Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200710
P. 26
Friday 10 July 2020
Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen back in federal prison
Associated Press of its investigation, add-
NEW YORK (AP) — Presi- ing Cohen had planned
dent Donald Trump's for- to pick them up Thursday
mer personal lawyer and after an appointment at
fixer, Michael Cohen, was the federal courthouse in
returned to federal prison Manhattan concerning his
Thursday, after balking at home confinement.
certain conditions of the Davis added the appoint-
home confinement he was ment with federal authori-
granted because of the ties was intended to finalize
coronavirus pandemic. the conditions of Cohen's
The federal Bureau of Pris- home confinement. Cohen
ons said that Cohen had also had been expected to
"refused the conditions of receive an ankle bracelet,
his home confinement and he said.
as a result, has been re- "It was nothing other than
turned to a BOP facility." routine," Davis said, add-
Lanny Davis, a Cohen legal ing the appointment with
adviser, said Cohen had his probation officers had
refused to sign off on con- nothing to do with him be-
ditions requiring he avoid ing photographed dining
speaking with the media out. Days before Cohen's
and publishing a tell-all return to prison, the New
book he began working on York Post had published
in federal prison. photos of Cohen and his
"That was a point that dis- In this May 6, 2019, file photo, Michael Cohen, former attorney to President Donald Trump, leaves wife enjoying an outdoor
turbed him because he his apartment building before beginning his prison term in New York. meal with friends at a res-
pointed out that he was Associated Press taurant near his Manhattan
able to talk to the media home.
while he was in Otisville," said Cohen had refused to been scheduled to remain the timing of discussions "It's not a crime to eat out
Davis said. "He said, 'But the accept the terms of home in prison until November around an abandoned and support local busi-
book is already done and confinement, specifically 2021 but was permitted to plan to build a Trump Tower nesses," Adler said, adding
I'm not giving up my First that he submit to wearing serve the remainder of this in Russia, and orchestrating Cohen had been "thrown
Amendment right to talk an ankle monitor. The of- three-year term at home. payments to two women back into a petri dish of
to the media, to use social ficial could not discuss the The conditions restricting to keep them from talk- coronavirus."
media and, of course, to matter publicly and spoke the publication of his book ing publicly about alleged A federal judge had de-
publish my book.'" to AP on condition of ano- would only extend through affairs with Trump. Pros- nied Cohen's attempt for
Cohen later agreed to ac- nymity. the end of his term. ecutors said the payments an early release to home
cept the requirements, Da- Cohen, who pleaded guilty Cohen was once one of amounted to illegal cam- confinement after serving
vis said, but was taken into to tax evasion, campaign Trump's closest advisers but paign contributions. Trump, 10 months in prison and
custody nevertheless. finance fraud and lying to became a loud critic after who denied the affairs, said said in a May ruling that it
"He stands willing to sign Congress, had been re- pleading guilty. any payments were a per- "appears to be just another
the entire document if leased May 21 on furlough Cohen's convictions were sonal matter. effort to inject himself into
that's what it takes" to be as part of an attempt to related to crimes including Roger Adler, one of Co- the news cycle." But the Bu-
released, Davis said. slow the spread of the virus dodging taxes on $4 mil- hen's attorneys, told the AP reau of Prisons can move
A Justice Department of- in federal prisons. Cohen, lion in income from his taxi that the FBI had agreed to prisoners to home confine-
ficial pushed back on Da- 53, began serving his sen- business, lying during con- return to Cohen two smart- ment without a judicial
vis' characterization and tence in May 2019 and had gressional testimony about phones it seized as part order.q
Mayor helps paint 'Black Lives Matter' outside Trump Tower
City Mayor Bill de Blasio Matter,' there is no more would denigrate "this luxury
grabbed a roller Thursday American statement, there Avenue" and "further an-
to paint "Black Lives Matter" is no more patriotic state- tagonize New York's Finest."
in front of the namesake ment because there is no De Blasio tweeted back
Manhattan tower of Presi- America without Black that Black Lives Matter is
dent Donald Trump, who America," de Blasio said. "a movement to recognize
tweeted last week that the "We are acknowledging and protect the lives of
street mural would be "a the truth of ourselves as Black people."
symbol of hate." Americans by saying 'Black Rahima Torrence, 20, who
De Blasio was flanked by Lives Matter.' We are right- was among the people
his wife, Chirlane McCray, ing a wrong." slapping yellow paint onto
and the Rev. Al Sharpton The mayor announced the Fifth Avenue, said that
as he helped paint the ra- plan to paint "Black Lives even though the mural
cial justice rallying cry in Matter" in front of Trump might be a symbol, "it's the
giant yellow letters on Fifth Tower last month after ear- beginning of something
Mayor Bill de Blasio, third from left, participates in painting Black Avenue in front of Trump lier saying the slogan would more." She said the loca-
Lives Matter on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower, Thursday,
July 9, 2020, in New York. Tower. Activists watching be painted on streets at tion in front of Trump's own
Associated Press chanted, "Whose streets? several locations around skyscraper "shows that we
Our streets!" the city. Trump responded matter and it shows to him
Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — New York "When we say 'Black Lives via Twitter that the mural that you can't ignore us." q