Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210416
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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 16 aPriL 2021
Ex-Minnesota cop faces hearing in shooting of Daunte Wright
an outstanding warrant. The
warrant was for his failure to
appear in court on charges
that he fled from officers and
possessed a gun without a
permit during an encounter
with Minneapolis police in
Potter, a 26-year veteran, was
training another officer at the
Body camera video shows
Wright struggling with police
after they say they’re going
to arrest him, before Potter
pulls her gun. Potter is heard
yelling “Taser!” three times
before she fires and then
says, “Holy (expletive), I shot
“This was no accident,”
Crump said after charges
were announced. “This was
an intentional, deliberate,
and unlawful use of force.”
Protesters who have clashed
with police since Sunday's
shooting have also drawn
comparisons to the Noor
case in arguing that white
police officers receive pref-
erential treatment in a system
biased against Black people.
Intent isn’t a necessary com-
ponent of second-degree
(AP) — Black community pray for a day where they get spoken publicly or returned Potter will likely argue using manslaughter in Minnesota.
leaders and family mem- equal justice,” Wright fam- messages from The Associ- the gun was a mistake, while The charge can be applied in
bers of Daunte Wright ily attorney Ben Crump said ated Press about the shooting Noor never said he didn’t in- circumstances where a per-
were calling for more se- Wednesday. “Why should we of Wright and the criminal tend to use his weapon. son is suspected of causing
rious charges against a always get a fragment of jus- case. Potter was released from a death by “culpable negli-
white police officer in tice?” the Hennepin County Jail “This is kind of the com- gence” that creates an unrea-
Wright's death, compar- late Wednesday on $100,000 promise charge, which isn’t sonable risk and consciously
ing her case to the murder Advocates for Wright point bond. to say it’s not serious. It is,” takes chances to cause a
charge brought against a to the 2017 case of Mohamed Moran said. “But they’re not death.
Black officer who killed Noor. The Black former Many critics of the police reaching for the most seri-
a white woman in nearby Minneapolis police officer believe the race of those in- ous charge they could theo- The criminal complaint not-
Minneapolis. fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk volved played a role in which retically file. They’re also ed that Potter holstered her
Damond, a white woman charges were brought. not washing their hands and handgun on the right side
Former Brooklyn Center po- who was dual citizen of the saying she has no criminal li- and her Taser on the left. To
lice Officer Kim Potter was U.S. and Australia, in the al- “If the officer was Black, per- ability.” remove the Taser — which is
charged with second-degree ley behind her home after haps even a minority man, yellow and has a black grip —
manslaughter in Sunday's she called 911 to report what and the victim was a young, Washington County Attorney Potter would have to use her
shooting of Wright, a 20-year- she thought was a woman be- white female affluent kid, the Pete Orput did not return left hand, the complaint said.
old Black man, during a traf- ing assaulted. chief would have fired him messages Thursday seeking
fic stop. The former police immediately and the coun- comment. Experts say cases of officers
chief in Brooklyn Center, Noor was convicted of third- ty prosecutor would have mistakenly firing their gun
a majority nonwhite sub- degree murder in addition to charged him with murder, Wright’s death came as the instead of a Taser are rare,
urb, said Potter mistakenly second-degree manslaughter without a doubt,” said Jaylani broader Minneapolis area usually less than once a year
fired her handgun when she and sentenced to 12 1/2 years Hussein, executive director nervously awaits the out- nationwide.
meant to use her Taser. Both in prison. Potter’s charge car- of the Minnesota chapter of come of the trial for Derek
the chief and Potter resigned ries a maximum 10-year pris- the Council on American- Chauvin, one of four officers Hours after the charge was
Tuesday. Potter was due for on sentence. Islamic Relations. charged in George Floyd’s announced Wednesday, dem-
her initial court appearance death. Crump pointed to that onstrators clashed with police
Thursday. Noor testified that he fired to Potter could have easily been trial as having the potential to stationed behind a chain-link
protect his partner's life after charged with third-degree set a precedent for “police of- fence protecting the city’s po-
However, protesters and hearing a loud bang on the murder, which carries a 25- ficers being held accountable lice station. It was the fourth
Wright’s family members squad car and seeing a wom- year maximum sentence, said and sent to prison for killing straight night of protests and
say there’s no excuse for the an at his partner’s window Rachel Moran, a law profes- Black people.” unrest, with several hundred
shooting and want Potter to raising her arm. Prosecutors sor at the University of St. people filling the street in
face more serious charges. criticized Noor for shooting Thomas in St. Paul, Minne- Police say Wright was pulled front of the station despite a
without seeing a weapon or sota. But she noted that one over for expired tags on Sun- mix of snow and rain, chant-
“The family is glad she got Damond’s hands. key difference between the day, but they sought to arrest ing, “Say his name! Daunte
charged but they do hope and Potter’s attorney has not Noor and Potter cases is that him after discovering he had Wright!”