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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 16 aPriL 2021

                        US stocks rise to records on more proof of economic recovery

            (  AP  )    -  U.S.  stocks  are  couraging  read  on  the  job
            rallying toward records on  market,  showing  576,000
            Thursday  after  a  suite  of  people  applied  for  unem-
            encouraging  data  showed  ployment benefits last week.
            how  hungry  Americans  That’s well below the 700,000
            are  to  spend  again,  how  that  economists  had  fore-
            fewer  workers  are  losing  cast and down from 769,000
            their  jobs  and  how  much  the  prior  week.  It's  also  the
            fatter  corporate  profits  lowest the number has been
            are getting.                 since the pandemic.

            The S&P 500 was 1% higher  Adding  to  the  optimism,
            at 4,164 in afternoon trading  more big U.S. companies re-
            and  on  track  to  surpass  its  ported even healthier profits
            all-time high of 4,141.59 set  for the first three months of
            on Tuesday. The Dow Jones  2021 than analysts had fore-
            Industrial  Average  was  also  cast. Expectations are already
            on pace for a record, up 276  high for this earnings report-
            points,  or  0.8%,  at  34,007.  ing season, which unofficially
            The  Nasdaq  composite  was  got underway on Wednesday
            1.1% higher, as of 1:19 p.m.  and could result in the stron-
            Eastern time.                gest  growth  in  more  than  a
            Expectations are very high on  “You’ve  got  various  pockets
            Wall Street that the economy  of the market now starting to
            — and thus corporate profits  show a broadening recovery,”
            — are in the midst of explod-  said  Sameer  Samana,  senior
            ing out of the cavern created  global  market  strategist  at
            by  the  pandemic,  thanks  to  Wells  Fargo  Investment  In-  could send bond prices tum-  yields higher, but they largely
            COVID-19 vaccinations and  stitute.                       bling,  hurt  corporate  profit  shrugged it off.         The  falling  yields  helped
            massive  support  from  the                               margins and trigger volatility                            send financial stocks to some
            U.S. government and Federal  BlackRock,  PepsiCo  and  across markets worldwide.       Analysts  still  expect  bond  of the market's sharpest loss-
            Reserve.  Report  after  report  UnitedHealth  Group  all  re-                         yields  to  tick  higher  as  the  es,  because  lower  long-term
            on  Thursday  only  bolstered  ported bigger profits for the  The  bond  market  remained  year  goes  on  and  the  econ-  interest  rates  limit  the  prof-
            those expectations.          first quarter than analysts ex-  notably   calm   following  omy  continues  recovering,  its banks make from lending.
                                         pected. BlackRock rose 2.2%,  Thursday  morning’s  stron-  along with investors shifting  Bank  of  America  fell  2.9%,
            One report showed that U.S.  PepsiCo  gained  0.4%  and  ger-than-expected    reports,  money into sectors that will  and  Citigroup  slipped  0.3%,
            retail  sales  jumped  9.8%  in  UnitedHealth climbed 3.6%.  and  longer-term  yields  ac-  see a greater benefit from the  for  example,  even  though
            March from February, blow-                                tually  fell  to  the  surprise  of  recovery.            both in the morning reported
            ing past economists’ forecasts  Even Delta Air Lines, which  some  analysts.  The  yield  on                        stronger  profits  for  the  first
            for  5.5%  growth.  Much  of  reported  weaker  results  for  the 10-year Treasury dropped  “When you’re thinking about  three  months  of  2021  than
            the surge was due to $1,400  the  start  of  2021  than  ex-  to  1.55%  from  1.63%  late  GDP  growth,  it’s  really  expected.
            payments from the U.S. gov-  pected,  highlighted  areas  of  Wednesday.   Earlier   this  hard to see why the 10-year
            ernment’s  latest  economic  optimism. It said it could re-  month, it had gotten as high  shouldn’t be higher,” Samana  In  European  stock  markets,
            rescue  effort  hitting  house-  turn to making profits by late  as 1.75%.             said.                        Germany's  DAX  returned
            holds’ bank  accounts.  Econ-  summer  if  the  recovery  it’s                                                      0.3%,  and  France's  CAC  40
            omists  said  it  shows  how  seeing in air travel continues.  It’s  reminiscent  of  what  The surprising reaction may  rose 0.4%. The FTSE 100 in
            primed  people  are  to  spend  Its shares fell 4.2%.     happened  earlier  this  week,  be a result of how unpredict-  London gained 0.6%.
            as the economy reopens and                                when  a  report  on  the  Con-  able data can be as the pan-
            conditions  brighten.  That’s  With growth expectations so  sumer  Price  Index  came  demic  and  government  ef-  In  Asia,  Japan's  Nikkei  225
            huge  for  an  economy  that’s  high, some investors are wor-  in  higher  than  expected.  It  forts  to  counteract  it  distort  rose  0.1%,  South  Korea's
            made up mostly of consumer  ried about the possibility that  would have made sense if the  everything.  And,  for  now  Kospi gained 0.4% and Hong
            spending.                    inflation could swing upward  worse-than-expected  infla-  at  least,  the  numbers  seem  Kong's  Hang  Seng  slipped
                                         and  stay  high.  If  it  were  to  tion report had caused inves-  to  be  pointing  toward  more  0.4%. Stocks in Shanghai fell
            Another  report  gave  an  en-  sustain  itself,  high  inflation  tors  to  sell  bonds  and  send  strength.      0.5%.

                        Boston marks 8 years since marathon bombing killed 3 people

            (  AP  )  -  Boston  is  mark-  bombing at the 2013 Bos-  people and injured scores  a few hundred yards away.      Dzhokhar  Tsarnaev  after  a
            ing  eight  years  since  the  ton Marathon killed three  of others.                                                federal  appeals  court  tossed
                                                                                                   Janey  will  then  join  Gov.  out the penalty last summer.
                                                                      Acting Mayor Kim Janey on  Charlie Baker later Thursday
                                                                      Thursday visited fire stations  to lay wreathes at the bomb-  Tsarnaev and his older broth-
                                                                      that  had  been  critical  in  the  ing  sites  where  29-year-old  er, Tamerlan, also fatally shot
                                                                      response to the attack, as well  Krystle  Campbell,  23-year-  MIT  Police  Officer  Sean
                                                                      as the memorials marking the  old Lingzi Lu, and 8-year-old  Collier in Cambridge in the
                                                                      spots where the two pressure  Martin Richard died,        ensuring manhunt.
                                                                      cooker bombs detonated near
                                                                      the downtown finish line of  The city also marks each April  The Boston Marathon is tra-
                                                                      the storied race.            15 with “ One Boston Day,”  ditionally  held  on  the  third
                                                                                                   a day where acts of kindness  Monday  of  April,  a  holiday
                                                                      Janey's  office  said  there  will  and service are encouraged.  known  as  Patriots  Day  in
                                                                      also be a citywide moment of                              Massachusetts.  It  was  held
                                                                      silence at 2:49 p.m., marking  The U.S. Supreme Court last  virtually  last  year  and  has
                                                                      the time when the first bomb  month said it’ll consider re-  been moved to October this
                                                                      detonated,  followed  seconds  instating  the  death  sentence  year  because  of  the  ongoing
                                                                      later by the second explosion  against  marathon  bomber  pandemic.
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