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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 9 Januari 2021

                           Berlin backtracks on plan to reopen schools after protests

            (AP)  —  Authorities  in                                                               menting  its  own  pandemic  ties  relented,  at  least  for
            Berlin  backtracked  Fri-                                                              measures and often there are  younger students.
            day  on  plans  to  partially                                                          local differences.           “We  are  reacting  to  the
            resume  in-school  teach-                                                              Merkel’s  spokesman  called  widely  expressed  concerns
            ing in the German capital                                                              Friday for all regions to move  at  schools,”  state  education
            next  week  despite  a  na-                                                            as  one,  especially  in  light  of  minister  Sandra  Scheeres
            tional  lockdown,  follow-                                                             the  new,  more  contagious  said.
            ing protests from parents,                                                             variants of the virus that have
            teachers  and  the  federal                                                            emerged in Britain and South  Only final-year students will
            government.                                                                            Africa.                      return  to  school  next  week,
                                                                                                                                she said. All others will con-
            An  online  petition  launched                                                         “It’s clear to all involved how  tinue  with  online  learning
            this  week  gathered  almost                                                           important school is for chil-  until at least Jan. 25
            40,000 signatures against the                                                          dren’s lives,” Steffen Seibert  Christoph Podewils, a father
            regional  government’s  pro-                                                           told reporters in Berlin.    who  had  launched  the  peti-
            posal  to  start  teaching  some                                                       “But because of the high in-  tion, welcomed the decision.
            classes  in  school  again  from                                                       fection  numbers  there  re-  “We have a very serious pan-
            Monday.                      corded  31,849  newly  con-  governors  of  Germany’s  16  mains no other solution (...)  demic  situation  with  lots
            Petitioners  argued  that  the  firmed cases and 1,188 deaths  states  to  extend  the  existing  but  to  suspend  in-person  of  cases  each  day  and  many
            plan  would  undermine  ef-  from COVID-19, the biggest  lockdown  and  even  tighten  teaching  in  schools  for  the  deaths,”  he  said.  “The  deci-
            forts  to  curb  infections,  single-day toll since the pan-  some  measures  further,  in-  time  being,”  he  said.  “Any-  sion  to  reopen  schools  was
            which have remained persis-  demic began. Figures tend to  cluding  restricting  meetings  thing  else  would  have  been  irresponsible.”
            tently high in recent weeks.  skew higher toward the end  to  just  one  household  plus  difficult to justify in view of  “My  concern  was  that  the
            The  country’s  disease  con-  of the week.               one other person.            the  health  of  students  and  situation could fuel the pan-
            trol  agency  said  overnight  Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  But under German law, each  teachers.”                   demic by reopening schools,”
            Friday  that  Germany  re-   had agreed Tuesday with the  state is responsible for imple-  Hours  later,  Berlin  authori-  said Podewils.

                       Greece extends lockdown past 2 months, expands vaccinations

            (AP)  —  Greece  has  ex-    at all cost, take steps to coun-  around  11  million  and  has  lic and private hospitals, fol-  in a passenger locator form.
            tended a two-month lock-     ter the expected rise of infec-  reported  more  than  143,000  lowed by care home residents  Rapid  tests  on  arrival  are
            down by at least one week,  tions  that  occurred  over  the  confirmed coronavirus cases,  and workers, people over age  compulsory  for  passengers
            through  Jan.  18,  and  an-  Christmas  holidays,”  Vana  including 5,195 deaths.     80,  and  those  with  serious  arriving  from  the  United
            nounced  plans  Friday  to  Papaevangelou,  a  scientific  After  maintaining  a  low  in-  health conditions.      Kingdom,  who  will  only  be
            increase  the  number  of  advisor  to  the  government  fection rate earlier in the year,                          able  to  leave  their  quaran-
            people getting COVID-19  and a professor of infectious  the country saw a huge spike  Separately,  Greece’s  Civ-   tine  if  they  test  negative  for
            vaccines  from  5,000  per  diseases at Athens University,  in cases in the fall. More than  il  Aviation  Authority  an-  COVID-19 at the end of the
            day to 8,000 per day.        told reporters.              85%  of  Greece’s  pandemic  nounced  a  new  compulsory  seven-day  period,  the  an-
                                         Government  officials  have  deaths  took  place  after  Nov.  seven-day  quarantine  for  nouncement said.
            Restrictions  the  Greek  gov-  indicated  a  willingness  to  1.                      any passenger flying into the  The Civil Aviation Authority
            ernment  imposed  in  early  maintain the lockdown mea-   Prime  Minister  Kyriakos  country from abroad, includ-   also announced an extension
            November  shut  non-essen-   sures  for  a  longer  period.  Mitsotakis,  chairing  a  gov-  ing  from  European  Union  to the flight ban from Turkey
            tial  retail  stores,  entertain-  Greece  launched  its  COV-  ernment  meeting  on  CO-  member countries, up to and  and Spain’s Catalonia region
            ment venues, and restaurants  ID-19  vaccination  program  VID-19,  said  Friday  that  including Jan. 21.          until  Jan.  21,  as  well  as  the
            and allow people to leave their  in late December.        hospitals  across  the  country,  Passengers will also face spot  ban  on  arrivals  for  non-EU
            homes for a limited number  So  far,  nearly  35,000  people  including  the  Greek  islands,  rapid tests on arrival, while all  citizens except those from the
            of  specific  reasons.  Primary  have received a first dose of  would  receive  vaccine  sup-  are  still  required  to  provide  UK, Singapore, Australia, Ja-
            schools and kindergartens in  a  two-shot  vaccine,  accord-  plies by Monday.         proof  of  a  negative  corona-  pan, New Zealand, Rwanda,
            Greece  are  scheduled  to  re-  ing  to  government  statistics.  Priority  is  being  given  to  virus  test  a  maximum  of  72  South  Korea,  Thailand,  and
            open on Monday. “We must,  Greece  has  a  population  of  health  care  workers  at  pub-  hours before arrival, and fill  the United Arab Emirates.

                            Pakistani PM asks Shiites to bury coal miners killed by IS

            (AP)  —  Pakistan’s  prime  protection.                   kilometers (30 miles) east of  mands  of  the  mourners  —  ministers  for  attacks  on  the
            minister  on  Friday  ap-    Under    Islamic   tradition,  Quetta.                    and  that  he  could  travel  to  Hazara  community  and  for
            pealed  on  protesting  mi-  burials  take  place  as  quickly                         Quetta immediately after the  not rushing to Quetta to of-
            nority  Shiites  not  to  link  as  possible  after  death.  But  “No premier of any country  miners’ bury their loved ones  fer condolences.
            the burial of 11 coal min-   the  Shiites  have  continued  should  be  blackmailed  like  first. But the Shiites rejected  IS  militants  abducted  and
            ers  from  their  Hazara  their sit-in to protest the kill-  this,”  Khan  said  in  televised  Khan’s  offer,  saying  their  then shot and killed the min-
            community,  killed  by  the  ing of the miners in Baluch-  remarks from Islamabad.     protest would continue until  ers on Sunday in Baluchistan.
            Islamic  State  group  last  istan province, where Quetta  The  opposition  and  Khan’s  he visits them.            Police  video  of  their  bodies
            week, to demands that he  is the provincial capital.      critics quickly chastised him                             revealed the miners had been
            visit the mourners.                                       on social media over the re-  “We will not burry our peo-  blindfolded, their hands tied
                                         The protesters have vowed to  marks,  saying  they  lacked  ple until Prime Minister Im-  behind their backs before be-
            Saying that the miners would  keep up the sit-in for several  compassion  for  the  mourn-  ran Khan comes to Quetta to  ing shot.
            not be buried until he visits  months  if  Khan  doesn’t  ac-  ers who have been protesting  see our ordeal and suffering,”
            the  protesters  amounts  to  cept their key demand. They  for six straight days. Maryam  said Arbab Liaquat Ali, a Shi-  The   Sunni   IS   affiliate
            blackmail, said Prime Minis-  were  planning  to  also  hold  Nawaz,  a  leader  of  the  op-  ite leader. Around him at the  promptly  claimed  respon-
            ter Imran Khan.              a sit-in in the capital, Islam-  position  Pakistan  Muslim  protest, some of the women  sibility  and  since  then,  au-
                                         abad,  where  dozens  of  Shi-  League party, said Khan  was  had blindfolds on and hands  thorities  have  been  raiding
            Since  Sunday,  hundreds  of  ites  rallied  on  Friday  night,  insensitive  and  that  his  ego  tied  behind  their  backs  in  a  militant hideouts to trace and
            mourners  have  been  rally-  denouncing Khan for calling  prevented  him  from  doing  sign of protest.            arrest those who orchestrated
            ing  despite  cold  weather  in  the  mourners  blackmailers.  the right thing.                                     the killings, though Khan in-
            Quetta, beside the coffins of  The  miners  were  killed  on                           Before  coming  to  power  in  sists  Pakistan’s  neighbor  In-
            the miners. They want Khan  Sunday after being abducted  Khan  said  his  government  2018,  Khan  as  opposition  dia  was  behind  the  violence
            to  visit  them  to  assure  their  near the Machh coal field, 48  had  accepted  all  other  de-  leader  would  criticize  prime  in Baluchistan.
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