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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 7 Januari 2022

                                      Why was Novak Djokovic not let into Australia?

            (AP)  -  Novak  Djokovic  nis  players”  and  would  only  an exemption — announced
            came  within  one  victory  be  possible  in  “exceptional  first by him via social media,
            of sweeping all four of last  circumstances if you have an  then  by  Tennis  Australia  via
            year’s  Grand  Slam  tennis  acute medical condition.”    press  release  —  was  not  ex-
            tournaments  and  entered                                 actly greeted warmly in Mel-
            2022  needing  one  title  to  Tennis Australia said Djokov-  bourne,  where  most  people
            set the men’s record of 21  ic’s request for an exemption  endured  months  of  strict
            major championships.         “was granted following a rig-  lockdowns  and  harsh  travel
                                         orous review process involv-  restrictions  at  the  height  of
            He might not get the chance  ing two separate independent  the  pandemic.  More  than
            to  pursue  that  mark  at  the  panels  of  medical  experts.”  90% of Victoria state residents
            Australian  Open  when  play  Neither Tennis Australia nor  aged  12  and  over  are  fully
            begins in Melbourne on Jan.  Djokovic revealed the reason  vaccinated.  The  about-face
            17.                          he sought an exemption.      on Djokovic’s status upon his
                                                                      arrival  was,  not  surprisingly,
            That’s because, even though  Australian Open tournament  objected to by Serbian Presi-
            Djokovic, a 34-year-old from  director Craig Tiley said a to-  dent  Aleksandar  Vucic,  who  Djokovic is on the precipice  office, the U.S. Tennis Asso-
            Serbia,  was  granted  a  medi-  tal  of  26  players  or  support  called it “harassment.”  of  history,  one  Grand  Slam  ciation did require that spec-
            cal exemption to get around a  staff  applied  for  exemptions                         trophy  away  from  finally  tators show they had at least
            COVID-19  vaccine  require-  and a “handful” were grant-  Is  Djokovic  vaccinated?  Has  overtaking  rivals  Roger  Fe-  one shot).
            ment for all players and their  ed.  Among  the  acceptable  he had COVID-19?          derer  and  Rafael  Nadal  for
            support  teams  at  the  hard-  grounds  were  acute  major  While  Djokovic  has  stead-  the  most  in  the  history  of  Are most tennis players vac-
            court  tournament,  his  visa  medical  conditions,  serious  fastly refused to explicitly say  men’s  tennis.  Entering  the  cinated?
            for  entry  into  Australia  was  adverse reaction to a previous  whether  or  not  he  received  2011  season,  Federer  owned  At  least  two  others,  Tennys
            revoked  in  the  early  hours  dose of a COVID-19 vaccine  any  shots  to  protect  against  16  major  titles,  Nadal  nine  Sandgren  and  Pierre-Hu-
            of Thursday, local time, after  or evidence of a COVID-19  the  coronavirus,  he  would  and Djokovic one.          gues Herbert, are sitting out
            he was detained at the airport  infection within the previous  not  have  needed  an  exemp-                        the Australian Open because
            for  about  eight  hours.  He  six months.                tion  to  enter  Australia  if  he  Now each has 20. Djokovic,  they  are  not  vaccinated.  A
            was put into an immigration                               were fully vaccinated.       who last year eclipsed Feder-  spokeswoman  for  the  wom-
            detention hotel and faces de-  If he had an exemption, why                             er’s mark for the most career  en’s  professional  tennis  tour
            portation.  His  lawyers  have  was Djokovic prevented from  In  April  2020,  he  issued  a  weeks at No. 1 in the men’s  said  Wednesday  that  85%  of
            challenged the visa ruling in  entering Australia?        statement saying: “Personally  rankings,  already  owns  nine  the WTA’s top 100 players are
            court.                       When  he  landed  at  the  air-  I am opposed to the vaccina-  Australian  Open  champion-  fully vaccinated; a spokesman
                                         port,  the  Australian  Border  tion  against  COVID-19  in  ships, the men’s record.  for  the  men’s  professional
            Here’s a look at some of the  Force  canceled  Djokovic’s  order to be able to travel. But                          tour tweeted late last month
            issues  surrounding  Djokov-  visa, saying he “failed to pro-  if  it  becomes  compulsory,  I  Must  tennis  players  be  vac-  that the ATP’s top 100 vacci-
            ic’s  attempt  to  play  in  the  vide  appropriate  evidence  will have to make a decision  cinated to play in all tourna-  nation figure was 95%.
            Australian Open:             to  meet  the  entry  require-  whether to do it, or not.” Two  ments?
                                         ments.” Prime Minister Scott  months later, he and his wife  No. In tennis, such mandates  So is this whole episode over?
            The  state  government  for  Morrison  tweeted,  “No  one  tested positive for the illness  come from national, state or  Doubtful.   Djokovic   has
            Victoria,  where  Melbourne  is above these rules,” and lat-  caused  by  the  coronavirus  local  governments,  and  this  launched legal action in Aus-
            Park is located, mandated full  er said at a news conference  after  a  series  of  exhibition  is  the  first  time  it’s  come  tralia’s Federal Circuit Court
            vaccinations  for  all  players,  that  Djokovic’s  exemption  matches  he  organized  with  into play at a tournament. At  against the cancellation of his
            staff  and  fans  at  the  Austra-  wasn’t  valid  but  did  not  ex-  no social distancing or mask-  the  last  Grand  Slam  event,  visa, and that has so far pre-
            lian  Open  unless  there  is  a  plain the details.      ing.                         for example, the  U.S.  Open  vented  his  deportation.  He
            genuine medical reason. Vic-                                                           in  New  York  in  August  and  is staying in an immigration
            toria  state  Deputy  Premier  What has been the reaction in  Why  is  this  australian  open  September, players and their  detention  hotel  ahead  of  a
            James  Merlino  said  medical  Australia? And in Serbia?  important for Djokovic? And  team members did not need  scheduled  hearing  on  Mon-
            exemptions would not be “a  The news that Djokovic was  why  is  he  important  for  the  to  be  vaccinated  (but,  after  day.
            loophole  for  privileged  ten-  on his way to Australia with  tournament?             prompting from the mayor’s

                           Antonio Brown says he was forced to play injured by Bucs

            (AP)  —  Antonio  Brown  cut  after  refusing  to  play  Monday     showed    broken  coach  to  play  injured,”  he  “He then ordered me to get
            says he didn’t quit on the  through  an  ankle  injury  bone  fragments,  a  ligament  said. “Despite the pain, I suit-  on the field. I said, `Coach,
            Tampa  Bay  Buccaneers  that sidelined him for sev-       tear and cartilage loss “which  ed  up,  the  staff  injected  me  I  can’t.′  He  didn’t  call  for
            during  the  middle  of  a  eral weeks this season.       are  beyond  painful.  You  can  with  what  I  now  know  was  medical  attention.  Instead,
            game,  but  rather  he  was                               see  the  bone  bulging  from  a  powerful  and  sometimes  he shouted at me, `YOU’RE
                                         The  oft-troubled  wide  re-  the outside.”               dangerous painkiller that the  DONE!′  while  he  ran  his
                                         ceiver, who took off his jersey,                          NFLPA  has  warned  against  finger  across  his  throat.
                                         shoulder pads and undershirt  Arians said the day after the  using, and I gave it my all for  Coach was telling me that if
                                         before  walking  off  the  side-  game  that  Brown  did  not  the team. I played until it was  I didn’t play hurt, then I was
                                         line  during  a  game  Sunday  claim he was injured when he  clear that I could not use my  done with the Bucs.”
                                         against  the  New  York  Jets,  refused  to  continue  playing  ankle  to  safely  perform  my
                                         said  in  a  statement  released  against  the  Jets.  The  coach  playing responsibilities.  Although  Arians  said  after
                                         by  his  attorney  that  he  was  declined  to  discuss  specifics                     the game that Brown was no
                                         pressured  to  play  and  coach  of  the  conversation  on  the  “On  top  of  that,  the  pain  longer a part of the reigning
                                         Bruce Arians fired him when  sideline and said he had “no  was extreme. I took a seat on  Super  Bowl  champions,  the
                                         the player told the coach he  clue” why the receiver react-  the  sideline  and  my  coach  33-year-old  receiver  who’s
                                         was  not  able  to  re-enter  the  ed by storming off the field,  came  up  to  me,  very  upset,  caught a pass in his last 144
                                         game because of his ankle.   tossing some of his gear into  and shouted, `What’s wrong  games remained on the roster
                                                                      the stands and waving to fans  with you? What’s wrong with  Wednesday.
                                         While  not  specifying  which  at MetLife Stadium.        you?′  I  told  him,  `It’s  my
                                         ankle  was  hurt,  Brown  —                               ankle.′ But he knew that. It  Wednesday’s  injury  report
                                         through a statement released  “Because  of  my  commit-   was well documented and we  noted Brown’s absence from
                                         by  his  attorney  Wednesday  ment to the game, I relented  had discussed it.          practice  was  “not  injury  re-
                                         —  said  an  MRI  performed  to pressure directly from my                              lated - personal.”
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