Bank of Aruba          Aruba Caribbean Resort &
            and  Canada  with  16.1  %  dom  increased  with  7.5  %  cruise  tourism  grew  with  In agreement with the Cen-   Casino.q
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