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a28    obituario/u.s. news
                Diamars 14 september 2021

                                                             Allegations fly as recall vote looms for California’s


                                                                                                                             threw  an  egg  toward  Elder  and
                                                                                                                             then took a swing at a member
                                                                                                                             of  his  entourage.  The  confron-
              Cerca Dios mi alma ta na                                                                                       tation  set  off  strong  reactions
              paz, ta di Dje mi salbacion                                                                                    on  Twitter,  with  conservatives
              ta bin                                                                                                         charging the incident wasn’t im-
                                                                                                                             mediately branded a racist attack
                                                                                                                             because Elder is a conservative.
              Salmo 62:1
              Cu inmenso dolor na nos                                                                                        If he was a Democrat “it would
              curazon pero conforme cu                                                                                       have been a major story,” Elder
              boluntad di Dios, nos ta                                                                                       said.  He  also  said  McGowan’s
              anuncia fayecimento di:                                                                                        accusations largely have been ig-
                                                                                                                             nored by the media, but argued
                                                                                                                             that if similar charges had been
                         Placido Geerman                                                                                     made  about  him  “that’s  all  you
                         mihor conoci como: “Do”                                                                             guys would be talking about.”
                         *05-01-1934 †09-09-2021
                                                             (AP) — In a blitz of TV ads
                                                             and a last-minute rally, Cali-  He echoed his earlier criticism of   “This  is  a  double  standard,”  he
              Na nomber di su:                                                                                               said. “I’m sick of it.”
              Esposa:       Josefa Geerman Wever             fornia   Democratic      Gov.  Elder, saying the conservative talk   Emails posted on Twitter by Mc-
                                                             Gavin Newsom urged voters  show  host  and  lawyer  “doesn’t
                                                             Sunday to turn back a loom-     believe  that  women  have  the   Gowan showed she had contact
              Yiunan:                                                                                                        with Newsom’s wife, which her
              Marieta Geerman                                ing recall vote that could re-  right  to  their  own  reproductive   office  confirmed  but  said  their
              Marvella y Ivan Ramirez Geerman                move him from office, while  freedoms, he’s devoutly opposed    communication  was  “as  fellow
                                                             leading  Republican  Larry  to  Roe  v.  Wade,  doesn’t  believe
                                                             Elder  broadly  criticized  the  there’s a glass ceiling, doesn’t be-  survivors  of  sexual  assault  and
              Manera un yiu:                                                                                                 in  Jennifer’s  former  capacity
              Michél Rasmijn y Analisa & yiunan              media for what he described  lieve in pay equity laws.”
                                                             as  double  standards  that  in-                                leading the Representation Proj-
                                                             sulated  Newsom  from  criti-   During  her  appearance,  Mc-   ect,  an  organization  that  fights
              Nietonan:                                                                                                      limiting  gender  stereotypes  and
              Virginia Ramirez                               cism  and  scrutiny  through-   Gowan  spoke  warmly  of  Elder   norms.”
              Liván Ramirez                                  out the contest.                and lambasted Hollywood Dem-
                                                                                             ocrats who she said traumatized
                                                             The  sunny,  late-summer  week-  her life. She now lives in Mexico.  One  of  McGowan’s  key  claims
              Rumannan:                                                                                                      is that during a 2017 phone con-
              †Vicente y †Carmen Geerman Ras & famia         end was a swirl of political activi-                            versation, Newsom’s wife refer-
              †Calindo y †Carmelita Geerman Briezen & famia  ty, as candidates held rallies, con-  “Do  I  agree  with  him  on  all   enced a law firm that was work-
              Felix Geerman & famia                          tinued  bus  tours  and  cluttered  points?  No,”  McGowan  said.   ing with Weinstein and asked her
              Juan Paulito y Rosalinda Geerman Bislick & famia  the TV airwaves with advertising  “So what. He is the better candi-  what the firm could do “to make
              Narciso Geerman & famia                        offering their closing arguments  date. He is the better man.”  you happy.”
              Ricardo y Greta Geerman Faro & famia           in  advance  of  the  election  that
              vda. Margarita y †Agrupino Rafini Geerman & famia  concludes Tuesday.          The last-minute exchange high-  McGowan  said  Sunday  she
              †Juan Geerman & famia                                                          lighted  growing  tensions  in  the   didn’t recognize the firm’s name
              Lourdes y Vincent Yarzagaray Quandt & famia    Newsom  —  who  is  expecting  election,  which  largely  grew   at the time. “I had no idea who
                                                             President Joe Biden on Monday  out  frustration  with  Newsom’s
                                                             for  a  capstone  get-out-the-vote  pandemic  orders  that  shuttered   that was. So, I just said nothing
              Swa y cuñanan:                                                                                                 and  hung  up  on  her.  That  was
              †Ninita y Mario Helder & famia                 rally  in  Long  Beach  —  was  in  schools  and  businesses  during   my  last  contact  with  her,”  she
              Edwiga y Jacobo Figaroa Wever & famia          a  largely  Hispanic  area  on  the  the pandemic. Voting concludes   said.
              †Luciana y †Frans Roza Wever                   northern  edge  of  Los  Angeles,  Tuesday.  Recent  polling  shows
              Cristina y Robero Gonzales Wever & famia       where  he  sought  to  drive  up  Newsom is likely to hold his job.  The  election  will  determine
              Francisco y Thea Wever & famia                 turnout with the key voting bloc.                               whether Newsom can complete
              Tica Wever & famia                                                             As  Newsom’s  “first  partner,”   his  first  term  or  will  be  tossed
              Maria y †Jan Douwes Wever & famia              Elder  also  was  in  Los  Angeles,  Siebel  Newsom,  an  actress   out  of  office  more  than  a  year
              Chon Wever                                     where he was joined by activist  turned documentary filmmaker,   early. Voters are being asked two
              Ina y Joy Martijn Wever & famia                and  former  actress  Rose  Mc-  has championed gender equality   questions:  Should  Newsom  be
              Juan y Jacqueline Wever & famia                Gowan, who repeated her claims  and society’s treatment of wom-  recalled  and,  if  so,  who  should
              †Marina y Catalino Rasmijn Wever & famia       from recent days that Newsom’s  en and families.                replace him? If he gets a major-
                                                             wife,  Jennifer  Siebel  Newsom,
                                                             attempted  to  persuade  her  in  McGowan, 48, who is known for   ity vote on the first question, the
              Sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y primanan, comer                                                                  second question with the names
              y compernan, Ihanan, Amigonan, bisiñanan y     2017  not  to  go  public  with  her  her role in the “Scream” movie   of 46 replacement candidate is ir-
              demas famia: Geerman, Wever, Ramirez, Gonzales,   allegations of sexual misconduct  franchise, was one of the earliest   relevant. Otherwise, the highest
              Helder, Figaroa, Fa Si Oen, Douwes, Martijn,   against  Hollywood  producer  of  dozens  of  women  to  accuse   vote-getter  among  the  replace-
              Rasmijn, Maduro, Ras, Briezen, Bislick, Faro,   Harvey Weinstein.              Hollywood  producer  Harvey     ment candidates would become
                                                                                             Weinstein of sexual misconduct,
              Rafini, Yarzagaray, Krozendijk, Quandt, Stamper,                                                               governor.
              Irausquin, Jacobino, Bermudez, Vos, Grovell,   Siebel  Newsom’s  office  de-   making her a major figure in the
                                                                                             #MeToo movement.
              Croes, Henriquez, Hoek, Boekhoudt, Mathilda &   scribed the allegations as a “com-
              Heronimo ta invita tur conocir pa asisiti na e acto di   plete fabrication.” In a brief in-
              entiero cual lo tuma lugar diahuebs 16 september   terview  with  The  Associated  Elder,  who  could  become  the
              2021 na Pray Funeral Home na San Nicolaas. E   Press,  Newsom  characterized  state’s  first  Black  governor,  tar-
                                                                                             geted  some  of  his  sharpest  re-
              restonan mortal di nos “Do” stima lo ta reposa for di   McGowan’s  claims  as  a  “last-
              2or na funeraria.                              minute  classic  hit  piece”  from  marks  at  what  he  described  as
                                                             one of Elder’s supporters.      skewed media coverage.
              Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida di                           Earlier  this  week,  his  walking
              menciona algun famia of amistad.               The  governor  called  Elder  des-
                                                             perate and grasping, saying Mc-  tour  of  homeless  encampments
                                                             Gowan’s  claims  about  his  wife  in  LA’s  Venice  Beach  neighbor-
              Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos lo no por
              ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.          “just shows you how low things  hood was cut short after a woman
                                                             go in campaigns these days.”    bicyclist  wearing  a  gorilla  mask
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