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LOCAL Wednesday 8 June 2022
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s Wings of Hope:
UNESCO Schools Aruba Consortium wins SDG School Champion
Challenge 2022
ORANJESTAD - Aruba Air- fessionals and at the final
port Authority N.V.’s (AAA) event, all schools had to
“Wings of Hope” (WoH) give their final 8-minute
proudly announces UNES- pitch to the judges to com-
CO Schools Aruba Con- plete their score.
sortium (UNESCO) as the
official winner of WoH’s In the presence of AAA’s
Sustainable Development CEO Mr. Joost Meijs and
Goal (SDG) School Cham- AAA’s WoH Team, UNESCO
pion Challenge 2022. officially received the win-
ning prize of AWG 20,000.00
On Saturday June 4, 2022, by AAA’s Wings of Hope to
WoH held its SDG School successfully execute their
Champion Challenge 2022 Sustainable prioject plan.
final event where a total of Grant Thornton Aruba also
12 schools participated. As proudly presented the 2nd
part of WoH’s SDG Aware- place winner Scol Practico
ness goal, schools were giv- Pa Ofishi St. Cruz (SPO) with
en the opportunity to par- AWG 1,000.00 and ACE
ticipate in a school cham- Firm Engineering presented
pion project competition the 3rd place winner John
where they had to develop Wesley College with AWG
a Sustainable project plan 500.00.
with one or more of the
SDGs as their primary goal AAA WoH recognize the
for their schools. importance of Sustainabil-
ity and their Corporate So-
A total of 12 Sustainable cial Responsibility towards
project plans were handed the Aruban Community
in to the WoH team by the and look forward to contin-
schools including Colegio ue including students and
Bon Bini, St. Paulus School, the Community in projects,
Scol Paso Pa Futuro, EPB and in doing so creating
San Nicolas, Scol Practico awareness on the impor-
Pa Ofishi St. Cruz, Graf von tance of sustainable prac-
Zinzendorf School, John tices whilst encouraging all
Wesley College, Nos For- to embrace changes that
talesa Montessori School, create a better and more
Colegio Laura Wernet- sustainable future for all.q
Paskel, Colegio Pastoor
Kranwinkel, Colegio Sagra-
do Curason and UNESCO
(Colegio Hilario Angela,
Prinses Amalia School-Basis,
Edu Campus, International
School of Aruba). The 12
Sustainable project plans
were carefully reviewed
by a group of industry pro-