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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 16 aPriL 2021

                          France hits unwanted milestone: Over 100,000 virus deaths

            ( AP ) - France on Thurs-    of the people who died in the  bag," he recalled. "It was like a
            day  became  the  third  pandemic and their families.     luxury garbage bag. And then
            country  in  Europe  after                                she  was  put  in  a  coffin  and
            the U.K. and Italy to reach  The pandemic was “so cruel”  sent  to  cremation.”  He  was
            the  unwanted  milestone  to  individuals  “who  some-    not allowed to see her.
            of  100,000  COVID-19-re-    times  were  not  able  to  ac-
            lated deaths as new infec-   company,  during  the  last  Petitpas said despite a decree
            tions  and  deaths  surged  moments and in death, a fa-   in January allowing people in
            due to virus variants.       ther, a mother, a loved one, a  France  to  see  their  deceased
                                         friend,” Macron said. Yet the  loved ones, many places still
            The  country  of  67  million  crisis  also  shows  “the  abil-  aren’t allowing it.
            is  the  eighth  nation  in  the  ity  of  the  French  people  to
            world to reach the mark after  unite."                    “All  these  people  who  left
            a year of overwhelmed hospi-                              us (are) like people with the
            tals,  on-and-off  coronavirus  French  government  spokes-  plague,  without  human  dig-
            lockdowns  and  enormous  person  Gabriel  Attal  sug-    nity, with nothing at all,” he
            personal losses that have left  gested it is too soon to set a  said.                  “When  you’re  told  your  fa-  shops.
            families  nationwide  grieving  specific  date  to  honor  those                       ther was put in a bag and cov-
            the pandemic’s impact.       who  died  as  France  is  now  Celia  Prioux-Schwab,  a  so-  ered  in  bleach:  imagine  the  An  overnight  nationwide
                                         fighting another rapid rise in  cial services worker, lost her  image you get in your head,”  curfew  has  been  in  place
            France added 300 new deaths  confirmed cases.             82-year-old  grandmother  in  she said.                   since  mid-December,  and
            Thursday  to  the  previous                               January,  four  days  after  she                          all France’s restaurants, bars,
            day’s tally of 99,777, bringing  “There will be an homage for  was sent home from the Re-  Maysounabe  feels  families  gyms, cinemas and museums
            the total to 100,077 deaths.  sure, a national mourning for  ims hospital — even though  and  victims  “are  forgotten”  have been closed since Octo-
                                         the  victims  of  COVID-19,”  her family had no home-care  still  today.  “We  have  got-  ber.
            Lionel  Petitpas,  president  of  Attal  said  Wednesday.  “That  option and she still had CO-  ten  accustomed  to  300,  400
            the  group  Victims  of  CO-  time will come. ... today, we  VID-19.                   deaths a day.”               Schools  are  set  to  gradually
            VID-19 told The Associated  throw  all  our  forces  in  the                                                        reopen starting April 26. The
            Press  that  the  number  was  battle against the epidemic.”  She  is  now  pushing  for  a  Since Macron declared “war”  government  is  anticipating
            “an important threshold.”                                 change in French law to guar-  on the virus while announc-  that  other  restrictions  will
                                         Experts say the 100,000 mark  antee  the  right  of  families  ing  the  country’s  first  lock-  start being lifted around mid-
            After  months  of  people  get-  is an underestimate by thou-  to  visit  hospitalized  patients  down on March 17, 2020, the  May.
            ting  accustomed  to  the  vi-  sands.  An  analysis  of  death  even during a pandemic, “to  French  have  faced  domestic
            rus,  the  figure  “is  piercing  certificates  shows  that  some  offer support, or even just to  and  international  travel  re-  Macron was meeting Thurs-
            a lot of minds. It is a figure  COVID-19  cases  were  not  say goodbye."              strictions  that  have  weighed  day  with  officials  to  get
            we  thought  would  never  be  reported or patients were not                           heavily on everyday life.    the  nation  prepared  for  the
            reached,” he said.           tested  when  people  died  at  Corine Maysounabe, a jour-                             gradual  reopening.  Authori-
                                         home, or in psychiatric units  nalist in western France, has  France plunged into a third,  ties  expects  that  20  million
            Petitpas,  who  lost  his  wife  or chronic care facilities.  been  involved  in  a  group  partial  lockdown  at  the  be-  people, about 38% of France's
            Joelle on March 29 last year                              advising officials on a future  ginning of April, as new in-  adult  population,  will  have
            from the virus, said families  Petitpas  started  a  Facebook  protocols  for  deaths  dur-  fections  were  surging  and  received at least one vaccine
            of victims "want the govern-  group last year for families of  ing  pandemics.  She  lost  her  hospitals  getting  close  to  shot by that time — up from
            ment  to  make  a  collective  victims to share memories of  88-year-old  father  last  year  saturation. The total number  11 million now.
            gesture to recognize our col-  their loved ones. Nearly ev-  to  the  virus.  She  described  of COVID-19 patients in in-
            lective loss.”               ery day, new testimonies ap-  the  “enormous  trauma”  of  tensive care in France surged  France has reported the most
                                         pear.                        mourning  rites  being  tram-  past  5,900  this  week.  Mea-  confirmed coronavirus infec-
            French  President  Emman-                                 pled on and bodies “treated at  sures include closing schools,  tions  in  Europe,  more  than
            uel Macron told Le Parisien  “My wife, like so many oth-  the level of objects.”       a  domestic  travel  ban  and  5.2 million.
            newspaper he thinks about all  ers,  was  just  put  in  a  body                       shutting  most  nonessential

                          China-drafted electoral reform bill introduced in Hong Kong

              (AP)  —  Hong  Kong’s  elected representatives.                                      reading with little opposition.  fessions and interest groups.
            electoral  reform  bill  was                              Political freedoms have been  All  pro-democracy  lawmak-  Many of those constituencies
            introduced  in  the  city’s  The  bill  is  part  of  efforts  to  under  threat  since  China  ers  resigned  in  November  are pro-Beijing.
            legislature on Wednesday,  rein in political protests and  imposed  a  national  security  following the ousting of four
            setting  in  motion  chang-  opposition  in  Hong  Kong,  law on Hong Kong last year  of their colleagues who were  The electoral reform bill en-
            es  that  will  give  Beijing  which  is  part  of  China  but  and  is  now  revamping  its  deemed  insufficiently  loyal  visages  the  legislature  with
            greater  control  over  the  has  had  a  more  liberal  po-  electoral process as part of a  by Beijing.           only 20 elected members, 30
            process  while  reducing  litical  system  since  the  1997  crackdown  after  months  of                           chosen by the constituencies
            the  number  of  directly  handover from Britain.         pro-democracy  protests  in  “This  provides  a  sound  and 40 by an Election Com-
                                                                      2019  that  brought  hundreds  foundation  to  ensure  Hong  mittee,  which  also  appoints
                                                                      of thousands to the streets.  Kong’s  system  for  patriots  the city’s leader.
                                                                                                   administering  Hong  Kong,
                                                                      Hong  Kong  Secretary  for  and will bring the implemen-  The  committee,  which  will
                                                                      Constitutional  and  Main-   tation  of  ‘one  country,  two  be  expanded  from  1,200  to
                                                                      land Affairs Erick Tsang said  systems’  back  on  the  right  1,500 members, is dominated
                                                                      at  a  meeting  at  the  legisla-  track,”  Tsang  said,  referring  by  supporters  of  the  central
                                                                      ture that the bill will bolster  to  the  semi-autonomy  that  government in Beijing.
                                                                      the  national  foundation  and  China promised Hong Kong
                                                                      improve  the  governance  of  for 50 years.               A new, separate body will also
                                                                      Hong Kong.                                                be set up to review the quali-
                                                                                                   In  the  current  70-member  fications of candidates for of-
                                                                      The bill was read for the first  legislature,  voters  elect  half  fice in Hong Kong to ensure
                                                                      and second time on Wednes-   the  members  and  the  other  that  the  city  is  governed  by
                                                                      day. It is expected to pass by  half is chosen by constituen-  “patriots,” in the language of
                                                                      the end of May after the third  cies representing various pro-  the central government.
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