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WORLD NEWS Wednesday 29 July 2020
Returning UN envoy: Israel won’t suffer for tight Trump ties
By ARON HELLER lishment by breaking a
Associated Press long-standing taboo and
RAANANA, Israel (AP) — Is- endorsing the idea of a
rael's returning ambassador single democratic entity of
to the United Nations af- Jews and Palestinians living
firmed the country's bond with equal rights between
with the Trump administra- the Jordan River and the
tion Tuesday, dismissing no- Mediterranean rather than
tions that Israel would pay the long-time goal of cre-
a price for its tight ties to the ating two states for two
divisive president should he peoples.
be defeated in November. The Democratic Party re-
In his first comprehensive cently unveiled its Middle
interview since returning East platform, which largely
from the diplomatic post- adhered to its traditional
ing, Danny Danon said he approach of supporting
was relieved that the more Israeli security while call-
progressive forces in the ing for a two-state solution.
Democratic Party failed But the party's progressive
to secure the party's nomi- wing, led by Sanders, has
nation and claimed that urged a harder line by sug-
Israel could prosper with gesting that American mili-
either Trump or Joe Biden tary aid be conditioned on
in the White House. When Israel's outgoing ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon speaks during an interview with changes in Israeli policy to-
it comes to Israel, he says The Associated Press in the central Israeli city of Ra'anana, Tuesday, July 28, 2020. ward the Palestinians, such
Associated Press
the country's supporters in as its controversial settle-
the U.S. put their domestic the past decade. In 2012, "The Netanyahu team considers to be a slew of ment construction.
politics aside. he was seen as supporting chose a side in American diplomatic achievements, Prior to his posting, the
"We have bipartisan sup- Mitt Romney against then- partisan politics while pursu- most notably recognition of 49-year-old Danon was
port and we value and President Barack Obama, ing policies that run coun- Jerusalem as Israel's capi- known as an ideological
we cherish it," he said, at and Netanyahu famously ter to American values and tal and the moving of the firebrand in the ruling Likud
a temporary office near delivered a speech to Con- interests," he said. "In doing American embassy there. Party who was not afraid to
his home in central Israel. gress in 2015 railing against so, the right wing has done But it has come at the cost challenge Netanyahu from
"I spoke publicly against Obama's nuclear deal with significant damage to the of alienating some of Isra- the right.
Mr. Bernie Sanders. But he Iran. relationship and should not el's more liberal American Danon's maverick ways
wasn't elected. Mr. Biden Jeremy Ben-Ami, president expect that a new Demo- allies, who despise Trump, pushed Netanyahu to
is a friend of Israel and he of J Street, a liberal pro-Isra- cratic administration is go- turning Israel into more of a fire him from his position
proved it over the years. el lobbying group in Wash- ing to act as if the past de- wedge issue. Opinion polls as deputy defense minis-
So, yes, we hear those voic- ington that has close ties cade never happened." show Republicans to be far ter in 2014. But the follow-
es, the radical voices, but to the Democratic Party, In recent years, Netanyahu more supportive of Netan- ing year Netanyahu ap-
they're not the majority in said it would be a "huge has emerged as one of yahu's policies than Demo- pointed him as a minister
the Democratic Party." mistake" for Israeli officials Trump's strongest interna- crats, especially among in his government before
Dovish backers of Israel to expect that all of the tional allies, lavishing the younger voters. dispatching him as ambas-
have accused Israeli Prime clashes with Obama and American president with Influential American com- sador the United Nations, a
Minister Benjamin Netanya- cozying up to Trump will be praise after openly clash- mentator Peter Beinart re- position that 30 years ear-
hu of undermining tradition- forgotten if Biden is elected ing with Obama. He's been cently sent shock waves lier launched Netanyahu's
al bipartisan support over president. rewarded with what he through the Jewish estab- own political career.q
Germany: over a quarter of population has immigrant roots
BERLIN (AP) — More than with roots there, the office immigration-rooted popu-
a quarter of Germany's in- said. People with origins or lation — 36.5% of the total
habitants are immigrants or roots from Poland and Rus- population — while in the
have immigrant roots, ac- sia followed. Overall, 65% eastern state of Thuringia
cording to official data for of all immigrants have Eu- the figure is only 7.8%.
2019 released Tuesday. ropean roots. In Germany, Following the division of
Some 21.2 million, or 26% of somebody is considered Germany into east and
the total population, have to have a "migrant back- west after World War II,
a "migrant background," ground" if they, or at least West Germany invited mil-
according to figures from a one of their parents, were lions of so-called guest
2019 microcensus, the Fed- born a non-German citizen. workers to help rebuild the
eral Statistical Office said. Some 11.1 million people, country, many of whom
That is an increase of 2.1% or 51% of the total with a stayed for good. In this Sunday, June 8, 2014 file photo, dancers perform during
compared to a year ear- migrant background, were Relatively few foreigners the annual Carnival of Cultures parade in Berlin, Germany.
lier — the smallest percent- born as German citizens. were allowed to live and Associated Press
age increase since 2011, There is still a big difference work in communist East
the office said. The largest between the numbers of Germany. Thirty years after migrant roots are still over- account for more than half,
single group, some 13% immigrants living in west- German unification in 1990, represented in low-paying or 55%, of cleaning workers
of all people who have a ern and eastern Germany. these differences are still jobs and underrepresented and 30% of geriatric care
migrant background, are The northwestern city-state visible. The new figures also in professions that require workers, but only 11% of
originally from Turkey or of Bremen has the highest show that people with im- an academic training. They teachers.q