Page 2 - KPA19 SEPT,2015
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UP FRONTSaturday 19 September
UK Labour Party official apologizes for pro-IRA comments
JILL LAWLESS clarification by the party’s 2003 that IRA “bombs and to “hold onto the peace maker, was elected leader
Associated Press new left-wing leaders as bullets” had brought the process” and persuade mil- last week as Labour sup-
LONDON (AP) — A top offi- they try to counter op- British government to the itants not to take up arms porters,
cial in Britain’s Labour Party ponents’ claims that their negotiating table and led again.
has apologized for saying views are extreme. to Northern Ireland’s 1998 Labour’s new leadership frustrated after two elec-
more than a decade ago McDonnell was appointed peace deal. marks a sharp left turn for tion defeats, sought a
that Irish Republican Army Labour’s economy spokes- McDonnell said his words Britain’s main opposition way to set the party apart
bombings and shootings man this week by new par- had been wrong, and party, which had moved to from the Conservatives.
helped bring about peace ty leader Jeremy Corbyn. apologized “from the bot- the political center under Corbyn favors higher tax-
in Northern Ireland. McDonnell said on BBC tom of my heart” for giving former Prime Ministers Tony es for the rich, an end to
John McDonnell’s state- television late Thursday that offense. But he added that Blair and Gordon Brown. public spending cuts and
ment of regret is the latest he was sorry for saying in he had made the speech Corbyn, a 66-year-old law- the abolition of nuclear
Dutch police evacuate Paris-bound train, arrest man
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands Members of an anti-terrorist unit of the Dutch police carry a man who locked himself in a toilet Police are continuing to
(AP) — Police in the Neth- of a Thalys high-speed train heading for Paris, in Rotterdam central station, Netherlands, Friday, search the train and are
erlands have arrested a Sept. 18, 2015. The train was evacuated as a precaution. going through a back-
man who locked himself pack that they believe be-
in a toilet of a Thalys high- (AP Photo/Peter Dejong) longed to the man.
speed train heading for No further information
Paris early Friday. about him was immediate-
The train was evacuated ly available. Rail services to
as a precaution at Rotter- and from Rotterdam were
dam Central Station. severely disrupted, Dutch
The incident comes less rail authorities said.
than a month after passen- Thalys said it was allow-
gers subdued a gunman ing passengers to can-
on board a Thalys train in cel or postpone journeys
northern France as it was planned for Friday without
traveling from Amsterdam charge. Earlier, the high-
to Paris, also on a Friday. speed rail provider said in a
Police said in tweets that tweet that, “Security forces
the arrest went off with- have situation under con-
out incident, although the trol. No risk for our passen-
man was taken to hospital gers.” NOS state television
because he had hyper- pictures showed heavily
ventilated after his arrest, armed police with protec-
and one officer was hurt tive shields and equipment
when he was bitten by a scanning the train cars and
police dog. searching inside. q
Greece’s Tsipras says election will defeat corrupt elite
DEREK GATOPOULOS Syntagma Square, the tracted little public interest. servative New Democracy his ancestral home on the
Associated Press charismatic 41-year-old for- Sunday’s election winner party — despite a com- island of Crete — with the
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — mer prime minister urged is likely to require the sup- mitment from both leaders message that Tsipras could
Left-wing leader Alexis voters to seize a historic op- port of two smaller parties to implement the new 86 not be trusted after aban-
Tsipras told thousands of portunity. to form a coalition govern- billion euro ($97 billion) in- doning his anti-bailout plat-
supporters at his final cam- “The choice you face is to ment, according to five ternational bailout agree- form.
paign rally Friday that Sun- turn back or to keep fight- opinion polls published Fri- ment. “With all the promises he
day’s general election was ing on together. day evening that suggest- Meimarakis, 61, ran as an broke and damage he did
an opportunity for them Turning back would mean ed Tsipras made late gains outsider, starting the race ... why should Mr. Tsipras be
to bury Greece’s corrupt to return to a course of 40 and was ahead by a nar- as caretaker leader of his given a second chance?”
political elite who sank the years that piled debts on row margin. party, he told members of a con-
country into a years-long fi- Greeks,” he said, Tsipras has ruled out form- but made gains wooing servative women’s associa-
nancial crisis. marking the end of a four- ing a grand coalition with swing voters — farmers, tion in his final campaign
Speaking in Athens’ main week campaign that at- Vangelis Meimarakis’ con- women, and residents of appearance.