Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210109
P. 30

A30     world news
                   Diasabra 9 Januari 2021

                          Trudeau says Trump incited a violent assault on democracy

                                                                                                                                every  day  —  and  that  it’s  a
                                                                                                                                real accomplishment to have
                                                                                                                                a  political  system  in  which
                                                                                                                                the  losing  side  gracefully
                                                                                                                                But Trudeau said democracy
                                                                                                                                is resilient in America, Cana-
                                                                                                                                da’s closet ally.
                                                                                                                                Trudeau  said  Canadians  ex-
                                                                                                                                pect “debate that is grounded
                                                                                                                                in  shared  acceptance  of  the
                                                                                                                                Asked if he worries his com-
                                                                                                                                ments  could  damage  rela-
                                                                                                                                tions   with   Republicans,
                                                                                                                                Trudeau said: “It’s extremely
                                                                                                                                important that we be there to
                                                                                                                                defend democracy,”
                                                                                                                                “Words  have  consequences.
                                                                                                                                Choices  made  by  people  in
                                                                                                                                power can have direct impact
                                                                                                                                on  behaviors  and  institu-
                                                                                                                                tions,” he added.
                                                                                                                                Trudeau  and  Trump  have
                                                                                                                                largely got along, but Trump
                                                                                                                                previously  called  Trudeau
            (AP)  —  Canadian  Prime  Trump by him.                   Friday that Trump and other  assault on democracy by vio-  “weak” and “dishonest.” And
            Minister  Justin  Trudeau                                 politicians  are  to  blame  for  lent  rioters,  incited  by  the  Trump vowed to make Can-
            said Friday that U.S. Pres-  Trudeau has been careful not  an event he called “shocking,  current  president  and  other  ada pay after Trudeau said he
            ident  Donald  Trump  in-    to  criticize  Trump  over  the  deeply disturbing, and frank-  politicians,” Trudeau said.  wouldn’t be bullied in trade
            cited an assault on democ-   last four years as 75% of Can-  ly saddening.”                                         talks.  Trump  threatened  tar-
            racy by violent rioters — a  ada’s exports go to America,                              He said that democracy is not  iffs  on  cars  and  imposed
            rare  direct  criticism  of  but Trudeau told reporters on  “What  we  witnessed  was  an  automatic  —  it  takes  work  them on steel and aluminum.

                        London mayor seeks help as UK sees record new virus deaths

            (AP)  —  London’s  mayor  and NHS staff are doing an                                                                The NHS, short for National
            declared the capital’s CO-   amazing  job,  but  with  cases                                                        Health  Service,  announced
            VID-19  situation  to  be  rising  so  rapidly,  our  hospi-                                                        Friday  that  its  doctors  and
            critical  Friday,  reflecting  tals are at risk of being over-                                                      other   medical   personnel
            deteriorating  conditions  whelmed,″ Khan said. “The                                                                would  soon  be  able  to  get
            for beleaguered hospitals,  stark  reality  is  that  we  will                                                      vaccinated,  a  reflection  of
            as the country recorded its  run  out  of  beds  for  patients                                                      concern that absences caused
            highest daily death toll in  in  the  next  couple  of  weeks                                                       by health workers needing to
            the pandemic.                unless the spread of the virus                                                         self-isolate were straining the
                                         slows down drastically.″                                                               system.  Priority  for  the  first
            The grim news that another  A  major  incident  is  defined                                                         shots previously was given to
            1,325 people had died within  as one in which there is a risk                                                       the most vulnerable in Brit-
            28 days of a positive test came  to life and welfare and is “be-                                                    ish  society,  such  as  those  in
            hours after the U.K regulator  yond  the  scope  of  business-                                                      care homes.
            authorized a third vaccine for  as-usual  operations.″  It  al-                                                     “For  frontline  staff  who  are
            emergency  use.  The  figure  lows  coordination  between                                                           risking  their  lives  every  day
            brings Britain’s official death  different emergency agencies                                                       to keep patients safe, this an-
            toll  from  the  coronavirus  to  and  will  let  London  ask  for                                                  nouncement  couldn’t  have
            79,833,  the  highest  in  Eu-  help from other areas.                                                              come  soon  enough,’’  said
            rope. Not all the deaths an-  Khan,  a  member  of  the  op-  regulator’s  “strict  standards  ever greater.        Dr  Samantha  Batt-Rawden,
            nounced by the government  position  Labour  Party,  also  of  safety,  efficacy  and  qual-  NHS  England  Chief  Ex-  president of the Doctors’ As-
            on  Friday  occurred  on  the  wrote to Conservative Prime  ity.”  Britain  has  ordered  17  ecutive  Simon  Stevens  said  sociation UK. “Tragically, we
            same day.                    Minister Boris Johnson ask-  million doses set to be deliv-  Thursday  that  the  pressures  have  lost  too  many  health-
            London  Mayor  Sadiq  Khan  ing  for  more  financial  sup-  ered by the spring.       facing  hospitals  in  London  care  workers  to  COVID  in
            declared a “major incident,″  port for Londoners who need  “Vaccines  are  the  key  to  re-  and the southeast of England  the  U.K..  Frontline  NHS
            as the rapid spread of the vi-  to  self-isolate  and  are  un-  leasing  us  all  from  the  grip  are so acute that a temporary  and  care  workers  absolutely
            rus pushed hospitals to break-  able  to  work,  and  called  for  of this pandemic, and today’s  field  hospital  at  the  ExCel  must be protected as a matter
            ing  point,  with  the  number  masks to be worn in crowded  news  is  yet  another  impor-  London  conference  center  of priority.’’
            of  hospitalized  coronavirus  outdoor spaces as well as in-  tant  step  towards  ending  will be opened next week.  The U.K. is recording virus-
            patients up 27% in the week  doors.                       lockdown  and  returning  to  The hospital was one of sev-  related  deaths  at  a  level  last
            to Jan. 6. One in 30 people in  The  action  comes  as  more  normal life,’’ Business Secre-  eral built in the spring to help  seen  during  the  worst  days
            Britain’s capital was infected  good  news  on  fighting  the  tary Alok Sharma said.  during  the  pandemic,  but  early  in  the  pandemic.  Fri-
            with the virus in the week to  virus  appeared  with  the  ap-  So far, Britain has inoculated  was not heavily used.  day’s  toll  surpassed  the  pre-
            Jan.  2,  according  to  the  Of-  proval  of  the  Moderna  vac-  1.5  million  people  with  the  “The  entirety  of  the  health  vious high of 1,224 deaths in
            fice for National Statistics.  cine as the country ramps up  Pfizer-BioNTech  and  Ox-  service in London is mobiliz-  April.
            Other  emergency  services  an inoculation program criti-  ford  University-AstraZeneca  ing  to  do  everything  it  pos-  According  to  figures  com-
            are  also  under  strain,  with  cal to lifting the U.K. out of  vaccines. It plans to vaccinate  sibly can, but the infections,  piled by Johns Hopkins Uni-
            hundreds of firefighters now  the pandemic.               some  15  million  people  by  the rate of growth in admis-  versity, the U.K. has the most
            driving  ambulances,  for  ex-  The  Department  of  Health  mid-February.             sions, that is what collectively  COVID-related  deaths  in
            ample.                       said  Friday  that  the  vaccine  The  authorization  comes  as  the country has got to get un-  Europe and the fifth highest
            “Our  heroic  doctors,  nurses  meets  the  British  medicines  the need for such help grows  der control,” Stevens said.  number in the world.
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