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A32    sports
                Diamars 14 september 2021

                           Raducanu’s US Open title moves her up 127 spots to No. 23

                                                                                                   in the final Saturday, 19-year-  Federer and Rafael Nadal.
                                                                                                   old  Leylah  Fernandez  of  Asked whether he might ad-
                                                                                                   Canada, also made a big jump  just  his  schedule  to  try  to
                                                                                                   in  the  rankings,  going  from  overtake Djokovic by the end
                                                                                                   73rd to a career-best 28th.  of the season, Medvedev re-
                                                                                                                                plied,  “I  think,  honestly,  it’s
                                                                                                   Ash  Barty  and  Aryna  Sa-  almost impossible.”
                                                                                                   balenka stayed at Nos. 1 and
                                                                                                   2, while 2018 and 2020 U.S.  “That’s  not  my  first  goal  in
                                                                                                   Open    champion    Naomi  my mind — to try to achieve
                                                                                                   Osaka  slid  from  No.  3  to  it  this  year,”  said  Medvedev,
                                                                                                   No. 5 after losing in the third  a  25-year-old  from  Russia
                                                                                                   round to Fernandez.          who  was  the  runner-up  to
                                                                                                                                Djokovic  at  this  year’s  Aus-
                                                                                                   Karolina Pliskova is now No.  tralian  Open  and  to  Nadal
                                                                                                   3, and Elina Svitolina is No. 4  at the 2019 U.S. Open. “If I
                                                                                                   after each moved up a spot by  manage to do it one day, it’s
                                                                                                   getting to the quarterfinals in  great.”
                                                                                                   New York.
                                                                                                                                Two players who made their
                                                                                                   No. 1 Novak Djokovic is still  major  quarterfinal  debuts  at
                                                                                                   comfortably  ahead  of  No.  the  U.S.  Open  made  sub-
                                                                                                   2  Daniil  Medvedev  in  the  stantial jumps: South Africa’s
                                                                                                   ATP  rankings  after  Medve-  Lloyd Harris rose 15 spots to
                                                                                                   dev  beat  Djokovic  6-4,  6-4,  No. 31, and Spain’s 18-year-
            (AP)  —  Emma  Raduca-       began the year ranked 345th,  in  the  main  draw  —  to  be-  6-4 in the U.S. Open men’s  old  Carlos  Alcaraz  went  up
            nu’s  qualifier-to-champi-   rose  to  179th  in  July  by  come  the  youngest  woman  final Sunday. That prevented  17 spots to No. 38.
            on  run  at  the  U.S.  Open  reaching Wimbledon’s fourth  to win a major championship  Djokovic from becoming the
            vaulted  her  127  spots  in  round  in  her  Grand  Slam  since Maria Sharapova was 17  first man since Rod Laver in  Two  Americans  moved  into
            the WTA rankings to a ca-    debut  and  arrived  at  Flush-  at Wimbledon in 2004.    1969 to complete a calendar-  the Top 20 for the first time
            reer-high No. 23 on Mon-     ing Meadows at 150th. Then  Raducanu is the first qualifier  year Grand Slam — and from  Monday:  Coco  Gauff,  17,  is
            day.                         Raducanu won all 20 sets she  to win a Grand Slam title.  breaking  the  men’s  career  No. 19 in the WTA rankings;
                                         played across 10 victories —                              record  of  20  major  titles  he  Reilly Opelka, 24, is No. 19
            The 18-year-old from Britain  three in qualifying and seven  The player she beat 6-4, 6-3  currently  shares  with  Roger  in the ATP rankings.

                                   Some debuts rocky, others uplifting in NFL Week 1

            (AP)  -  How  difficult  is                               This season’s seven new head  son, might have with his 291
            achieving a successful de-   As for the kiddie QBs, it was  coaches combined to go 3-4  yards  and  two  touchdowns.  Jacksonville’s Meyer had the
            but  in  the  NFL?  Ask  Ur-  a down day: Trevor Lawrence  in Week 1. The Jets’ Robert  Darnold  threw  for  a  score  biggest  descent,  given  his
            ban  Meyer  and  Arthur  and Zach Wilson, the top two  Saleh saw his club victimized  and ran for one in beating the  credentials.  He  lost  the  first
            Smith,  new  head  coaches  overall selections in the draft,  by  its  former  QB,  Darnold,  Jets.  Bridgewater  completed  season  opener  of  his  head
            whose  teams  looked  as  if  plus first-rounder Mac Jones,  and by Christian McCaffrey,  28 of 36 passes for 264 yards  coaching  career  after  enter-
            they  were  still  in  spring  all lost.                  who was brilliant after a 2020  and  two  scores,  sharing  the  ing the game having won 17
            workouts.                                                 basically  lost  to  injury.  De-  ball with nine receivers, in a  straight  openers  as  a  college
                                         New  England’s  Jones  per-  troit’s Dan Campbell saw the  victory at the Giants.      coach.
            Compounding that, Meyer’s  formed  the  best  in  a  17-16  Lions fall into a deep hole be-
            Jaguars  and  Smith’s  Falcons  defeat to Miami. He also had  fore a stunning comeback but  “I saw a guy in total control  “There’s  only  one  answer,”
            were  routed  by  Houston  a lot more help than the Jets’  a  fruitless  outcome  as  they  and when he had to impro-  Meyer said. “That’s the great
            and  Philadelphia,  generally  Wilson, who struggled badly  lost 41-33 to the 49ers.   vise, he did,” Broncos coach  thing about this sport. It’s not
            projected  to  be  among  the  in the first half and then came                         Vic  Fangio  said  of  Bridge-  like we have to make a secret
            league’s worst outfits — and  on in a 19-14 loss at Carolina.  Staley’s  Chargers  won  at  water.  “Some  of  those  were  pass call or protection call, it’s
            also led by new head coaches.  Lawrence, whose assessment  Washington, 20-16.          on  big,  big  plays.  He’s  been  just  work.  That’s  the  great-
                                         of  his  performance  made                                doing  that  his  entire  career  est  thing  about  the  game  of
            “I  did  a  really  poor  job  get-  him sound like an actor in a  Opening  weekend  of  the  when he’s been a player. He  football, go out and work and
            ting  us  ready  to  go,”  Smith  Broadway play about to close  NFL  season  always  is  chal-  showed it today.”   that’s what we shall do.”
            said after a 32-6 home loss to  after  one  night,  was  part  of  lenging  for  favorites.  That
            the Eagles. “That game is not  that  ignominious  37-21  Jags  seemed extrapolated this year
            going to define us. It’s a long  flop in Houston.         by the lack of appearances in
            season  to  go,  but  I  certainly                        preseason games for so many
            didn’t do a good enough job  “Losing is always hard, espe-  regulars.   Such   projected
            getting us ready to go today.”  cially when you feel like you  powers or contenders as Buf-
                                         are prepared and had a great  falo, Tennessee, Indianapolis
            The  first  time  around  was  week,” Lawrence said. “I re-  and  Green  Bay  were  either
            kinder  to  the  Texans’  Da-  ally think we were ready and  mediocre or worse.
            vid  Culley,  the  Eagles’  Nick  obviously didn’t play well. It
            Sirianni  and  the  Chargers’  starts  with  me.  I  didn’t  play  Belying  that,  though,  were
            Brandon Staley, as well as for  well, for sure.           the  showings  by  Winston,
            some  not-quite  newcomers                                Taylor, Bridgewater and Dar-
            to the league but now in dif-  “I played really bad.”     nold.
            ferent environs: quarterbacks
            in their first starts for current  The other two first-rounders,  Winston was a wizard in re-
            teams,  such  as  Jameis  Win-  San  Francisco’s  Trey  Lance  placing  Drew  Brees,  throw-
            ston for New Orleans, Tyrod  and  Chicago’s  Justin  Fields,  ing  for  a  career-high  five
            Taylor  of  Houston,  Teddy  each   contributed   touch-  touchdowns. Taylor did per-
            Bridgewater  of  Denver,  and  downs for their clubs.     haps as much as the man he
            Sam Darnold of Carolina.                                  is  replacing,  Deshaun  Wat-
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