Page 4 - KPA19 SEPT,2015
P. 4


U.S. NEWSSaturday 19 September

Investigator: Bergdahl left post to expose problems in unit 

JUAN A. LOZANO                                                                                                  other soldiers in danger.       dahl was kept in a cage
Associated Press                                                                                                                                for three years and had
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The                                                                                          Military  prosecutors           uncontrollable diarrhea for
officer who led the investi-                                                                                                                    years.
gation of Bowe Bergdahl’s                                                                                       charged Bergdahl in March       Bergdahl tried to resist and
disappearance and cap-                                                                                                                          attempted to escape on
ture in Afghanistan six years                                                                                   with desertion and misbe-       multiple occasions, includ-
ago testified Friday that                                                                                                                       ing one attempt in which
the Army sergeant said he                                                                                       havior before the enemy.        he managed to elude re-
walked away from his post                                                                                                                       capture for 8½ days, Russell
as part of a plan to spark                                                                                      His Article 32 hearing, which   said. He acknowledged
a search and get the at-                                                                                                                        the public criticism leveled
tention of a general so he                                                                                      was concluded Friday, will      at Bergdahl,
could express his concerns                                                                                                                      but said Bergdahl did the
about his unit’s leadership.                                                                                    help determine if he should     best he could under the
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl                                                                                                                          circumstances.
told a packed courtroom                                                                                         face a court-martial. The       “They don’t know what the
at Fort Sam Houston in San                                                                                                                      facts are. Nobody knows
Antonio that Bergdahl felt                                                                                      prisoner exchange drew a        Sgt. Bergdahl’s story. I hope
the problems were so se-                                                                                                                        someday the world gets to
vere that they put his pla-                                                                                     lot of public criticism, with   understand how difficult
toon in danger, but that                                                                                                                        Sgt. Bergdahl had it,” he
Bergdahl’s perceptions                                                                                          many Republicans and            said.
were “completely off the                                                                                                                        Earlier Friday, Bergdahl’s
mark.”                                                                                                          some Democrats saying           former squad leader, for-
Dahl said Bergdahl had an                                                                                                                       mer Sgt. Greg Leather-
elaborate plan to head                                                                                          they felt it was politically    man, testified that before
from his post to the forward                                                                                                                    Bergdahl disappeared, he
operating base roughly 19                                                                                       motivated and contrary to       expressed concern to his
miles away, expecting to                                                                                                                        first sergeant that Bergdahl
arrive while a search was      From left, defense lead counsel Eugene Fidell, defense counsel                   the U.S. policy of not nego-    didn’t seem to be adjusting
underway and to create a       Lt. Col. Franklin D. Rosenblatt, and Dr. Mary Connell, consultant                                                well to their deployment
“PR event” that might get      for the defense, arrive for day two of a preliminary hearing to                  tiating with terrorists.        and that he thought Berg-
a general to listen to him.    determine if Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be court-martialed,                                                    dahl should speak to some-
“He felt it was his duty to    Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Bergdahl,                    Terrence Russell, with a        one such as a chaplain. q
                               who left his post in Afghanistan and was held by the Taliban for
                               five years, is charged with desertion and misbehavior before                     military agency that works
                               the enemy.
                                                                                                                with soldiers and others
                                                                                       (AP Photo/Darren Abate)
                                                                                                                who have been held cap-

                                                                                                                tive and who debriefed

                                                                                                                Bergdahl, testified that

                                                                                                                Bergdahl was subjected to

                               intervene,” said Dahl, who     held until last year, when he                     worse conditions than any
                               described Bergdahl as          was exchanged for five Tal-
                               having few friends but who     iban commanders being                             American prisoner of war
                               seemed motivated to help       held at the  U.S. detention
                               others. He said he doesn’t     center at Guantanamo                              since the Vietnam War and
                               think Bergdahl should go to    Bay, Cuba. His command-
                               prison.                        ing officers in Afghanistan                       was “skin over bones” near
                               Bergdahl was captured by       testified Thursday about
                               the Taliban after leaving his  the grueling 45-day search                        the end of his captivity.
                               post on June 30, 2009, and     for Bergdahl, saying it put
                                                                                                                Russell said Bergdahl’s cap-

                                                                                                                tors treated him like a “dirty

                                                                                                                animal,” beating him with

                                                                                                                rubber and copper hoses

                                                                                                                and giving him little food

                                                                                                                and water. He said Berg-

APNewsBreak: Waco police bullets hit bikers in May melee 

EMILY SCHMALL                  a vague initial description    to audio interviews. Togeth-                      ground and photos of bod-       began after a Bandido rid-
Associated Press               of a brawl that spiraled out   er, the evidence offers the                       ies lying in pools of blood in  er hit a prospective mem-
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) —       of control.                    best insight yet into how the                     the restaurant parking lot.     ber of the Cossacks with his
When two rival motorcycle      But evidence reviewed by       shootout unfolded.                                The gunfire erupted shortly     motorcycle.
gangs clashed outside a        The Associated Press now       Investigators have offered                        before a meeting of a co-       A fistfight ensued, followed
Texas restaurant, the vio-     confirms that the gunfire in-  scant details about what                          alition of motorcycle clubs     by several minutes of shoot-
lence took many forms —        cluded rounds fired by po-     sparked the fight or how                          that advocates for rider        ing, according to the evi-
handguns, knives, clubs,       lice that hit bikers, though   the gunfire played out, and                       safety.                         dence reviewed by the AP.
brass knuckles. After the      it isn’t clear whether those   no one has been charged                           Waco police were aware          Bikers and drivers can be
melee was over, nine bik-      rifle shots caused any of the  with any of the deaths.                           of the potential for violence   seen on video fleeing the
ers were dead, their bod-      fatalities.                    The trove of evidence —                           and assigned 16 officers to     restaurant parking lot on
ies sprawled on the pave-      The AP reviewed more than      expected to be presented                          watch over the gathering.       foot and in vehicles while
ment, surrounded by blood      8,800 pages of evidence        to a grand jury — includes                        State police were also pres-    officers carrying rifles run to
and shell casings.             related to the May 11 con-     dashboard video of peo-                           ent.                            the scene. As shots pop off
Four months after the          frontation, including many     ple fleeing the scene while                       Many witnesses, including       in the background, an offi-
shootout, authorities have     police reports. Reporters      shots ring out, audio of po-                      bikers and waitresses at the    cer swears repeatedly.
released almost nothing        also viewed dash-cam vid-      lice threatening to shoot                         Twin Peaks restaurant, told     The aftermath looked like a
about the gunfight beyond      eo and photos and listened     people if they rise from the                      police that the shooting        combat scene.q
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