Page 3 - KPA19 SEPT,2015
P. 3
Saturday 19 September
Official: Mom, boyfriend blame each other in ‘Baby Doe’ case
DENISE LAVOIE nated parental rights for This undated flyer includes a computer-generated composite Police immediately ap-
AP Legal Affairs Writer two of her mother’s older image depicting the possible likeness of a young girl whose pealed to the public for
BOSTON (AP) — A moth- children. One of the chil- body was found on the shore of Deer Island in Boston Harbor on help in identifying the girl.
er and her boyfriend are dren was later adopted by June 25, 2015. A mother and her boyfriend are “blaming each Using photos of her re-
“blaming each other” for her maternal grandmother; other” for the death of the little girl, a state official said Friday. mains, the National Center
the death of a little girl the other was adopted by for Missing and Exploited
whose body was found in- someone outside the fam- (Suffolk County District Attorney via AP) Children created a com-
side a trash bag on a Bos- ily, DCF officials said. posite image of what the
ton Harbor island this sum- Rhonda Mann, a spokes- girl might have looked like
mer, a state official said woman for the Executive when she was alive.
Friday, after a monthslong Office of Health and Hu- Authorities set up an anon-
campaign to learn the man Services, said the ymous text line and put the
child’s identity. agency has been working image up on billboards.
Democratic House Speak- with law enforcement for They were flooded with
er Robert DeLeo said several months in an effort tips, which led authorities
he has been briefed on to help police identify the to check on the well-being
the investigation into the girl. of dozens of little girls but
death of a girl who came “Now that we know her did not lead them to Baby
to be known as Baby Doe. name, the story is no less Doe’s family.
“It appears as though it tragic. DCF has not had an Despite the widespread
was a situation of the boy- open case with this family publicity, investigators had
friend who was involved for over two years, but did been frustrated for months
and apparently, I think, have brief involvement with trying to figure out who she
mother and boyfriend sort Baby Bella as an infant,” was and how she died.
of blaming each other in she said in a statement. There were no obvious signs
terms of who harmed the Because the case involving of trauma to her body. An
child.” Bella had been closed, it autopsy performed by the
DeLeo confirmed the iden- was not among cases that state medical examiner’s
tity of the child as Bella DCF examined after the office did not immediately
Bond. He could not imme- discovery of the remains determine the manner or
diately confirm the name on Deer Island, the agency cause of her death.
of the child’s mother. He said. Police chased down tips
said the boyfriend, Michael Investigators estimated the from around the world, but
McCarthy, 35, was being girl to be about 4 years old. experts determined pollen
treated at a Boston hospi- Her body was found June on the girl’s blanket and
tal for drug issues 25 inside a trash bag on leggings and in her hair
The discovery of the girl’s Deer Island in Winthrop by came from trees found in
body sparked a massive a woman walking a dog. New England.q
social media campaign.
Within two weeks, a com- Alleged shooter’s friend pleads not guilty to lying
posite image of the chub-
by-cheeked, brown-eyed MEG KINNARD know that Roof was plan- in Charleston, South Caro- A day after the shoot-
girl had reached an esti- Associated Press ning a racially motivated lina.” The indictment does ing, Meek told The Associ-
mated 47 million people COLUMBIA, South Carolina attack, the indictment said. not specify how the gov- ated Press that Roof had
on Facebook. (AP) — Dylann Roof’s friend On Friday, Meek stood be- ernment knows Meek was drunkenly complained to
Police searched a Boston knew about his plans to fore a federal magistrate lying. him that “blacks were tak-
apartment Thursday after shoot black church mem- in handcuffs, shackles If convicted, Meek faces a ing over the world” and
receiving a tip. bers during Bible study in and an orange jumpsuit maximum sentence of five “someone needed to do
Officials from the state’s Charleston and lied to in- and pleaded not guilty to years in prison for lying to something about it for the
child protection agency vestigators when they in- charges of lying to investi- investigators. The maximum white race.”
said they had contact with terviewed him a day after gators and concealing in- penalty for concealing in- Meek also said Roof told
Bella twice, for four months the massacre, according formation. formation is three years. him that he used birthday
in 2012 and three months in to an indictment unsealed According to the indict- His bond was set at money from his parents
2013. In both cases, officials Friday. ment, Meek knowingly lied $100,000. It wasn’t imme- to buy a .45-caliber Glock
described the involvement Joey Meek, 21, hung out to an FBI agent when he diately clear whether he semi-automatic handgun.
as “support for neglect,” with Roof off and on in the said “that he did not know would be able to make Meek said he took the gun
and the cases were later weeks before the June 17 specifics of Dylann Roof’s bail. away from Roof the night of
closed. shooting at Emanuel Afri- plan to shoot individuals on Meek’s attorney and pros- his drunken rant but gave it
Between 2001 and 2006, can Methodist Episcopal a Wednesday, during Bible ecutors refused to com- back to him when he had
the Department of Chil- and failed to let authorities Study, at an AME Church ment. sobered up. q
dren and Families termi-