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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 10 July 2020
            Missing Seoul mayor's body found after massive search

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM and KIM                                                                                            lodged  a  complaint  with
            TONG-HYUNG                                                                                                          police on Wednesday night
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           over alleged sexual harass-
            The missing mayor of South                                                                                          ment  such  as  unwanted
            Korea's  capital,  reportedly                                                                                       physical  contact  that  be-
            embroiled  in  sexual  ha-                                                                                          gan  in  2017.  The  SBS  re-
            rassment  allegations,  was                                                                                         port, which didn't cite any
            found  dead  early  Friday,                                                                                         source,  said  the  secretary
            more  than  half  a  day  af-                                                                                       told  police  investigators
            ter  giving  his  daughter  a                                                                                       that  an  unspecified  num-
            will-like  message  and  then                                                                                       ber  of  other  female  em-
            leaving home, police said.                                                                                          ployees  at  Seoul  City  Hall
            Police  said  they  located                                                                                         had  suffered  similar  sexual
            Park Won-soon's body near                                                                                           harassment by Park.
            a  traditional  restaurant  in                                                                                      MBC  television  carried  a
            wooded  hills  in  northern                                                                                         similar report.
            Seoul,  more  than  seven                                                                                           Choi,  the  police  officer,
            hours  after  they  launched                                                                                        confirmed  that  a  com-
            a massive search for him.                                                                                           plaint was filed with police
            Choi  Ik-su,  an  officer  from                                                                                     against  Park  on  Wednes-
            the Seoul Metropolitan Po-                                                                                          day. He refused to provide
            lice Agency, told reporters                                                                                         further details, citing priva-
            there were no signs of foul                                                                                         cy issues.
            play  and  no  suicide  note                                                                                        Police  officer  Lee  Byeong-
            had been found at the site                                                                                          seok told reporters that Park
            or  in  Park's  residence.  He                                                                                      was last identified by a se-
            refused to elaborate on the                                                                                         curity camera at 10:53 a.m.
            cause of Park's death.                                                                                              at the entrance to the hills,
            Choi  said  rescue  dogs     Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon speaks during a press conference at Seoul City Hall in Seoul, South   more than six hours before
            found  Park's  body,  and    Korea Wednesday, July 8, 2020.                                                         his  daughter  called  police
            police  had  recovered  his                                                                        Associated Press   to report him missing.
            bag,  cellphone  and  busi-                                                                                         Fire officer Jeong Jin-hyang
            ness cards.                  responsible  for  the  search  His  daughter  called  police  to work on Thursday for un-  told  reporters  on  Thursday
            His  daughter  called  police  operation.                 after he couldn't reach her  specified reasons and had  night  that  rescuers  used
            on Thursday afternoon and  Police  said  they  mobilized  father  on  the  phone,  the  canceled  all  of  his  sched-  dogs  to  search  dangerous
            said  her  father  had  given  about  600  police  and  fire  Seoul  police  officer  said,  ule,  including  a  meeting  areas on the hills.
            her "a will-like" verbal mes-  officers,  drones  and  track-  requesting  anonymity  be-  with  a  presidential  official  Park,  64,  a  longtime  civic
            sage in the morning before  ing  dogs  to  search  for  cause  she  was  not  autho-   at his Seoul City Hall office.  activist  and  human  rights
            leaving  home.  She  didn't  Park  in  the  hills,  where  his  rized to speak to the media  The reason for Park's disap-  lawyer,  was  elected  Seoul
            explain the contents of the  cellphone  signal  was  last  about the matter.           pearance wasn't clear. The  mayor in 2011. He became
            message,  said  an  officer  detected.  They  said  the  Kim Ji-hyeong, a Seoul Met-   Seoul-based  SBS  television  the  city's  first  mayor  to  be
            at  the  Seoul  Metropolitan  phone was turned off when  ropolitan  Government  offi-  network reported that one  voted  to  a  third  term  in
            Police  Agency  who  was  they tried to call him.         cial, said Park did not come  of  Park's  secretaries  had  June 2018. q

             WHO: Indoor airborne spread of coronavirus possible

             LONDON (AP) — The World  including  WHO,  to  adopt                                                               ognized  the  importance
             Health  Organization  is  ac-  more  stringent  protective                                                        of  people  spreading  CO-
             knowledging  the  possibil-  measures.                                                                            VID-19  without  symptoms,
             ity  that  COVID-19  might  WHO  has  long  dismissed                                                             a  phenomenon  the  orga-
             be spread in the air under  the  possibility  that  the                                                           nization  has  long  down-
             certain  conditions  —  after  coronavirus  is  spread  in                                                        played.  WHO has repeat-
             more  than  200  scientists  the  air  except  for  certain                                                       edly said such transmission
             urged  the  agency  to  do  risky  medical  procedures,                                                           is "rare" despite a growing
             so.                          such as when patients are                                                            consensus among scientists
             In an open letter  published  first  put  on  breathing  ma-                                                      globally  that  asymptom-
             this week in a journal, two  chines.                                                                              atic spread likely accounts
             scientists from Australia and  In  a  change  to  its  previ-                                                     for a significant amount of
             the U.S. wrote that studies  ous  thinking,  WHO  noted                                                           transmission.  The  agency
             have  shown  "beyond  any  on  Thursday    that  stud-   In this Friday, June 26, 2020 file photo, people wear masks while   said  that  most  spread  is
             reasonable  doubt  that  vi-  ies  evaluating  COVID-19   exercising at a gym in Los Angeles.                     via  droplets  from  infect-
             ruses  are  released  during  outbreaks  in  restaurants,                                         Associated Press  ed  people  who  cough  or
             exhalation,  talking  and  choir practices and fitness                                                            sneeze,  but  added  that
             coughing  in  microdroplets  classes suggested the virus  lated  spaces  over  a  pro-  taminated   surfaces   or  people  without  symptoms
             small  enough  to  remain  might have been spread in  longed period of time with  close  contacts  between  are also capable of trans-
             aloft in the air."           the air.                    infected  persons  cannot  people  in  such  indoor  en-  mitting the disease.
             The researchers, along with  Airborne  spread  "particu-  be ruled out," WHO said.    vironments  —  might  also  "The extent of truly asymp-
             more than 200 others, ap-    larly  in  specific  indoor  lo-  Still,  officials  also  pointed  have  explained  the  dis-  tomatic  infection  in  the
             pealed  for  national  and  cations,  such  as  crowded  out  that  other  modes  of  ease's spread.              community  remains  un-
             international   authorities,  and  inadequately  venti-  transmission  —  like  con-  WHO's  stance  also  rec-   known," WHO said.q
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