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locAl           Friday 10 July 2020

            Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA):

            “Recovery of tourism will take time”

            ORANJESTAD      —    Aruba  The  ADR,  meaning  aver-     the fact that hotels state to
            Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-  age  daily  rate,  of  each  receive cancellations con-
            tion  (AHATA)  gathers  the  hotel  room  increased  with  tinuously.  The  expectation
            monthly  occupation  num-    19,  1  %  compared  to  the  is to have a gradual growth
            bers  and  prices  of  the  ho-  same  period  of  six  months  towards  an  occupancy  of
            tels  and  inform  the  com-  (July  –  December)  of  last  40  %  in  the  month  of  De-
            munity  on  the  following  year reaching $ 357, 75 per  cember.
            percentages  and  numbers  room per night.
            after the past three months                               The period of recovery will
            without tourism.             The  RevPAR  which  is  the  be a long one, states AHA-
                                         revenue    per    available  TA,  and  the  expenses  will   and  will  continue  creating  Without salary subsidy and
            The  hotel  occupancy  de-   room,  would  be  $  126,  33  rise the income for compa-  the  necessity  for  financial  financial  support  of  The
            creased with 50, 6 % com-    that is a reduction of 51 %  nies  who  depend  on  tour-  support of the Kingdom to  Netherlands in the coming
            pared  to  the  same  period  compared to the average  ism.                            maintain  as  many  com-     months  many  companies
            last year, in 2019. This means  of one year ago.                                       panies operational as pos-   will  go  bankrupt  and  we
            an average occupancy of                                   It is important for everyone   sible and keep people em-  will face a mass unemploy-
            35, 3 % for the hotels.      The  projection  for  occu-  to realize that the econom-  ployed.                      ment, says AHATA CEO Tisa
                                         pancy in July is 9 % despite  ic  crisis  is  happening  now                           LaSorte. q

              Connecting children to nature within the Dutch Caribbean:

              2019 DCNA Junior Ranger Exchange Event Evaluation

              KRALENDIJK,  BONAIRE  —  The  tremendous  efforts  made  by  Si-
              Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance  etske  van  der  Wal  and  Natasha
              (DCNA)  initiated  its  first  Junior  Silva  (Fundacion  Parke  Nacional  Wildlife  Fund  for  Nature  (WWF-  further  action  together  with  the
              Ranger  Annual  Exchange  event  Aruba  (FPNA)),  Roxanne  Liana  NL), STINAPA Bonaire and support  respective local organizations on
              on 25-29 October 2019, as part of  Francisca,  Xenah  Cicilia,  and  from Warehouse supermarket, the  their home islands.
              the new approach for the coop-     Maria-Guanela     Sluis   (STINAPA  program was organized, with two  The  principle  of  participation  of
              eration  between  the  park  man-  Bonaire),  and  Emeray  Neuman-    overnight  stays,  field  excursions  the youth begins with the notion
              agement  organizations  in  the  six  Martha (DCNA). Thank you for all  and workshops in the Washington  that  children  are  not  passive  or
              islands  of  the  Dutch  Caribbean.  that you do for the youth in nature  Slagbaai National Park.        helpless  and  without  capacity.
              DCNA  just  finalized  their  evalua-  education.                                                        Rather,  this  principle  recognizes
              tions report that provides an over-                                   In total, 20 Youth Nature Ambas-   children  as  capable  and  active
              view of this successful event and  For  the  2019  DCNA  annual  con-  sadors  and  5  adult  leaders  (and  communicators  who  participate
              valuable  lessons-learned  for  the  vention, 12-13 year old youth par-  3  coordinators)  were  part  of  the  and  are  involved  in  (the  selec-
              next  edition.  Empowering  kids  to  ticipants from the six Dutch Carib-  exchange event as well as three  tion and design of) activities that
              be  excited  and  knowledgeable  bean  islands  were  invited  to  join  more experienced STINAPA Junior  affect  the  improvement  of  their
              about  nature  is  critical  for  the  the Junior Ranger Exchange with  Rangers – whom at a slightly older  general  welfare,  including  their
              preservation  of  the  spectacular  the  special  theme:  Marine  and  age of 15-18 years functioned as  environment.  This  type  of  partici-
              nature within the Dutch Caribbe-   Coastal  Conservation.  To  repre-  peer  leaders  during  certain  ac-  pation occurs vertically between
              an.                                sent  Fundacion  Parke  Nacional  tivities.  The  2019  Junior  Ranger  children and the organization/in-
                                                 Aruba  (FPNA),  STINAPA  Bonaire,  Exchange proved to be a unique  stitution and horizontally between
              The 2019 Junior Ranger Exchange  CARMABI  on  Curaçao,  Curaçao  experience  in  which  the  youth  the  children  themselves  through
              was first and foremost a pilot pro-  Sea  Aquarium,  Saba  Conserva-  participants  had  the  opportu-   processes  focused  on  child-to-
              gram, as the time span between  tion  Foundation,  Saba  Nature  nity  to  learn  about  each  other’s  child  interaction.  Children’s  re-
              the idea and execution was short  Education  and  St.  Maarten  Na-   nature  and  conservation  chal-   lationship  with  nature  is  key  to  a
              (four  months).  This  was  a  chal-  ture  Foundation,  four  teenag-  lenges, as well as create memo-  sustainable  future  for  the  Dutch
              lenge  for  both  the  organization  ers were selected per island and  rable  experiences  together.  The  Caribbean islands.
              and the funding. On behalf of the  brought together at the conven-    ‘camp’  ended  with  a  ‘high  pro-  For  more  information  see  the
              DCNA team, we would also like to  tion.  DCNA’s  activities  are  gen-  file’ presentation which conferred  evaluations  report,  https://www.
              extend our sincere thanks to those  erously  supported  by  the  Dutch  the youth’s acquired knowledge,
              who  coordinated  the  event.  This  Postcode  Lottery.  Thanks  to  co-  discussed  lessons  learnt  as  well   loads/2020/07/JRE-Report-Online.
              event  was  a  success  due  to  the  financing of the Rabobank, World  as  how  they  wanted  to  initiate   pdf.q
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