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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 9 Januari 2021

                        With virus surging, Biden to speed release of COVID vaccines

            (AP)  —  With  COVID-19                                                                                             Biden  announced  his  plan
            surging  and  vaccinations                                                                                          after  eight  Democratic  gov-
            off  to  a  slow  start,  Presi-                                                                                    ernors wrote the Trump ad-
            dent-elect  Joe  Biden  will                                                                                        ministration  on  Friday  urg-
            rapidly release most avail-                                                                                         ing it to do as much.
            able vaccine doses to pro-
            tect  more  people,  his  of-                                                                                       “The  federal  government
            fice said Friday, a reversal                                                                                        currently  has  upwards  of
            of  Trump  administration                                                                                           50%  of  currently  produced
            policies.                                                                                                           vaccines held back,” the gov-
                                                                                                                                ernors  wrote.  “While  some
            “The president-elect believes                                                                                       of  these  life-saving  vaccines
            we  must  accelerate  distri-                                                                                       are sitting in Pfizer freezers,
            bution  of  the  vaccine  while                                                                                     our  nation  is  losing  2,661
            continuing  to  ensure  the                                                                                         Americans each day, accord-
            Americans who need it most                                                                                          ing  to  the  latest  seven-day
            get  it  as  soon  as  possible,"                                                                                   average.  The  failure  to  dis-
            spokesman  T.J.  Ducklo  said                                                                                       tribute  these  doses  to  states
            in  a  statement.  Biden  “sup-                                                                                     who request them is uncon-
            ports releasing available dos-                                                                                      scionable  and  unacceptable.
            es  immediately,  and  believes                                                                                     We  demand  that  the  federal
            the government should stop                                                                                          government  begin  distribut-
            holding  back  vaccine  supply                                                                                      ing  these  reserved  doses  to
            so we can get more shots in                                                                                         states immediately.”
            Americans’ arms now.”
            Biden’s  plan  is  not  about   the  federal  government  take  aggressive  vaccination  cam-  needing  their  second  dose.  The  letter  was  signed  by
            cutting  two-dose  vaccines   a stronger role to make sure  paign,  with  greater  federal  Biden will make broader use  Govs.  Gretchen  Whitmer  of
            in  half,  a  strategy  that  top   that  vaccines  are  not  only  involvement  and  leadership  of a Cold War-era law to di-  Michigan,  Gavin  Newsom
            government  scientists  rec-  available,  but  that  shots  are  and the goal of administering  rect private industry to sup-  of California, Laura Kelly of
            ommend  against.  Instead,  it   going into the arms of more  100 million shots in the first  ply materials for vaccine pro-  Kansas,  J.B.  Pritzker  of  Illi-
            would accelerate shipment of   Americans.                 100 days.                    duction, should that become  nois, Tim Walz of Minneso-
            first doses and use the levers   “The  Trump  administration                           necessary, his office said.  ta,  Andrew  Cuomo  of  New
            of government power to pro-  plan to distribute vaccines is  He  said  he  and  Vice-Pres-  Former Food and Drug Ad-  York, Jay Inslee of Washing-
            vide required second doses in   falling  behind—far  behind,”  ident  elect  Kamala  Harris  ministration head Mark Mc-  ton, and Tony Evers of Wis-
            a timely manner.             Biden said. “If it continues to  have  been  talking  with  state  Clellan  said  he  agrees  with  consin.
                                         move as it is now, it’s going  and  local  leaders  about  a  Biden's decision, but the in-  With the winter wave of the
            The  Trump  administration   to take years, not months, to  coordinated  approach  that  creased  supply  of  vaccines  pandemic  pushing  deaths  to
            has  been  holding  back  mil-  vaccinate the American peo-  meshes the efforts of govern-  has to be coupled with steps  record  levels,  and  hospitals
            lions  of  doses  of  vaccine  to   ple.”                 ments  at  all  levels.  Among  to get shots actually adminis-  overwhelmed  in  cities  large
            guarantee that people can get                             the specifics: opening up vac-  tered to people.          and  small,  some  have  called
            a  second  shot,  which  pro-  The  American  Hospital  As-  cination centers and sending                           on the government to autho-
            vides  maximum  protection   sociation  estimates  that  the  mobile vaccine units to hard-  “We're  holding  back  more  rize using just one dose of the
            against COVID-19. Both the   nation  would  need  to  vac-  to-reach communities.      doses  than  we  really  need  Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
            Pfizer-BioNTech  and  Mod-   cinate  1.8  million  people  a  “The top thing is that there’s  to,” McClellan said in an in-  That would indeed confer a
            erna  vaccines  require  a  sec-  day, every day, from Jan. 1 to  not  a  coordinated  national  terview.  But  “this  needs  to  boost of immunity.
            ond  shot  after  the  first  vac-  May 31, to reach the goal of  plan,” Biden adviser Dr. Rick  be  combined  with  steps  to
            cination.  One-shot  vaccines   having widespread immunity  Bright  told  The  Associated  increase  the  administration  However, government scien-
            are still undergoing testing.  by  the  summer.  That's  also  Press.  Bright  has  a  doctoral  of vaccines, or it won't make  tists  including  Dr.  Anthony
            A recent scientific analysis in   called  “herd  immunity”  and  degree in immunology.  much  difference.”  McClel-  Fauci  have  said  the  vaccines
            the  journal  Annals  of  Inter-  would involve vaccinating at  The  Biden  transition  office  lan,  who  served  under  for-  should continue to be used as
            nal  Medicine  estimated  that   least 75% of the population.  said  its  experts  believe  that  mer  Republican  President  prescribed under their emer-
            a “flexible” approach roughly   Without spelling out details,  pushing out available vaccine  George W. Bush, now leads a  gency  approval  by  the  FDA.
            analogous  to  what  Biden  is   Biden said his administration  as  fast  as  possible  will  not  health policy center at Duke  The  two-shot  regimen  pro-
            talking  about  could  avert  an   will put in place a much more  create  problems  for  people  University.        vides around 95% protection.
            additional  23%  to  29%  of                                                                                        More  than  365,000  Ameri-
            COVID-19 cases when com-                                                                                            cans have died as a result of
            pared  to  the  “fixed”  strategy                                                                                   the  pandemic,  according  to
            the  Trump  administration  is                                                                                      data  from  Johns  Hopkins
            following. That’s assuming a                                                                                        University.  The  seven-day
            steady supply of vaccine.                                                                                           average positivity rate for the
            After  a  glow  of  hope  when                                                                                      nation  has  continued  to  rise
            the  first  vaccines  were  ap-                                                                                     since Christmas, and stood at
            proved  last  month,  the  na-                                                                                      13.6%  on  Thursday,  accord-
            tion's  inoculation  campaign                                                                                       ing  to  the  COVID  Tracking
            has gotten off to a slow start.                                                                                     Project. That's well above the
            Of 21.4 million doses distrib-                                                                                      10% rate considered a marker
            uted, about 5.9 million have                                                                                        of widespread contagion.
            been  administered,  or  just
            under 28%, according to the                                                                                         Biden  spokesman  Ducklo
            Centers for Disease Control                                                                                         said  the  president-elect  will
            and Prevention.                                                                                                     share  additional  details  next
            Biden  has  already  indicat-                                                                                       week  on  how  his  adminis-
            ed  his  displeasure  with  the                                                                                     tration  will  engage  the  pan-
            progress  of  vaccinations.  In                                                                                     demic  when  he  takes  office
            a speech last week, before his                                                                                      on Jan. 20.
            election victory was certified
            by  Congress,  the  president-                                                                                      Biden's  plan  to  change  the
            elect said he intends to speed                                                                                      vaccine distribution plan was
            up  vaccinations  by  having                                                                                        first reported by CNN.
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