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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 7 Januari 2022

                           Georgia governor announces push to loosen handgun rules

            (AP) — Facing an unusual                                                               public without a permit, ac-  ing  with  the  pandemic  and
            challenge from fellow Re-                                                              cording  to  Stateline,  an  ini-  needed the legislature to pass
            publicans in his bid for a                                                             tiative of the Pew Charitable  a constitutional carry bill be-
            second term, Georgia Gov.                                                              Trusts.                      fore  he  could  sign  it.  Geor-
            Brian Kemp said Wednes-                                                                                             gia  House  Speaker  David
            day he will push for a new                                                             The  Georgia  chapter  of  Ralston  has  indicated  he  is
            state law that would loos-                                                             Moms  Demand  Action  said  open to some form of permit-
            en requirements to carry a                                                             the laws “significantly hinder  less carry legislation this year
            handgun in public.                                                                     law  enforcement’s  ability  to  after setting aside a gun-relat-
                                                                                                   prevent people with danger-  ed bill in the closing hours of
            Kemp  made  the  announce-                                                             ous histories — including ex-  the  regular  session  last  year,
            ment  at  a  gun  shop  in  the                                                        tremists and white suprema-  saying  it  was  too  soon  after
            Atlanta-area  city  of  Smyrna                                                         cists  with  criminal  histories  the  shooting  deaths  of  eight
            that bills itself as the “world’s                                                      — to carry firearms, putting  people at massage businesses
            largest gun store,” where he                                                           public safety in jeopardy.”  in metro Atlanta.
            was  joined  by  members  of
            the  National  Rifle  Associa-  the  ability  to  protect  them-  including  one  in  which  he  Courtney  Spriggs,  a  volun-  But  one  of  Kemp’s  Repub-
            tion and state lawmakers.    selves  and  their  families,”  brandished  a  shotgun  at  an  teer  leader  with  the  group,  lican  challengers,  former
                                         Kemp said. “In the face of ris-  actor playing a suitor of one  accused  Kemp  ahead  of  the  U.S.  Senator  David  Perdue,
            Kemp  did  not  lay  out  spe-  ing  violent  crime  across  the  of his daughters.    announcement  of  playing  has  identified  “constitution-
            cific changes he was seeking  country, law-abiding citizens                            “political  games  that  could  al  carry”  as  a  top  issue  and
            but  expressed  support  for  should  have  their  constitu-  “The same guy who pointed  cost Georgians their lives.”  slammed Kemp for failing to
            what  gun  rights  advocates  tional  rights  protected,  not  a  gun  at  a  teenager  on  TV                      deliver it. With support from
            call  “constitutional  carry.”  undermined.”              now  panders  with  reckless  Kemp  endorsed  “constitu-  former  President  Donald
            Multiple  bills  purporting  to                           proposals  threatening  Geor-  tional  carry”  during  his  first  Trump,  Perdue  announced
            advance that idea in the state  The  move  drew  condemna-  gia lives,” Abrams’ campaign  campaign,  but  has  been  less  in December that he was en-
            Legislature  would  do  away  tion  from  gun  safety  advo-  manager,  Lauren  Groh-War-  vocal  about  the  policy  since  tering  the  governor’s  race.
            with  the  need  for  a  license  cates  and  the  campaign  of  go,  said  in  a  tweet.  “As  her  taking  office.  He  failed  to  Perdue  lost  his  Senate  seat
            to carry a handgun in public  Kemp’s  likely  Democratic  opponents run to dangerous  mention  the  issue  in  his  to Democrat Jon Ossoff in a
            — either openly or concealed  opponent in this year’s gov-  extremes  and  fight  desper-  2019,  2020  or  2021  State  of  January 2021 runoff.
            on  one’s  body.  The  current  ernor’s race, Stacey Abrams.  ately  to  salvage  their  politi-  the  State  speeches,  when
            license requirement includes                              cal  careers,  @staceyabrams  governors urge their top pri-  He  and  another  Republican
            a background check.          Kemp  emphasized  his  sup-  is fighting for Georgians and  orities on lawmakers.      challenging  Kemp,  Vernon
                                         port for the 2nd Amendment  their safety.”                                             Jones, criticized the governor
            “Building  a  safer,  stronger  during  his  first  campaign                           He  said  Wednesday  he  has  ahead  of  Wednesday’s  an-
            Georgia  starts  with  hard-  for  governor,  appearing  in  More than 20 other states al-  been   fulfilling   campaign  nouncement.
            working  Georgians  having  multiple  ads  with  shotguns,  low  concealed  weapons  in  promises  while  also  deal-

                            Texas day care gets reprieve after drilling plan is rejected

            (AP)  -  Parents  who  send                                                            two active wells on the prop-  have paved the way for sev-
            their children to a day care                                                           erty,  which  were  drilled  by  eral  new  rigs  near  the  day
            center in Arlington, Texas,                                                            a  prior  owner,  Chesapeake,  care. But late Tuesday night,
            will be able to breathe eas-                                                           about a decade ago. When To-  it  reversed  that  decision  af-
            ier after the city refused to                                                          tal originally sought approval  ter  Councilwoman  Rebecca
            let  a  major  energy  com-                                                            to drill new gas wells at the  Boxall  switched  her  vote
            pany drill more gas wells a                                                            site in 2020, at a time when  from “yes” to “no.”
            few hundred feet from the                                                              Black  Lives  Matter  demon-
            center’s playground.                                                                   strations  were  arising  in  Ar-  Several council members had
                                                                                                   lington and across the nation,  feared  a  lawsuit  from  Total
            The Arlington City Council                                                             its request was denied.      if  they  denied  the  request.
            voted  5-4  on  Tuesday  night                                                                                      A  Texas  law  makes  it  nearly
            to reject the request by Total                                                         But  oil  and  gas  companies  impossible  for  local  govern-
            Energies  to  drill  additional                                                        in  Arlington  are  allowed  to  ments to obstruct oil and gas
            gas wells, reversing a prelimi-                                                        re-apply  for  a  permit  every  development.  During  the
            nary decision by the council                                                           year,  so  Total  applied  again.  November  meeting,  Boxall
            in  November  to  allow  the                                                           In  November,  the  council  had implored people to fight
            wells to go forward.                                                                   gave  preliminary  approval  the  diminishment  of  local
                                         ing  sites  has  been  linked  to  day that it was reviewing its  to Total’s plan to expand the  control but still voted yes.
            Tuesday’s vote marked a set-  health  risks,  including  asth-  options  in  the  aftermath  of  drilling  zone,  which  would
            back for Total and a surprise  ma,  neurological  and  devel-  the council vote.
            victory for community mem-   opmental disorders.
            bers who wanted to halt the                               “We  work  diligently  to  en-
            drilling  because  they  feared  “I  am  elated!  Relieved….  It  sure the safety and quality of
            it could  harm the children’s  was totally unexpected,” said  life for all our neighbors near
            and  neighboring  residents’  Rosalia  Tejeda,  who  lives  a  every one of our sites,” Tricia
            health. The Associated Press  few blocks from the drilling  Fuller,  a  company  spokes-
            reported  on  the  dispute  in  site  with  her  three  children.  woman, told the AP.
            November, with a deep look  “I  hope  this  means  that  the
            at  people  affected  along  the  health  and  welfare  of  our  The  struggle  between  Total,
            natural  gas  supply  chain.  A  children should come above  a  French  energy  giant,  and
            statistical  analysis  of  the  lo-  anything  else  because  they  Mother’s  Heart  Learning
            cations of Totals wells in Ar-  are  the  future,  our  future  Center,  a  family-owned  day
            lington found a higher densi-  workforce,  our  future  lead-  care that serves predominant-
            ty of them in neighborhoods  ers.”                        ly Black and Latino children,
            that many people of color call                            has persisted for more than a
            home. Living close to frack-  Total  Energies  said  Wednes-  year.  Total  pumps  gas  from
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