Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200729
P. 28
Wednesday 29 July 2020
South Korea to have solid fuel rockets in major deal with U.S.
Policy Institute, said South
Korea could operate two
or three low-earth orbit sur-
veillance satellites to bet-
ter monitor North Korea.
He said solid propellants
are easier to handle and
require much less rocket
launch times, though they
have weaker thrust forces
than high-quality liquid pro-
pellants. Lee said the latest
deals with the U.S. would
also allow South Korea to
expand its space devel-
opment infrastructure and
accumulate know-how to
manufacture missiles that
can fly longer with bigger
warheads. Experts say bal-
listic missiles and rockets
in satellite launches share
similar bodies, engines and
other technology.
Jung Changwook, head
of the the private Korea
In this July 29, 2017, file photo provided by South Korea Defense Ministry, South Korea's Hyunmoo II Missile system, left, and a U.S. Defense Study Forum,
Army Tactical Missile System, right, fire missiles during a combined military exercise between the two countries against North Korea agreed that technology to
at an undisclosed location in South Korea. produce solid-fuel rockets
Associated Press can also be used to build
By HYUNG-JIN KIM ger missiles and cause a re- kilometers (500 miles). But pellant is only about one longer-range missiles. He
Associated Press gional arms race. he said Seoul can discuss tenth of the price of liquid said the United States likely
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — On Tuesday, the South Ko- altering that restriction with propellant. "Theoretically, agreed on the deals' revi-
South Korea said Tuesday it rean government said that Washington if it's needed we can launch a low-earth sion to strengthen its alli-
has won U.S. consent to use Seoul and Washington for South Korean national orbit satellite via liquid-fuel ance with South Korea to
solid fuel for space launch have agreed to revise re- security. A missile fired from rockets, but it's like deliver- better cope with China.
vehicles, a move that is ex- lated bilateral missile guide- South Korea with a maxi- ing a dish of 'jjajangmyeon' South Korea's missile capa-
pected to enable Seoul to lines to lift such restrictions. mum range of 800 kilome- by a 10-ton truck," he said, bility is inferior to that of rival
launch its first surveillance Kim Hyun-chong, deputy ters is still enough to strike all referring to a popular deliv- North Korea. In 2017, North
satellites and acquire tech- presidential national se- of North Korea. ery food in South Korea. Korea carried out three in-
nology to build more pow- curity adviser, told report- Kim said that South Korea's Kim said South Korea has tercontinental ballistic mis-
erful missiles. ers that all South Korean intelligence and reconnais- no military spy satellites siles tests as part of its efforts
Solid fuel offers greater mo- research institutes, com- sance capability would while regional powers have to build a nuclear-tipped
bility for missiles and rock- panies and individuals are be significantly improved dozens of them. He said missile capable of reaching
ets, and reduces launch now free to develop, pro- when it produces and the use of solid fuel rock- the U.S. mainland. In 2013,
preparation time. But duce and possess space launches solid-fuel rockets ets would help South Korea South Korea succeeded in
Washington had imposed launch rockets using solid to put low-earth orbit spy get an "unblinking eye" that thrusting an observational
strict restrictions on Seoul's fuel. satellites into space. He monitors the Korean Penin- satellite into orbit aboard a
use of solid propellant for Kim said the revised agree- said it makes more sense sula around the clock. rocket blasted from its soil
space launch rockets out ment still bars South Korea to use solid fuel rockets for Lee Choon Geun, a mis- for the first time, but parts of
of concern that it could from having a missile with such satellite launches be- sile expert at South Korea's that rocket were built with
be used to produce big- a range of more than 800 cause the price of solid pro- Science and Technology Russian help.q
U.S. military says airstrike killed civilian in Somalia
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The U.S. was killed in the vicinity of Jilib. ed three of her relatives. strikes in Somalia last year, most of
military on Tuesday acknowledged "This admission is the third case The human rights group last year them against al-Shabab, which
killing a civilian and wounding they have substantiated in 13 years released an investigation into U.S. often carries out deadly attacks
three others with an airstrike in So- of airstrikes in the country," Brian airstrikes in Somalia that led to the in the capital, Mogadishu, and
malia earlier this year. Castner, Amnesty International's U.S. acknowledging killing five ci- controls large parts of central and
This is the second in a new series senior crisis adviser for arms and vilians and wounding six others in southern Somalia.
of quarterly reports the U.S. Africa military operations, said in a state- three separate airstrikes. The new U.S. statement said it had
Command issues on airstrikes in ment. "Now that there has been an The Trump administration has dra- received 12 new allegations this
Somalia and allegations of civilian acknowledgment of their actions, matically increased the number of quarter around four incidents. It
deaths after coming under pres- there must be accountability and airstrikes carried out in the Horn of said four incidents remain under
sure from Somalis and human rights reparations for the victims and their Africa nation against the al-Qaida- review, three of them from its previ-
groups. families." linked al-Shabab extremist group ous report.
The new report substantiates alle- While the U.S. statement didn't give and, to a lesser extent, a small num- The U.S. Africa Command said
gations around a Feb. 2. airstrike. At details about the civilian killed, the ber of fighters linked to the Islamic those who wish to make allega-
the time, the U.S. said one member Amnesty statement said the air- State group in northern Somalia. tions can submit them in their na-
of the al-Shabab extremist group strike killed a woman and wound- The U.S. carried out at least 63 air- tive language on its website.q