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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 29 July 2020
            Barr says unrest not linked to Floyd, defends feds’ response

            Continued from Front                                                                                                rights icon Rep. John Lewis,
                                                                                                                                acknowledged  to  lawma-
            Among those actions is the                                                                                          kers Floyd’s death struck a
            Justice Department’s deci-                                                                                          chord in the Black commu-
            sion  to  drop  the  prosecu-                                                                                       nity  because  it  reinforced
            tion of former Trump admi-                                                                                          concerns Black people are
            nistration  national  security                                                                                      treated  differently  by  po-
            adviser  Michael  Flynn  and                                                                                        lice.  But  he  condemned
            Barr’s urging for a more le-                                                                                        Americans  who  he  says
            nient  sentence  for  Trump                                                                                         have  responded  inappro-
            ally  Roger  Stone,  a  move                                                                                        priately  to  Floyd’s  death
            that  prompted  the  en-                                                                                            through  what  he  said  was
            tire  trial  team’s  departure.                                                                                     rioting and anarchy.
            Trump later commuted the                                                                                            “As elected officials of the
            sentence entirely.                                                                                                  federal government, every
            Opening the hearing, com-                                                                                           member of this committee
            mittee Chairman Jerry Na-                                                                                           —  regardless  of  your  poli-
            dler  said  the  Trump  admi-                                                                                       tical  views  or  your  feelings
            nistration  had  “twisted  the                                                                                      about  the  Trump  admini-
            Department of Justice into                                                                                          stration — should condemn
            a shadow of its former self,”                                                                                       violence  against  federal
            serving  the  powerful  be-                                                                                         officers  and  destruction
            fore  average  Americans.                                                                                           of  federal  property,”  Barr
            He said the committee has    Int his July 24, 2020, file photo Federal officers use chemical irritants and projectiles to disperse   said.  “So  should  state  and
            a  responsibility  to  protect   Black Lives Matter protesters near the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Ore.   local  leaders  who  have  a
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Americans  “from  that  kind                                                                                        responsibility  to  keep  their
            of corruption.”              to show an eight-minute vi-  recent  actions  on  policing  pears  to  be  your  agenda  communities safe.”
            Nadler  said  Barr  had  “ai-  deo  that  spliced  together  or  otherwise.  Fuming  De-  today.”  On  policing,  Barr’s  Civil  unrest  escalated  in
            ded and abetted” Trump’s  images of violence by pro-      mocrats  often  used  their  testimony  underscores  the  Portland   after   federal
            worst impulses and excoria-  testers around the country,  five minutes to lay out their  Justice  Department’s  on-  agents  were  accused  of
            ted him and the Justice De-  showcasing  law  enforce-    frustrations and cut him off  going  effort  to  differenti-  whisking  people  away  in
            partment for turning a blind  ment officers under attack  as he attempted to answer  ate  between  increasing  unmarked         cars   without
            eye  to  necessary  reforms  in  Chicago,  Portland  and  questions.  “Many  of  the  violence in some cities and  probable cause; the peop-
            to  police  departments,  for  New York. The images were  Democrats on this Commit-    Floyd’s  death,  which  has  le were detained and later
            dismissing  Black  Lives  Mat-  cut from hundreds of hours  tee have attempted to dis-  led to state charges against  released.  And  in  Washing-
            ter protests and for flooding  of  racial  injustice  footage  credit  me  by  conjuring  up  four  officers  and  is  under  ton, D.C., peaceful protes-
            streets  with  federal  agents  of largely peaceful protests  a narrative that I am simply  investigation  by  federal  ters  were  violently  cleared
            to stop protesters.          around the nation.           the  President’s  factotum  authorities.  Massive  but  from  the  streets  by  fede-
            Republicans  hit  back  hard  Under  combative  questio-  who  disposes  of  criminal  peaceful   demonstrations  ral  officers  using  smoke
            in  defense  of  Barr  and  ning,  Barr  acerbically  de-  cases  according  to  his  in-  followed  Floyd’s  death  in  bombs  and  pepper  balls
            Trump’s administration. The  fended  himself  but  revea-  structions,”  Barr  said  in  his  May. The attorney general,  last month before a photo
            top Republican on the pa-    led  little  new  information  opening  statement.  “Jud-  speaking  as  Congress  and  op  by  Trump  in  front  of  St.
            nel, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan,  about  his  motivations  or  ging from the letter inviting  the  public  pay  respects  in  John’s  church,  where  Barr
            used his opening statement  the  Justice  Department’s  me to this hearing, that ap-   the Capitol to the late civil  had accompanied him.q

            California Indian tribe gets back Big Sur ancestral landsa

            BIG SUR, Calif. (AP) — A Na-  by the early 1800s.         the property was put up for
            tive American tribe has re-  "It  is  beyond  words  for  us,  sale  by  the  family  of  Axel
            claimed a small part of an-  the highest honor," said Tom  Adler, a Swedish immigrant
            cestral lands on California's  Little Bear Nason, chairman  who bought it in the 1950s
            scenic  Big  Sur  coast  that  of the tribe. "The land is the  and died in 2004.
            were  lost  to  Spanish  colo-  most important thing to us.  The   Portland,   Oregon-
            nial  settlement  nearly  250  It is our homeland, the cre-  based Western Rivers Con-
            years ago.                   ation story of our lives. We  servancy  initially  negotiat-
            The  Esselen  Tribe  of  Mon-  are so elated and grateful."  ed to purchase the proper-
            terey  County  closed  es-   The  land  lies  on  the  north  ty and transfer it to the U.S.
            crow  on  1,199  acres  (485  side  of  the  Little  Sur  River,  Forest  Service.  But  some
            hectares)  about  5  miles  (8  where  endangered  steel-  area  residents  were  con-
            kilometers) inland from the  head  fish  spawn,  and  en-  cerned about potential in-
            ocean  that  was  part  of  a  compasses     old-growth  creased use of the land by
            $4.5  million  deal  involving  redwoods,  oak  woodlands  visitors  and  the  agency's
            the  state  and  the  Western  and meadows.               ability to care for the land.  This undated photo provided by the Western Rivers Conservancy
            Rivers  Conservancy,  The  "The  property  is  spectacu-  The conservancy then start-  shows  lupines  on  the  Adler  Ranch  in  Big  Sur  on  the  coast  of
            Mercury  News  reported  lar,  and  on  top  of  that  it  ed working with the Esselen   California south of Monterey.
            Monday.                      repatriates  land  to  a  tribe  Tribe  and  received  a  $4.5                                    Associated Press
            It marks the first restoration  that has had a really hard  million grant from the Cali-
            of  any  lands  to  the  tribe,  go of it over the years," said  fornia  Natural  Resources  The  money  came  from  a  petitive  grants  to  acquire
            which lost 90% of its approx-  Sue Doroff, president of the  Agency to cover the $4.35  2018 voter-approved parks  Native  American  natural,
            imately  1,000  members  to  conservancy.                 million purchase price and  and  water  bond  that  in-   cultural  and  historic  re-
            disease  and  other  causes  Known  as  Rancho  Aguila,  pay for land studies.         cluded $60 million for com-  sources in California.q
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